Conversation Between Ralz and Fate

4705 Visitor Messages

  1. I think that's a good pronounciation, then!

    Not really, because no one's future is set in stone.
  2. Nope. What about you?

    I pronounce it like waltz but wit an R and no T.
  3. You mean you don't have a version or yourself you'd like to one day become?

    BTW, I thought you pronounced it "R- al-lz"
  4. I don't think that I have an idol...

    I like Razzle-Muffin better!
  5. Like... a dream. A second person that you strive to become. A modell of what you want yourself to become. Popular, successful, rich, you name it.

    That's Kilala's second nickname. Her first is Razzle-Dazzle! I prefer that.
  6. I'm not sure I get what you mean, Razzle-Muffin!^^
  7. Hey Fate, did you ever create another side to yourself? Like a second you, but different?
  8. That's because the the Internet sucks at sarcasm!

    I was thinking of that, too!
  9. You didn't sound like it...

    Once again: sooner than you think. Anyway, I made a new thread about: Your Opinion on the Above Gil/Post Count! I had to, it was too hard to resist!
  10. Oh, Ralzy, I know what sarcasm is! And it's still a long ways to come!^^
  11. It's called scarcasm, look it up... Oh don't worry, Fate. Your time will come, and sooner than you think. Sooner. Than. You. Think.
  12. Those are your chores? Thank God I'm the youngest...
  13. I think so, unless I'm expected to rake a giant pile of grass at midnight...
  14. Anyway, are you free now? Choreless?
  15. Hahahahahahahahaha.... Yyyyyyeah...
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