Conversation Between Ralz and Fate

4705 Visitor Messages

  1. I will soon. I'm gonna take a shower now.
  2. No, it was there, you just didn't see it... Seriously, watch this...
    YouTube - Dissidia: Final Fantasy - Sephiroth Move Exhibition Part 1
    YouTube - Dissidia: Final Fantasy - Sephiroth Move Exhibition Part 2
    What looks familiar?
  3. Did you edit that just now? I never saw the II!
  4. Well, it's Heartless Angel now, and I said Kingdom Hearts TWO.
  5. Like Sin Harvest?
  6. Well, now you know. It's there for a reason! And another thing: some of Sephiroth's moves in Dissidia may look familiar from Kingdom Hearts II...
  7. Of course I have! I just figured people who have scars love to fight.
  8. You said you played Kingdom Hearts right? Ever wondered why he had that scar?
  9. OH! So that's why.
  10. That's a serious part, it's why he has the scar in Dissidia!
  11. The one where Squall's left face was covered with blood.
  12. Which one, the dissida or the official one? Because that last part of the official one wasn't part of it.
  13. The first one's ending was... gruesome!=P
  14. Guy means both... I could've said person...

    Anyway... the ending was pretty effective, don't you think?
  15. What if it was a girl?
Showing Visitor Messages 2431 to 2445 of 4705