I think they left. Rikku stole my money! D8< (Who is Sephiroth?)
But what about Rikku and Yuna ??? and whos sephiroth???
*april 2nd...* Hey, ethan, I didn't know you liked Sephiroth. I don't mind, because we're cool.
The Blitzball can wait. Godhood will not.
O_o the plan was to get a BLITZBALL remember????
Great. Now, we must go injure the planet and become a god.
Hmmm good point * kills everyone except Ralz and himself *
Depends on if they care or not. But, if they don't support Sephiroth...
I know maybe we can reason with Rikku and Yuna
Hmph. She may live, but you're going to have to deal with her.
DON'T she is more useful alive * Bribes with treasure *
Hmm... No, then I will go kill her. I cannot have outsiders doing things that would be disadvantageous to us.
UH Ralz as soon as she sees big Rikku she is gonna desert us
Are you sure? Now that we have Rikku, if she doesn't join, she could be a threat to us...
DIE RALZ I don't think we need her help