Conversation Between Ralz and Elyon Seraphim

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  1. Sorry Ralz, but thats not possible, Recieving a single recipe doesnt give you the ability to change all kinds of weapons with it, It just doesnt work that way with the Script, you need 1 recipe for each and all weapons you want to make.

    But we either have to go with this, Or scrap the whole Synthesis process.
  2. I have a potential solution.

    When you receive a recipe to add the fire element to weapons, for instance, you are given a single recipe. In reality, several dozen recipes were just added to the synthesis list to compliment each weapon that is compatiable with this recipe.

    Or maybe, the synthesis list just updates or whatever. It's all there, you just need to unlock it somehow. Or maybe all the "basic" recipes are available from the start. You'll get plenty of recipes to add other properties to equipment, once again going with the idea of invisibly obtaining hundreds of recipes when you seem to only get one. The recipes aren't added to your inventory in any event, so the player shouldn't catch on.

    Perhaps YOU see a simple solution, but I see trouble on the horizon unless something like this is done.
  3. Oh i see now where you are getting, Well, we dont need to make a recipe for everything... The unleashes could be a bonus ability for an upgraded weapon, though its not on everything. Also remember, We do have enemies, who can drop recipes as well, Not just Chests and Towns, but you could maybe also make a few side-quests, giving a recipe as reward.

    Recipes make the weapon, Get the Materials...

    "Honed Steel"
    "Makes an sturdy blade good against monsters, though not the best out there..."
    2x Iron Ingot
    1x Monster Fang
    Result: Monster Hunter

    Remember, that we do have cross alternatives with what we can upgrade each weapon, though that we need a recipe for each alternative one as well, But dont worry, Its fairly easy to go with this.
  4. Um... how is this gonna work, then? You said we can't mix materials unless we DO have the recipe. I can hand out recipes, yes, but not 1000+. There's not enough chests and shops in the world that can fulfill that condition.

    Consider, now, that we need a recipe for one weapon about 20+ times. A recipe for fire affinity, a recipe for wolf-type advantage, a recipe for unleashes, and who knows what else.

    If anything, this process is becoming more complicated the further we delve into it.
  5. If you mean "Dismantle" as in turning the Weapon into new materials, then no, its not possible, However, you can turn items and everything into new recipes AS LONG you are making it FROM a recipe.

    Use a Recipe, to create a new Recipe, that sounds complicated and unnecesary.
  6. So... if anything, that would just make the enemy even easier to kill as opposed to harder? (I suppose enemy-type advantages would just be a 50% increase of damage or something. I have plans for an elemental chart where the weakness to certain elements varies, like 25% or even 100%.)

    Could equipment have a dismantle option? Or somehow get rid of the weapon outside of selling it? Maybe we could "extract" a recipe out of it, somehow...
  7. Not really, The system makes it easy for enemies to have multiple types of weaknesses.

    No, the weapon HAS to be specific, I cannot be anything else, And yes... This is definitely going to be many recipes, but that adds a part to the game, But EVERYTHING doesnt need to have upgrades, besides their basic standard ones, featuring the plusses.
  8. Of course.

    Isn't that a little... complicated? Then what category would the Werewolf be? If it's not fully weak to Wolf, does that mean it has some second attribute? Wouldn't this overcomplicate things? Not that it's a particurarly bad idea.

    So, a Synthesis Wipe? I can get behind that. It will remove all added effects and return it to it's original form. Useful if you mess up. Though I would more prefer something that takes away the "most recent added effect."

    Very well, so that can be the key.

    Forgive, I am unfamiliar with that series, but I draw comparisons to FFX's customization system. And yes, no guessing. Everything must be laid out in order to start. Have the recipe, gather the materials, and start. This makes me wonder just how many recipes we'll actually need. I mean, we'll need ones for adding elemental properties, ones for enemy-type advantages, ones for basic added effects. Not to mention the name changes and transformations that occur due to said synthesizing. Which reminds me, could a recipe that combines weapons with materials to add an effect work for ALL weapons? So...

    Cool Recipe
    Teaches how to combine a weapon with a Fire Gem.
    (insert weapon name here) x1
    Fire Gem x2, 3, whatever

    Would that work for any weapon you use? Or is it specific? Because if it is, we're talking 200+ recipes at least. o_O
  9. Yes, Its possible, But dont get confused that the result was confirmed by the material, Because materials doesnt change the Stat Boosts, only the weapon result.

    Yes, we can add monster-type advantages to weapons, including elemental types, But monster type advantage doesnt go with percentage, Only "how" weak one enemy is against it, For instance... A "Pride Cutter" is effective on Wolves, but the enemy is an for example; "Werewolf", so the weapon is effective, but because its not an "true" Wolf, it isnt as effective as an "Silver" Weapon would be.

    True, Once the weapon is fused, it cannot be fused back, Unless we decide to make an material which returns the weapon to its previous form, However... Take this note; If you have "Reset Stone" on your "Flametongue", and you made this Synthesized weapon when it was previously an "Barong++", It will return into being an regular "Barong" without plusses.

    We cannot see the slots on a weapon, because we're not going with that system, We can use the weapons; Description bar as an "hint" for its abilities.

    Mind you, we're kind of running an Dragon Quest style of "Alchemy" when it comes to Synthesizing, however, unlike the series, we cannot "guess" our way in making items, you need an recipe for it, No recipe, no items.

    Hope these answers all your questions.
  10. Let me confirm something.

    If I did add Strength +15% to a Barong, it wouldn't show in slots, but it would definitely be there. Could I still add more even if I can't "see" the change?

    Okay, let's see what we have.

    We can add monster type advantages to weapons, increasing damage when striking said enemy types. We can also add element attributes accomplishing the same effect for elemental weaknesses.

    Once a weapon is fused, it cannot be unfused. The change is permanent. The weapon's name may change, or it may even transform into another weapon entirely.

    There may be synthesis limits added to equipment for... I guess the prevention of making the game too easy.

    So, if one cannot see slots on a weapon, how can we better categorized fused weapons? Does the description of the weapon change? Such as:

    STR +whatever
    SPR +whatever
    DESCR: Strength +15%, type advantage to wolves, fire element

    Is that possible? And if not, then what's our solution?
  11. Going by percentage is possible, But not like which you have shown, Slots cannot exist on a weapon, It sits on the finished weapon already and theres no way to change that.
  12. The weapon name changes as well? Interesting.

    Okay, maybe instead of stat upgrades, we could just add stat abilities? Like, Strength +15%. It's just like adding an ability, something that was already calculated. As it says, it would add a flat 15% to the weapons current Strength. Perhaps weapons even have slots, or limits if you prefer.

    A Barong with something like this coud exist, then:

    Strength +15%
    Strength +15%
    Strength +15%
    Strength +15%

    I'm not sure how that would affect naming. Maybe the name would stay the same. I think I like this route beter than pure stat raising. We already have methods to raise the characters' natural stats, anyway.
  13. Most weapons has simple upgrades like the chart i showed, They just get a standard upgrade, Unless you use a different material like Flameweed to change the weapon from a Barong, into an; Flametongue.

    Yes, You cannot apply Stat Boosts to weapons without transforming the current weapon, into an entirely new one, Its complicated to say... The system can allow 2 Barongs even if they are entirely different to each other to exist.

    But because of categorizing problems, I can only allow Barong+ and ++ and etc to exist.
  14. Well... of course. They don't level up with you or anything, they just receive a flate stat upgrade. As a result, they're best taken on when you can handle them.

    Very well, then we can skip that part.

    So, you're suggesting all weapons have equal capability?

    So, by your reasoning, applying stat boosts will transform it into an entirely separate weapon. Even if the name and appearance are the same, the weapon is different. That's right?

    Would the system simply not allow two "Barongs" to exist, even if there is a definite difference between them?
  15. I suppose, But refighting bosses is a tricky one, I could make them stronger, But they have to have fixed Statistics.

    Thats reasonable, We could go with that, Easier to put each other in categories then as well.

    If you mean applying stat boosts to weapons, Then no... Its not possible.

    I dont think its necessary to enabling to put such uber high upgrades on low tier weapons... Thats like wasting space, Its better if we go with an standard lone of upgrades like...

    Barong -> Barong+ -> Barong++
    Steel Saber -> Steel Saber+ -> Steel Saber++

    These are just standard upgrades without using any specific materials, you just use standard materials, and their quanity you need to upgrade increases for each upgrade.

    They go up a teir, But they dont make any specifc changes, except becoming alittle more powerful, AND depending on the weapon... It could recieve an special ability like an "Unleash" for its upgrade.

    So, I cannot make simple stat upgrades like what you said, unfortunely not without changing the weapon to an entirely new one. Because the finished upgrades are placed on the finished weapons "notes", and not the materials.

    Its complicated to tell this, I cannot really give and hands-down explaination on this.
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