Conversation Between Ralz and Elyon Seraphim

959 Visitor Messages

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  1. I saved you both in the mines.
  2. I set up a way to erase Fate forever!
  3. Umm... Screw what i said.
  4. Hey dude, It's your turn now!
  5. It's your turn at the Final Chronicle!
  6. There.
  7. Hey, Razzle-Dazzle!

    It's your turn at the chronicle!
  8. Sure. I'll bite.
  9. Uhh... Just doing somethings with my game i create...

    I have opened a demo for the newest game if you wanted to know...

    Wanna have the link?
  10. Yo, Alther. ;P

    How are you?
  11. Hey Ralzy! ;P
  12. Ah, great, guess I'll need to find another directory on d-Bay. Be right there!
  13. Antention!! The gates to my castle has opened!! Be sure to check it out!
  14. Yeah, I was the only member on a few moments ago.
  15. The forums quite dead at the moment eh?
Showing Visitor Messages 931 to 945 of 959
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