Conversation Between Ralz and Elyon Seraphim

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  1. There, and now we wait for some ideas to pop up.
  2. Being chancellor is tough work, indeed.

    I'll start it.
  3. Of course Ralz, You're my chancellor remember? It's YOU who gives me the tips, If you wanna create an thread, Go ahead.

    I'll keep my eyes open.
  4. Moment of truth, huh? I'll open a thread, if that's okay.
  5. So Ralz, Meigumi is almost done with all the sprites, The game is ready to follow the Chronicles we create here, Our Rest is over.
  6. Just saw some trailer for a movie called "Inception." I looked it up, and it means the beginning or creation of something.

    Since Squeenix is so skilled at using words I've never heard of, I'm going to look for special words, too.

    BTW, even if you make a new group, it will be a waste of effort. Spam actually contributes in ways you don't know. From it, a random idea might pop up, or at least it prevents the group from getting shutdown, provided the spam isn't too... spammy.

    What I'm trying to say is, the choice is up to you. I'm fine either way.
  7. Where's this coming from so suddenly?
  8. Hey dude, Should i delete the group and remake it Spam-Free?
  9. My votings goes for the Secret Boss! It just doesn't cut in as an Final Boss Phase. ^^
  10. Its sounds too epic to be anything but a phase of the final battle.

    ...Or perhaps... the theme of the secret boss.
  11. Epic Music Delivery!

    Tues Deus Meus
  12. ...?

    Get more sleep, Elyon. oO
  13. Nevermind.

    I went crazy yesterday as well.
  14. Eh?
  15. I demand an Guardian that protects me before anyone faces me, This is if i go into Evil Mode.

    You get my point, I justed watched Castlevania on youtube and seeing someone almost geting his ass handed to Death, I want ub3r p0w3rz!
Showing Visitor Messages 631 to 645 of 959
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