Conversation Between Ralz and Elyon Seraphim

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  1. Fixed.
  2. Okay, Hold on for a moment then.
  3. This is what I get. I can tell right away its a corrupted file.

    Maybe its just my computer or something. You might wanna try PMs.
  4. The download works fine, Or is it something else im missing here?
  5. Hmmm, I'll check it out, Hold for a minute.
  6. Uh.... it can't find that document, Elyon. It's .doc or something. It just shows up as a corrupted file.
  7. I don't trust PM's to much, But... Here's my answers.

    Download The Answers.doc for free on

    Have fun reading!
  8. Cool, just figured that would add a decent twist. That means we also need methods of reducing RP.

    Sure. Maybe his name is Levieteein, but he jokes and says he really prefers Lewis.

    I wonder what he/she will be like.

    Huh... I never thought about this before. Well, I can assume whatever he is, he talks. Hmm... Probably the best approach is a dog or cat for now. Although then, we start to get into ripy-offy territory.

    Yeah, that would make sense. His weapon would have to be either claws or nothing, or something to that effect.

    Then I'll just keep reviving you, even if you die horrible deaths each time! : D
  9. Enemies can die when their RP reaches 0, But only if i event it with a switch, But that's no problem, Making a boss with lots of HP and little RP is very well possible!

    Levieteein, I think i can come up with a nickname, My real life friend is like this guy, But Levieteein is not my creation, As i said... But it's from my friend, His name is Lewis, I can understand what the name Levieteein came from.
    Should we call this guy Lewis as a nickname?

    Julius was a rather blank idea, I told that to my friend yesterday, He agreeded that it was rather silly coming up with another male when we already have 5 of them, Maybe more in the future, So he's coming with an idea of an special character!

    All our characters seem to have this human apperance, So his idea of a character is that of a monster this time around, He was thinking that or a Lizardman, But he feels like he would just use Soul Calibur's Lizardman without permission, What do you think he should do? I personally would like to take his idea, Our party members lack a freak type character.

    He hasn't decided what kind of weapon or style this character should has, But if you ask me, Since it's much more of an animal, The attacks should have something with Animalism types, Like "Chomp", "Fire Breath" or maybe "Animal Fury". What do you believe of this?

    Feel free to make use of Phoenix Down's, Im going to die and die over and over of this.
    Do I need to pull out my Phoenix Down? xD
  10. Can enemies die if they're RP is reduced to 0? Could introduce an extra element, like having a boss with tons of HP, but little RP.

    So... we're really going with Levieteein? Sure you don't wanna shorten it, or spell it differently? What was that you said about them being based off your friends in real life? Lance wielders don't have to Jump. Take Ricard for instance. He's Kain's father, and he never jumped more than 3 feet in his life, lol.

    Julius really is a wild card, isn't he? BTW, I just noticed if Julius is male, we have six males, and only two females. Maybe he can be like what Bartz is in Dissidia, he can weild everything, and use all the spells! 8D

    ...Nah, that'd be a cop out, wouldn't it? Monks can't be that hard, can they? They don't equip weapons, except gloves, and their moves are just punch outs, or other acrobatics. We're not gonna have huge explosions and what not.


    I can't really offer anything, though. I'll just nod and smile and agree with whatever you put out.

    Do I need to pull out my Phoenix Down? xD
  11. Oh yes, There's an important discussion inside the group, You might wanna reconsider and take a look, It's about everyone of our opinions and the official Shadow Productions logo, I've already taken my suggestion, But you might wanna do one as well.

    Okay, That's all.

    No wait! There's more, I got the game i speaked off yesterday, But it doesn't work on my sucky computer because i doesn't have a DVD-Rom to put it in! It's needed! I might have a friend banking and try to beef up my old computer take died, It might become revived, Better than EVEEEEEERRRRR!!!


    I am dead, not big suprise.
  12. Thanks.

    Yes, You can replace bosses with another one anytime during battle, I just need to fix an event that activades whenever an specific condition is followed, It can be either whenever an certain HP level comes, Or it even works with RP, Or when a specific switch is activaded, Or even both at the same time, It also can be activaded whenever a certain turn comes, There are lot of possibilities.

    "Levieteein" is somewhat of a Dragoon, But it's as you says, He doesn't jump around much, But it's possible to do so if you wish, I hasn't being thinking of a Monk style, As i cannot make very good moves, But... Let me get the ideas, And i'll see what i can do.

    Feel free to do what you think is best for "Julius", He's just a bare-bone character with nothing currently, We need to fill him with possible ways, Feel free to give "Krystal" Disembowel, It's your move!

    See you again tomorrow.
  13. Sure. I can use the game for reference with some names. I'll keep it pretty simple, for you. Oh, that'd be nice.

    Ah, good, they CAN have different moves at lower HP. Is it possible to replace one boss with another one mid-battle?

    Oh, so he's the Dragoon, then? Not that he necessary has to jump around, but the lance itself is a symbol of such. Have you considered a monk style? Ah, just a thought. But Crossbows seem similar to Meigumi's bows. If you gave him a sword, we'd have four sword fighters. I'm thinking of giving Krystal a purely physical offense, with barely any magic options. I think we need at least one character who has a glaring weakness. But her attacks more than make up for it. I'll also thinking of giving her Disembowel. It seems out of place for Ralz's style of weak, yet quick attacks.

    Then just stand in front of a window. Don't look at the sun, but rather simply outward.

    Sure thing.

  14. Yes, Please do, I'd like an document about all your ideas, Just don't go over the limit, Im currently training in sequences, And i've having problem with team attacks, But some training will do, I ain't giving up so easily!

    Bestiary scripts exists, So fill me in with your ideas, You can help with the moves monsters and bosses have, Good grief that the RPG Maker VX system can fix so that enemies only uses certain moves when their HP reaches a certain point, Also forgetting old ones as well!

    Levieteein carries an orthodox type of a battle style, But he tries to be efficent in combat rather than effective, Oh yeah, He carries Spears, Or Lances if you like to call them that, Julius is similar to Meigumi, But his style is very spliced, Tons of diffrent moves, Oh yeah, His weapon is not decided, But he might have Greatswords like me, Or he might have Crossbows. Hard to say...

    I do play games, But im losing it, I've completed most games i have, I am currently awaiting the arrival of Heroes of Might and Magic V; Gold Edition for my computer (Which sucks), I'll try thinking, But don't expect them to be good, And... I actually do go outside from time to time, Fresh Air is wonderful, But i can't stand the light, It's too bright, Feels like an Solar Plexus piercing into the eyes.

    Thanks for listening, Let me know whenever there's more.

  15. Well, that explains why our question documents are gone, too. Luckily, I have it all saved on my WordPad, so I'm able to remember some of our ideas. I can't be much more help at this time, I'm currently absorbed in Dissidia 012, and I got The World Ends with You waiting after that. xP

    So, you want me to make all the battle skills and such for them? But before I do that, can you give me a brief profile of Levieteein (I would suggest a nickname for the party menu) and Julius? I need to know their styles and weapon choices. I believe I have a good idea of how to handle everyone else. I'll leave the Guest characters to you. Want me to come up with some kind of bestiary, then? Like what attacks the bosses use? 'Course, I'll have to know every enemy we're facing.

    You should play some games, Elyon. Or go outside! You'd be surprised what a little sunlight can do to headaches.

    I'll do my best, boss.

    Awesome sauce, thanks.

    Yeah, but I figured if you included them, they're worth a lolz in the official game, too. Besides, the alternative would've been Dark versions of the characters, and that's a cliche.

    He's the only one I remembered, actually. He's like Ralz, except he wants everyone to die.

    They'd just be a boss fight, and afterward, no one ever mentions it again. It'd be a Big Lipped Alligator Boss Fight. xD
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