I've brainstormed, and by that I mean took a quick trip to Google, and came up with the names of M's generals. Zoku: Japanese for "traitor" Emeritus: Latin for "veteran" Proditio: Latin for "betrayal" Avaritia: Latin for "greed" Fidelitas: Latin for "loyalty" Kariste Jeanne For the first five, that's their last names. I need some kind of first names, as well. And Kariste, you know, is just an enemy, now. Might make her a guest, though, at some point. The accurate translations of these is to be questioned; it was Google, after all, but I feel they're pretty close. I picked a plot point where three of them conspire to overthrow M, but the other three, Kariste included, are loyal to him. I dunno. What do you think?
I see. So, it's basically how I can avoid having weapons with effects that overshadow others. Pretty cool. Gotta see if Flametongue is copyright, first. I might give it a whirl someday. Ooookaaaaaaaay! We'll have to make the icons different for greatswords and longswords. Such a system makes it easier to make an equipment list. I just got inspired when playing it. Probably would accomplish nothing, but the player could really experience power, if they didn't grind stat boosts in the main game. Then thou shalt have thy recoil ability! Uh... with strength behind it! Triple 'kay, dude!
Alright, Let me explain Unleashes. "Certain weapons, Mostly magical blades have themselves an hidden power, Thus calling it... An "Unleash", Unleashes are special moves that constantly appear when the weapon does an normal attack. For example" "Elyon attacks an enemy!"* "Elyon's "Flametounge" lets out an howl!"** "Elyon uses Searing Blade!"*** *"It only works whenever characters use their normal physical attack, No moves or spells can awaken the weapons abilities." **"The weapon in question, The Flametounge is obviously enchanted with fire by some unknown wizard or something... It's flame-enchanted! It's just that!" ***"The move in question, When the weapon awakens, The normal attack will be replaced with a special move instead, Such as Flametounge's Searing Blade ability." That, Ralz... Is what is called... An Unleash. Especially popular in the Golden Sun games, Which i highly recommend that you play. More Answers Beeeeeeeeloooooowww!! Greatswords, Longsword, Bows, Staves, Guns, Scythes, Lances and Claws was it? I think it should be good so, I don't see any possible errors, Just keep the fact that every character can only equip one type of weapons, Elyon must always wear Greatswords, Even if the Longsword is... A sword... He can't wield it. Don't ask why! It's just how the video-game world works! Post-segment for Dimitri? You mean that after the real games over, We can play Dimitri? Possible, But not really something i would include. Yup, Ladon's axe is double-edged, Thus! Thou shalt have an recoil included! Double 'kay! Mate!
Unleashes? Sorry, never played Golden Sun. Good, I was planning that especially with Nova's elemental rods. We will get dark blades which are violet in coloration, lol. With that, we have Greatswords, Longsword, Bows, Staves, Guns, Scythes, Lances and Claws. Work for you? If I were to add some kind of post-segment with him, what would work, do you think? My ideas have a nasty habit of ruining other ideas, so they must be dropped, to save the original idea. 8 is best. Ladon's axe, right? 'kay.
Actually, There are less weapons in the list i gave you, I was kinda tired that moment so i messed up a bit, But i think you should name and create the weapons, I have founded an script that allows weapons to have Unleashes, Just like Golden Sun. In case if you want some weapons to have special effects, It's possible. When all weapons have being decided, I'll let Meigumi do the Icon spriting. Actually, I only let Dimitri have level 255 because he would have an insane status boost in his statistics, Nothing specially meant. So were back at 8 Party members then, Alright then. Screw the double-edged sword, It was actually meant to symbol and create moves that has recoil damage, Just stick with the double-edged axes instead. We'll see later then.
C'aro isn't too bad, then? I just came up with it on the spot. I like that. He can focus on really important abilities, but with a drawback. Greatswords are in their own category, right? So, besides Ladon's weapon, you're planning a drawback sword to be obtainable, later? For right now, I've dropped Kariste as a party member. I just couldn't come up with any other characters. Probably because the characters are fusions of jobs. Elyon's the red mage, Alther's the gunner + saboteur, Meigumi is an archer + chemist + white mage all in one, Ralz is the mystic knight, Nova is the pure black mage, Kariste is the death bringer, Laevateinn is the dragoon, and Julius is the monk-cat-thing. I've written myself into a corner on that one, so let's just leave it at our original 8. I'm writing down a list of shop inventory. First I'll need to create all the items that can be purchased. Stat boosts are enemy drops, right? Show me the list you're making first. And yes, single tasks only! How about a customizable one? Or is that not possible? Black might work, but its a depressing color scheme. The Dimitri one, too? Glad you messed up, then! Was he supposed to be Lv 255? I enjoy talking with you, Elyon. Mostly cause all the people I know have moved onto other websites. I'm sure that's not true. I'll write down all the abilities found in the demo, and change the movelist. By the time you see it, it'll be complete.
Well, Ralz... I must have made an mistake, The modem will come... But it's curremtly on unknown time, But not to worry! I feelt a bit insane yesterday. C'aro, Well... It could work! We might as well try it, I mean... Charots sounds nice when you pronouce it, But the wording is less good, I might as well try it. Ladon could be the axe wielder, But what kind of moves he should have are two types, Impair Stats and Recoil, He should have moves like "Armor Breaker", Which decreases enemy defense, And yes... I consider your idea of making Ladon the axe user sophisticated, His moves doesn't remind himself of Krystal, Since Krystal's moves are death chance while Ladon's moves are chances for breaking enemies statistics. Alright, I'll give you a list of weapons, I'll do it now. Sword Axe Bow Gun Double-Blade Axe Double-Blade Sword Staff Claw These are the weapons i know, If we are to create more party members, Help me out with it then. Of course, Let me know where the treasures should be as well as what the shops has, But remember... Shops are extremely inferior to what rare treasure chests and enemies drops are. The achievement system was easy! I can make all kinds of achievements, But don't give me achievements that needs multiply tasks to complete, Defeating certain enemies and open up certain amouts of chests are more my thing, Feel free to use your own ideas! The menus are okay, But the bright red can become a nuiseance later on, I might need an new menu script, I know of a certain one... I just need ALOOOT of windowskins from Meigumi, I might inform her later about it. Well, The savefiles were an mistake actually, When i inplanted the achievement script, The first file became corrupted and couldn't be played, So just throw it away. And, Don't worry! I didn't went "wut?", I actually enjoy speaking with you, When i see notisfications, I see that people actually wish to speak with me, In reality, People doesn't like to speak with me. Well, I'd like you to update the Movelists to their final version, But remember! The final version really must be FINAL! Good luck!
If it makes you feel better, the game's plot is well underway. I've chosen a kind of odd GameFAQs style for it. Things will work out, I'm sure. EDIT: Also, I hope you don't mind, but I'm doing a few things freelance right now. I've dubbed our currency C'aro (the apostrophe takes the place of "h", so pronounce it like Charo). It seemed creative at the time. Not to mention it can be plural or singular, which is a plus. I'm thinking of making Ladon your crazy axe-wielding dude. Now, the axe can still have the double-edge drawback. Also, if I made an axe-wielder, would he really be much different from Krystal, our current physical fighter? I'm not THAT creative, Elyon, as an axe isn't too different from a sword. You still smash things with it, right? Coincidentally, have you decided what all the weapon types are in this game? Just give me a list, and I can assign them to characters. I can do anything that requires brainstorming on a WordPad. Also, I'm kinda going out on a tangent and planning what the shops have in their inventory, and where all the treasures are. When you see what I'm making, it'll seem like a walkthrough. I'll, of course, be shoving the scenes in there. Tell me if this is adequate, or if you want to see what I have done so far. EDIT2: Okay, I finally got a chance to play the newest version, and I like what I see. Not only for finally seeing Elyon and Ralz's avatars, but also the changes overally. The red menus are better, and I like the Achievement system. I didn't think you could do that! I'm gonna have to change the Moveset list around to match some of these attacks. Also, I like that Dimitri segment, maybe that could be implemented in the after game for fun. When I tried to play the Nova file, the game crashed, though. =/ EDIT3: Lol, by the time you read this post, you'll be all "wut?" I sense you want Kariste out. Don't deny it, I have already scanned your brain, and the signs are there. With her removal as a PARTY MEMBER, we have an even 8. Works out, right?
ARGH!! Those persons that was supposed to update my modem FORGOT to actually update it!! So i've being wasting 4 days to entirely nothing! So now i have to wait ANOTHER 7 days at max for real!! It's hard burrowing my friends computer!! I can't play the games i want!! I could finally play Heroes V now... But my friend says he's getting tired of it, I had hoped he wouldn't say that... That's it!! Im getting a summer job!! So that one day!! I CAN GET MY OWN GODDAMN COMPUTER!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He appears for the last part of the game, right? Maybe we can turn this cliche on its head. Like instead of some musclehead idiot, the axe user is sophisticated. Got it. Yeah, I suppose not. So, with 999 spots, we can just have a party of 1, right? Still, I would like 12 characters to even it out. See you when you get back.
That's good that you've got ideas. Don't worry, It won't break, It's quite balanced actually. Well, During a special part of the game, Dimitri becomes an quest character, He's not any permanent. The person wielding axes is... Well i'd hoped you would say that, Because im clearly clueless who it should be... Help me on this. Well, Double edged weapons should be risky, So grant him some moves that does recoil damage back. Mime/Mystery character? I don't think it's to possible, But i DO can cause actor to throw pies at each other! xD But... Honestly... I don't think it's too good to go that way. My computer is getting updated modem, Now, So im actually typing this on my friends computer, I won't be able to speak so much, This will take up to 10 days at maximum until it's updated, Be sure to tell Meigumi about this too. Until then, My friend might help me create animations for the game... Hopefully...
Not a problem. I have other ideas I can use. Oi, it would be disadvantageous if all our hard work blew up at this point, huh? Don't forget Kariste. She's got Knightswords. They're like Greatswords, except can be one-handed and she has shields, too. Dimitri's a guest, right? Or did you want him to become official? Axes, eh? I suppose we could try that. Who's our wielder? Good thing Ladon is temporary. I can make him really powerful, but really vulnerable. What do you think about a mime/mystery character? Like the Gogo of the FF series, a character no one knows, and he/she goes very much unexplained. But Mime characters are kinda... eh... Maybe we could give them some ridiculous weapon, like cake. xD
Not really possible, I can't have someone learn enemy skills, Not possible... But... I can have someone use an special skill, That changes their movelists to their enemy's one, But there's problems... The skills might malfunction themselves like weird movement or other strange stuff might happen, I've tried already. Sorry, But scrap that idea. EDIT: We should think into the weapon section whenever we want more characters, What weapons do each character have? And should we include more? Elyon <=> Great sword Ralz <=> Long Sword & Shield Meigumi <=> Bow Alther <=> Gun Nova <=> Staff Dimitri <=> Long Sword Laevateein <=> Spear/Lance Julius <=> Claw Ladon (Temporary Party Member) <=> Double-Edge Sword* ??? <=> ??? Well, I've listed all character we currently have and their weapons, As you can see, We have alot of swords here, So giving a new character a sword is really unnecessary. We have not included the less popular weapons such as Axes or Hammers here, Notice? I personally want a muscle freak with an axe here now! You, Agree? *I've being thinking that characters with double edged weapons are very powerful, However... Their special moves hurt the user when they hit an enemy.
Holy crap! Well, I could make one new character, anyway. I'm thinking another female, since we're low on those. I think Julius covers monk... kinda. Maybe blue mage? Just tossin' ideas out there.
We can have 999 Reserve Party Members at maximum, Sir!