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    I think I don't want to know all those games, I suppose I've never heard of them. xD

    Hehe, I also wouldn't start in easy mode. ^^ I normally play the games in medium mode. Except for games like Guitar Hero or SingStar. I only switch to hard mode if I've mastered easy mode. Those games are just f-ing hard in hard mode. xD"
  2. View Conversation
    I could look it up... yet I'm too lazy at the moment, sorry. xP But it seems as if it stayed the same in the GBA version ^^

    Zelda II is quite a big challenge. .,." But I've the feeling all the "old" games are. It was much easier to beat Zelda's OoT - I wasn't stuck at the beginning, at least. xP When I've enough motivation, I'll try Zelda II again. But right now I just want to complete all FFs x3"
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    I bought Zelda II for Wii once, but never really played it. I was quite confused because of the fighting system - and, as usual, I didn't find where I had to go, that's why I'm still stuck at the beginning. ^^" But I liked how it was different from all the other Zelda-games.

    When do you get Life in the NES version? Oo In the GBA version it's a lvl 4 or 5 spell... oo
  4. View Conversation
    Hah, you summarized that perfectly. Exactly what I think. Yet, when I once played VIII and my brother came into my room, he stated: "THIS is Final Fantasy? I thought it had better graphics..." - He still refuses to try the game, but I don't know why.
    When my mother came into my room when I was playing FFIV she thought that the graphics were sweet. :3
    I think kids nowadays are just spoiled with those great graphics. I like the old games much more. Perhaps that's because I grew up with Zelda's "A Link to the Past" ^^"

    No Ethers? Then, did it contain Tents and Cottages? oo And Phoenix Downs? There were none, were there? I somehow got the feeling the Phoenix Downs didn't belong to the game because there was this... house in every town in which you can revive your character. (What's this called? XD")
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    I don't know if kids these days like challenges, but I suppose they just want to beat the crap out of the bosses. And I really can't imagine them playing an old game like FFI. Look at the graphic, dude, that's just baaad! >_o I mean, they'd rather play FFXII - better graphic, means it has a better story and better gameplay. (Hope all my sarcasm reached you know xD")

    That magic system would've been perfect for me. I also don't use spells that much in caves and save all my MPs for the boss. Though I've 99 Ethers in my inventory. xD" But it's no fun at all if you blast your best spell at some wolves.
    Btw. no summons in FFI I suppose? And no Cid? xD" At least I haven't met one yet.
  6. View Conversation
    Eh? So what was the magic system like in the old NES version?
    In the GBA version if you use a spell, it's like in every other FF, there is a certain amount of MP that has to be available to use it. (And of course you can only learn three spells each level... which sounded ridiculous at first, but isn't that bad ^^)
  7. View Conversation
    Ah, okay, now it all makes sense! ^^ So if you beat the game at level 25, it means I can beat it at level 50. ^^ (Are there 100 levels in FFI? Or 99, whatever xD")
    Btw. your pictures are great, I enjoy your "seal of approval" every time I see it xD
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    Oookay, that really sounds difficult, particularly the auto-target part. But it sounds as if the game was more interesting this way. ^^"
    And how can you possibly beat the game on Lvl 25 only??? xD" I'm currently Lvl 30 and only have one crystal. I think I wouldn't be able to beat the game if I were many levels lower... .-."" Are the bosses less strong then?
  9. View Conversation
    Oh, so why is the old NES version a challenge? oo I'm playing the GBA version and if you've levelled enough at the beginning, it's quite easy, but still, if you've not levelled enough, the bosses'll kick your ass pretty much.
    I'm quite sad that I discovered FF so late. I got into RPGs thanks to Zelda. ^^
  10. View Conversation
    Oho~ Your favorite FF is I? I'm currently playing this one, but it really lacks character developement, though the story is like in IV and V: Great. =D I like all the stories with the crystals, it seems to be the original storyline of FF. :3
  11. View Conversation
    I'm truly loved. =] Shame you all aren't up here. I'll make a facebook when I get time, no problemo. Tell Daisy I said I love her, too. Okay?

    I'm doing no better. I'm so homesick I want to constantly cry and the workload is making me feel ill. It's truly horrible for me. I don't like being thrown into it like this. Gah. Nevermind.

  12. View Conversation
    The Phantom Train was Fun^^
  13. Rock on about the family doing good. Illnesses suck and tend to spread through the family, so if only the wife caught it then you are doing good. The wee ones certainly grow faster than anyone without children could ever believe. Enjoy the moments (I know you do) because you'll miss these times.

    We certainly need to keep at minimum some contact through the three means we have: TFF, Facebook, and MSN.

    And I'll be sure to watch for that so I can edit teh sigz...OF DOOM
  14. View Conversation
    Hmm, would you????!!!???? I am just playing around, I figured I would give you some insite into what is going on by non shilauntly makeing an accusation haha.

    The family is doing good, only 2 more months until Aaden is born. The time has passed by way to quickly. The wife is still recouping from being sick last weekend but is doing much better then she was earlier this week. Breyen is growing up very fast, I cant keep up with him at times and the sad thing is he just turned 2.5 this month haha.

    I was seriously kidding about the whole trolling thing and have to agree we need to keep in contact more.

    Expect somthing official from CPC8 tomorrow.
  15. View Conversation
    Aww been busy with the forum, getting things updated and what not. Am I catching the drift you might be trolling me for information about you acceptance to CPC8?

    Notice the key word: "acceptance".
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About Psiko

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Date of Birth
June 8, 1984 (40)
About Psiko
Reading, Writing, Video Games
Favorite FF?:
Final Fantasy I


OLD SKOOL - A positive appellation referring to when things weren't flashy but empty of substance, were done by hard work, didn't pander to the lowest common denominator, and required real skill. Labour-saving devices, shortcuts that reduce quality and quitting before the task is done are not characteristics of "old skool."

In reference to computer games, refers to a game that had substantial playability without flashy graphics or eye candy. Old skool gamers appreciate difficult maneuvers, careful planning, and scorched earth policies.

In reference to role-playing games, old skool refers to games that tested players' wits, could kill off careless characters, and required dedication and inner strength to play. Old skool games didn't pander to the ideas that everyone is created equal, that all options are open to all races, that the markets were somehow free, and that a quasi-medieval society could have near 100% literacy.

See also classic.

Representing the Old Skool ways since 1984.


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