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    Are you in work my wonderful?

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  3. Hey Psiko How r u doing today?
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    I have work 12-8. We are both slaves to currency tomorrow. Boooooooooooooooooooooo.

    You'd open a door for me? Thats the sweetest thing ever! =]

    Yeah, we could have ruled WoW together. Not like Luke and Vader, In a better way!

    I'll certainly relay any retro queries to you, my dearest.
    Pirates are smelly. Can I be like the pirates in Stardust? I want to be Tristen, but... Female...

    It's a good song. I'm not sure what your taste is. Maybe your head will explode when you realise what I listen to. To be fair I'm pretty musically diverse, though.
    A Day to Remember- The downfall of us all.

    I'm gonna head off to be now, yeah. So that I can actually wake up for work, ha ha. Night night my Prince... Er... Mage. =]

    Your Aimee.
  5. View Conversation
    SWEET ODINS RAVEN, It's 4am!?

    You do, yes. I like it, though =].

    I really loved WoW, especialy when I made Arcee. She was a blood elf mage and she kicked major butt. Nobody messes with Arcee.

    When you have things like that in your room life is never boring. It's chaos actually. I love some old games. I played the new games first and then tried out the old games. Heh. I'm not retro.

    I just remembered my old saying that I couldn't shut up with for about 3 months. "I'm not ninja" this statement was said in response to anything. "Hey Aimee, you okay?", reply-"I'm not ninja". It all started when I stubbed my toe. I think Lex wanted to kill me when I had that in my head.

    I can't stop listening to A Day to Remember. They remind me of Download festival and it makes me smile like this .

    'It's not easy making a name for yourself
    Where do you draw the line?
    I never thought id be in this far
    Have fun some and never change that for anyone
    Try not to miss me when I'm gone'

    The posibilities ar endless, really.

  6. View Conversation

    It made your night better? Good. It's not every day I dish out the compliments.

    Heck, if I could be bothered to train on WoW I'd be on it right now. My clans standards are too high. I'm sure most the members are about 12, too. Dey all tlk like dis. It's well annoying!

    My hairdryer is teh funniest thing I have. Sometimes it's so cold it gives me goosebumps, other times you could cook bread with it. Damn freaky technology.
    The oldest comp I have in my house is a Famicom, I think. I have a mega drive in my room. Thats pretty awesome. =] You have a ll the cool consoles.

    Yeah, come rub my tummy better!

  7. View Conversation
    GOOD! I like you too, don't tell anyone though; it's a secret!

    I like talking to you, too. If only MSN would stop being a turd I'd be able to talk to you more easily.

    Yeah, they should post. If they are playing video games they are cool, though. Games are awesome.

    BUSH HD is awesome. I think so far he's deleted channels 1,2,3,4,8 and 99. Those were the ones I tuned my XBOX and PS3 to. For some reason he likes channel 5. That's the Wii channel.

    DANCING! It makes me happy just thinking about it. I can't dance. I look like a little girl when I try but I love it all the same.

    My tummy hurts, =[.

    Davids Aimee.
  8. View Conversation
    Indeed it would be very offensive. You do like who I am, though. All is well.

    Am I keeping you from writing? Sowwy /innocent face.

    Ah, I see. Well, Loco's record speaks for itself and I think Postal was in Demonia with me. Either that or I faced him in RPB. Either way I'm happy to let those two join.

    Yeah, I'll try re-installing it.

    Technology can be the worst and best thing. My T.V deletes channels at whim. It's the moodiest T.V in the world. I love him, though. He's called BUSH HD. Lol. =]

    Oh, a slap will be perfectly placed upon your cheeks. I'll be gentle, but firm. So that you know you are droning on and killing me slowly. I think that dancing and singing is what it's all about. Why be boring? Be alive!

    Davids Aimee.
  9. View Conversation
    XD I'm glad you do because I don't plan on being anyone else anytime soon.

    Yeah, link me. =]

    Who are the comrades? Yeah, she actually messaged me to ask if she could join. I just said that I wanted examples of some writing. Something to base judgement on. Sure, if she has potential then we'll deffo let her join. An extra sword, as it were.

    It's not that, it keeps telling me to troubleshoot it. The only problem with that is I can't understand the utter jibberish it tells you when you troubleshoot. I don't speak in numbers. ERROR44- Wha!? JUST TELL ME WHAT'S WRONG!

    Really? That's really wierd. Maybe it's my phone...

    I agree, I can't stand the dreary, mind blowingly dull personalities of some people. It kills me. Monotone people are the worst. Where's the emotion?

  10. View Conversation
    It is? Wow, I feel proud of myself now. You'll make my head bloat. HOw can you think I'm pretty if I have a fat head? Lol.


    I already messaged her. Told her to hit me up an Rp resume so that we can look it over. We did say that we were gonna be particular about our members. So thats what I'm doing. =]
    Anyway, the arguement with Griff started over me wanting a sub-forum so that we can challenge other Factions. Then it all got out of hand and insults were dished out. I was sat like O.O; lol.

    MSN is treating me like dirt. Pretty soon it's gonna be challenged to fistycuffs. I aint a sucka for no fool.

    Text is sent but my phone is being elusive. I think it's taking MSN's side. The cowardly snake!
    Wow, I'm insane aren't I?

  11. View Conversation
    Erm, from Iowa... To florida it was 8 hours, I think. Iowa is more cenral, right? I'd guesstimate the flight to be approx 10 hours, plus the stops in betwen. Lol, I went too far into that, didnt I? I'm poorly so I can be forgiven, though. ^_^

    Ooooooo, just how hilarious?
    Jeez, did you read myself and Vickys arguement with Griff? That was an exaple of 'too far'.

    I know, damn shoddy MSN thinking it can rule my life. YOU AIN'T MY REAL MUM MSN! YOU AINT MY REAL MUM!

    I'll give it a go, yeah. I need to locate my damn phone, though. Just realised that I have no idea where I put it. Must be around here somewhere. =] Go ahead and text hunny.

  12. View Conversation
    Urghhhhhhh, please do! All I have is apple juice to make me better. I'm all ill and dying.

    Writing, eh? What'cha writing, huh? I'm trying to get on MSN but it's being stupid. Keeps making a noise and not letting me in.

    My phone is on. So something is amiss here... TO THE AIMEEMOBILE!


  13. View Conversation
    I'm doing some lovely post checking. I feel very very ill. =[ Stoopid winezzzzz. It always catches up with me. If it had told me last night that it didnt like me I'd have stayed away. =[

    What are you up to baby?


  14. Hey Psiko What you up to?
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    No work at all? You lucky boy, you. =D
    I can, but only for like... 20 mins. I have work 8-12 again today. I'll probably be sat doing nothing because all the accounts have been sorted for this week. I'll just be taking phone calls this now.

    I should be expecting mail? So should you.

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About Psiko

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Date of Birth
June 8, 1984 (40)
About Psiko
Reading, Writing, Video Games
Favorite FF?:
Final Fantasy I


OLD SKOOL - A positive appellation referring to when things weren't flashy but empty of substance, were done by hard work, didn't pander to the lowest common denominator, and required real skill. Labour-saving devices, shortcuts that reduce quality and quitting before the task is done are not characteristics of "old skool."

In reference to computer games, refers to a game that had substantial playability without flashy graphics or eye candy. Old skool gamers appreciate difficult maneuvers, careful planning, and scorched earth policies.

In reference to role-playing games, old skool refers to games that tested players' wits, could kill off careless characters, and required dedication and inner strength to play. Old skool games didn't pander to the ideas that everyone is created equal, that all options are open to all races, that the markets were somehow free, and that a quasi-medieval society could have near 100% literacy.

See also classic.

Representing the Old Skool ways since 1984.


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11-15-2011 03:06 PM
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