Conversation Between Priscilla and Rocky

56 Visitor Messages

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  1. Right back at you <3 xoxoxoxoxo
  2. You are awesome
  3. Oh I will come on then ^^. Hehe I just went to the beach and its 3am. =) xooxoxoxoxooxox
  4. Hey there miss beautiful, I don't know if you got my message or not, but I will try to be on around 3pm your time. See you then!! xoxoxoxoxo
  5. Ohkay. I am going to go shopping with Victoria and Milly. Vic wants to go shopping. But I will be on when you get back <3
  6. Yeah, I already told you what happened, but it wasn't really even an arguement, at least to me it wasn't. Maybe it seemed like that to the other people there though, idk what they thought. But I think everything is ok now and if he has anything else to say then he can feel free to talk to me, as I like to think I am approachable
  7. Yeah, but they were weird ^^'
    Ohh, you had an arguement in a group conversation? That sounds bad o.o
  8. Aww I'm really sorry They must think you are really good looking just like I do, but they seem to be really immature about it. Just be careful as you are out tonight, because I wouldn't want anything to happen to you. <3
  9. Im a little edgy. These unknown males keep banging on my bedroom door and saying they want to show me fat and saying they will keep me up until 6:30am and all these other sexual things. They are older and have been drinking and keep calling me princess. I have such bad luck it seems.
  10. I did eventually get some sleep. It made being able to talk to you happen faster <3
  11. haha, you are silly. Get some sleep! You don't want to miss out on all of the festivities at your schoolies because you're too tired!

    I'm looking forward to talk to you later.
  12. I can't sleep so im buying a Flash light for my phone. =)
  13. Awwwh. I miss you more =). You're so sweet =). Yes, I am having a lot of fun. This is so great. We are getting ready for a party at ours =).
  14. hi! I miss you a lot too, and not a day goes by that I wish for us to be within an arm's reach of each other.. <3. I am doing ok, although I am sure you are having much more fun then I am, by far! How has your vacation been so far?
  15. Hellooo. I miss yoouuuu. How are you =)?
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