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    But if that's a lie and that was a lie, it means I always lie, meaning that since I always lie, this is also a lie, so I never lie, which makes the comment stating I always lie true, meaning--You get the point, right? xD

    Is on on your stomach like Jirachi's? =D

    Fine, I'll let you win once. x3

    Hehehe, and Booster sounds pretty cool, too. Blacky sounds worst, though. >>

    Oh, come on, three months! =O

    So? Post count is irrelevant, anyway. =P
  2. View Conversation
    Hey, I don't lie, 'kay? =P

    You can predict the future, too, then? =O

    Oh, but...FINE! xD

    Hahaha, I like Leafia, Glacia, and Showers a lot! xD

    Because we practically started at the same time, right?

    Hahaha, have some confidence, geez! xD
  3. View Conversation
    I really wasn't you know. ^_~

    So? Supah geniuses don't need sleep, do they?

    Wait, now I'm confuzzled, really. XD

    Hahaha, yep, it is. =D There's Thunders, Showers, Booster, Eifie, Blacky, Leafia, and Glacia. What's Showers, anyway? Looks like a dog, a cat, AND a fish.

    Ha, so you can't say you've been a fan longer than I have! xD
  4. View Conversation
    I was not confused. XD

    Pfft, I think the supah genius is failing?

    Wow, you sure are a unique cow. =P

    If you look at the overall design of Leafia, he's better. =3 Plus he looks the coolest. 8D Thunders is the worst, and Booster is fluffy. ^.^

    I started way back with the original Blue, Red, Green, and Yellow. What about you?
  5. View Conversation
    MooMoo, I know what elven means. XD

    Ha, some supah genius you are!

    Don't you mean [/mooing]? ^_~

    No, it doesn't. =o It just has fins and so forth.

    Well, that's usually how the manga names work, too. xD Lucas = Diamond; Barry = Pearl; Dawn = Platinum.
  6. View Conversation
    Hahaha, elven? ^_~

    I never said you were fast, MooMoo! xD Aww, that's great~ So supah genius, what's pi to seventy-nine decimals?


    But Umbreon doesn't seem so darkish, either, aside from the black and the moon. Leafia has the most creativity.

    But I don't like giving nicknames. ^_^" I named Diamond my name, though. And I named the rival Pearl, his manga name~ =P
  7. View Conversation
    Heh, I just checked and it's rated M here, too, though I have no problem with that. I don't care about ratings, anyway. =3

    When did I say that? =O Supah Genius? Heh-heh. =P

    Hey, that was one of them, I remember! O= And something with floral, I think?

    I never liked any of them. =\ And I've never realized that Golbat becomes Crobat out of happiness before. xD How can you not like Leafia? ='(

    I just name mine after their better Japanese names that aren't so corny when in English. xD Though, Lucario is the same, for some reason.
  8. View Conversation
    That's an RPG? I've seen in before, but it never appealed to me. x3 But looks are deceiving, so I'll look it up.

    Attaboy! I'll tell ya~ (So? Age and knowledge are different, my dear boy. *cough cough* =P I'm also stupid at times. x3 Though why people think I'm a genius I'll never know.)

    I remember Mudkip Ball being one, but still, there are more tiles in RSE than in DPP~ Hey, now that you mention it, you're right. xD

    I got a shiny Zubat once, but I don't use shinies unless I like the actual Pokémon. =3 Hey, Leafia is the best (looks-wise, anyway; it's awesome) of the Eevee evolutions! Just because Umbreon has insane defense... Oh, and more randomness, but on the topic of Leafia, my names for my Pokémon:

    Leafeon -> Leafia
    Gardevoir -> Sirknight
    Milotic -> Milokaross
    Luxray -> Rentorar
    Altaria -> Tyltalis

    You name yours?
  9. View Conversation
    Do you know any good PS3 RPGs that I might like? =S

    Fine, I'll tell you in a PM or something, awright? x3 But no calling me by it, understand? =o (I thought I taught you to be nicer than that? xD Hey, I'm really bad at wording, 'kay? =P)

    Naw, there are less water spaces in RSE, plus you get six water tiles instead of only four. The only harder thing is that you have to wait to get Waterfall (which is really late?) in case the tiles are above the waterfall. God, your friend is a moron! >> I want a shiny Eevee to evolve into a shiny Leafia! =D
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    Hey, you won't until you play it, right? You should download the Valkyria Chronicles demo from PSN if you have time. I haven't yet, but I heard it's pretty good.

    Who's the stalker now? xD I'd tell you, but I don't like saying my name in public. =P (Hey, be nice. ='( I don't think you're not so slow, either, are you?)

    It's even more impossible in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, with a whopping 1/132 chance of even getting one if the four (not six anymore) random tiles happen to be in water and not on the rocks. >> I just fished a corner and got one on my first try. XD I remember playing Gold, Crystal, and Silver (the originals), so I might get the enhanced ones soon. =3 Naw, no shinies, unfortunately. =( I got really lucky years ago when I was about to exit the Celebi forest and got a gold Caterpie, and saw a silver Rattata somewhere else right afterward.
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    I heard Valkyria Chronicles is an amazing PS3 tactical RPG if you're interested~

    Aww, but I'm no stranger! =( (Hey, I'm only somewhat slow, all right? xD)

    In other randomness, I ish happy. =3 Thought I'd spend a day finding a Feebas in Platinum (which I decided to buy recently), but got one on my first try. Yayzles~ How's SoulSilver/HeartGold?
  12. View Conversation
    Yep, that's exactly why I bought a PS3 in the first place! xD I haven't gotten past the prologue for Resonance of Fate yet, to be honest. x3 But I've heard so much praise about it, how it's a must-play.

    Now, come gimme a hug. (Oh, come on. xD)
  13. View Conversation
    Heh, I've been playing more PSP/DS the last few months. x3 And I told you I recently got a PS3~ ^_~ I'll get to playing my Resonance of Fate game later, then probably buy Disgaea 3, Eternal Sonata, and perhaps Star ocean 4 International, too.

    Aww, what a sweet little boy you are. <3 (Hahaha, and you thought I didn't know? XD i may be slow, but not that slow. =P)
  14. View Conversation
    I'm sorry, still haven't gotten on my PS3 today. ^_^" I'll do it right now.

    And you comply?
  15. View Conversation
    Yeah, I know, but accepting is much less work than requesting. xD

    Aww, and bundle up lots when it gets kind of cold?
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