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  1. View Conversation
    That's refreshing to read. There's a lot of bullshit going on in the online atheist community as of recent years.
  2. View Conversation
    So I could be an atheist but still believe in re-incarnation? In the sense of consciousness.
  3. View Conversation
    Happy birthday! Hopefully you won't see this until tomorrow because you are spending the day doing much better things!
  4. View Conversation
    Happy birthday mate have a good one.
  5. View Conversation
    Hey, just letting you know i've been on this workout plan for a while now and the protien shakes have helped a lot. The whey mixed blend seems to work best for me. Also seems near impossible to lose weight and bulk muscle at the same time as well, ive been trying. I got much better results from eating heaps and working out frequently. even lost some of the gut doing that, go figure. Might have something to do with my metabolism being more-so active with increased food intake.
  6. View Conversation
    ive been doing some research and i've found mixed reviews on the benefits of protien shakes. They say that they will just add fat to you and not help you anymore than a balanced diet would. I dont know what to do now.
  7. View Conversation
    I just come off my lunch break and spoke to the P.E teacher (i work at a school) and he reccomends something called Whey protien post workout which contains no carbs. He thinks this would be the one most suitable for me. Sure I get protien in my diet, but probably would benefit from this immediatly after a solid workout.
  8. View Conversation
    Thats true, but I tend to not eat anything after my workout and sleep a few hours later. By that time im relatively relaxed. I agree with what you are saying though. I'm unable to workout any other time than what I'm doing so im just hoping that its still effective.

    How important would you say protein shakes are after weight training? keeping in mind I only weight train twice a week (but its usually intense)
  9. View Conversation
    I do chest and arms(shoulders tri bi) in one session, then Ill do it again but add legs as well. Doesnt take more than an hour, gym shouldnt take that long for jus 2 sections of the body. Eating carbs before gym and swimming is ideal if you want to perform your best, the energy is as essentail as protien for repair. Although a reason why i work out until 9 at night is because I sleep not too long after and the body heals greatly when one is asleep. I wouldnt eat carbs as much if I was doing cardio such as swimming, only when im doing weights and cardio afterward is when I think more energy would be required.
  10. View Conversation
    thanks for the post. My routine is always at night so
    monday: pasta or high carb dinner:7:00pm - 8:00pm weight training, 8:00 - 9:30 swimming.
    Tuesday: break
    Wedensday: low carb dinner, vegetables, steak etc 8:00pm - 9:30 swimming
    Thursday: same as above
    Friday: break
    Saturday: weight training same as before but adding in legs as well as upper body. High carb dinner before hand.

    This has worked well for me so far. I think keeping every other meal light and only eating heavy before a weightlifting workout is probably the best way to go about it. Do you have a routine that you follow? (I plan to change up the routine as well once I plateu)
  11. View Conversation
    And I wanna state that I 'believed' this, so I didn't say it was 100% correct
  12. View Conversation
    I'm sorry if I've been troubling you, I am really sorry!
  13. View Conversation
    intellect? what is intellect? duuuuuuuu
  14. View Conversation
    I like your points, I was just attempting to stir them. Remember that definitions are not self-validating and unchallengeable. Moreover, labelling atheism as a religion doesn't really change anything, I just think it's more accurate. It wouldn't have to be a 'bad' thing even if it was considered a religion. Remember its a-theism, not a-religion.

    And then of course comes anti-theism, which is another discussion.
  15. View Conversation
    Like I said, I'm no longer involved in the argument. And yeah, Scotland is pretty rough, and it's pretty petty that you'd resort to insulting someone's hometown because your opinion on a matter is threatened.

    Peace be with you, it sounds like you need it
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