Haha yes. He's a white dog, too.
You have a dog called Gatsby? Is that a reference to F. Scott Fitzgerald?
Haha, there are some kinds of jazz that I do not like. The really chaotic stuff is a bit much for me. But old classics like Duke Ellington, John Coltrane, Gershwin jazz standards, etc... that's nice stuff. I admit to liking Ozzy, too haha. But yeah, there is some bad of everything out there. When I have the time, I want to learn Jesus Just Left Chicago. That would be awesome.
Haha. I actually hate jazz. ^^ There is some music influenced by jazz I like though. And I don't like what they call heavy metal either. I do like the old school metal. Black Sabbath is really good. Ozzy's voice in War Pigs is so mesmerising. And the lyrics speak to me. YouTube - Black Sabbath War Pigs In any genre, there's bad and good music.
Sounds good to me. I too am pretty inclusive in what I like, it's more a matter of what I can pull off (gangsta rap and heavy metal ain't for me, I'm afraid). But I do think it's impressive when an artist is adept at more than one kind of music, even if it is more practical to find your niche initially (i'niche'ally!). One day, I'd like to be able to write some jazz.
Hm. It's heavily influenced by punk though. The Stooges and Sonic Youth mainly. I think the major influences of the songs I've written so far are Queens of the Stone Age, Sonic Youth, Pixies, Iggy and the Stooges, Bob Dylan, a Belgian band named dEUS and Irish folk music. But there's a lot more music I listen to and am influenced by, certainly not limited to guitar music. I love a lot of electro bands, and old school rappers. I just happen to be a guitarist, you know. If I were to make an album it'd probably be quite eclectic.
Thank you! I do like alternative rock. RECORD THEM!
Uh huh. I figured it was time. She suits me. I like that she is giggling at TFF every time I post.
What's this? You've changed your frickin avatar?!
Good idea. I didn't plan on responding to your post at all, but I can go ahead and respond to a VM. Yeah, Sasquatch can come across that way. Which makes me wonder if he would sit down with someone of African descent and have the exact same conversation with them that he's having in that thread. Perhaps he would. However, I do agree with him that it should be one way or the other for all races when it comes to the word. I lean toward no one saying it at all. But I understand that some (not all) black people do. I get why they say it. And it doesn't bother me that they can say it, but I shouldn't. I have no desire to say it. I suppose what I don't understand is the desire.
I thought I'd take this one outside of the 'N-word thread', just so I won't go off-topic and be warned again by, well, you. I don't think anyone is being indecent, really. Sasquatch can come across a little racist, if you look at it the wrong way. But he's being pretty rational and honest about it all. And the way people post in the ID forum is an improvement to how most people talk about subjects like that in real life.
That question is pretty broad. Haha um... I guess my two favorite performers are Elvis Presley and Vienna Teng. And I'm a big admirer of Ella Fitzgerald. I like some ska (the thing that kills most popular ska bands for me is bad singing), bluegrass, blues, jazz, classical guitar, world music, classic rock, rock, swing, some pop... I'm really not picky as long as it's good music. I tend to go for stuff with a nice melody and good voices (if there are voices involved), but I'm not opposed to rap, depending on lyrics. Aesop Rock is a favorite for that. I just started listening to this guy Tommy Emmanuel. If you love guitars, I think you'd like this guy. He's acoustic and it's incredible. He sings in a few songs, but I listen to him for his guitar playing. He's mostly instrumental. Robert Randolph plays a killer pedal-steel guitar. And his bass player is superb. They're like funk/blues/sometimes gospel. And a good violin/fiddle player will get me excited every time.
I only have The Hawk is Howling but I really like it. I'm in love with guitars so it makes sense that I like 'em, but I'm curious what kind of music you like in general.
You like Mogwai?