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    Honestly this whole issue has gotten way out of hand, IMO. People have been assigned to the tasks, and as far as the latest topic goes, we're pretty much waiting for Kilala to come back, so there's not much we can do until then.
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    Part 2
    And then blaming the lack of contribution solely on me? That's just outlandish. I don't control the members' lives. I don't control their accounts. So it's not my responsibility if they don't contribute. Hell, at the beginning of last month or something like that, I said "Okay, we need more ideas. If anyone has any, please feel free to bring them to the table." or something to that effect.

    And almost a month later, no one said anything at all. So that's not my responsibility.

    Also, really? Calling me immature now? That's rich. Immature would be continuing this discussion in the club thread. But I didn't. I left you a private "no thanks" and a VM explanation as to why. I mean, what would be more mature than that? Not leaving any sort of rep at all and just ignoring it?

    Bottom line/TL DR: Really, Ally... what do you want from me? It seems there's some sort of misunderstanding going on.
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    Uh, what?

    I'm sorry, I think you misunderstand something. I wasn't excited for that petty of a reason. I don't know why you think I'm that kind of person. I didn't even want to be one of the leaders, she just made me one. If anything, Fate fit your description better than me. At least, IMO, anyway.

    And no, not really the 'instant I had to do something', more like I overworked myself with what I wanted to do, and I got burned out. I mean, I didn't have to volunteer to make the adoption thread. But I did, because I wanted to do something.

    But I burned myself out. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I'm not taking responsibility for what I did/didn't do, but it's like, what do you want me to do?

    Though technically calling me out for not doing something is like calling the kettle black because you didn't do what you said you were going to do either.
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    Ally, may I suggest something? It's about the Humor/Word Games forum. You know how Meier is issued to the Members Business forum only? Well, maybe he could help moderate that forum as well. He's always active in it, and he's one of the very few mods who actually care that it exists. Plus, we can stop bothering you every time we need a thread closed there, since he checks often. I think he'd be a great help there.
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    I left a bit of "negative rep" because I didn't want to respond to the post with an off topic post, so I figured I'd do that instead.

    I dunno. I guess I'm insecure or whatever you wanna call me. I don't really see any other way I could have responded to the tone of your post.
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    I only have The Hawk is Howling but I really like it.

    I'm in love with guitars so it makes sense that I like 'em, but I'm curious what kind of music you like in general.
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    Haha nice! I was actually considering doing kickboxing the other day aswell o.O; Canoeing is pretty cool also, sounds like you've been having a good time XD
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    You like Mogwai?
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    How's my favourite redhead been xD
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    you are welcome! and thanks so much ally i appreciate the bday wishes
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    >.> Nerding out to the Pokemon theme at the moment. Lol. So I guess pretty good.
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    Hello! How're you?
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    hahah even often belligerent and 8 years later, I still care
    btw, i thought you were on the eastcoast, what are you doin up so late! lol
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    Yup I am back, Hero elimination has wrapped up. Could you be so kind as to close it?
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About OceanEyes28

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Date of Birth
February 22, 1988 (37)
About OceanEyes28
The South
Music, reading, colorful clothing, hot tea, the produce section, agility dogs, the Earth's thermal activity



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TFF Awards:

Nicest Female 2006. Best Couple 2006. Nicest Female 2005. Best Couple 2005. Tie for Nicest Female 2004. Best Couple 2004. Flamer of the Week 2005.

"I hope I never ridicule what is wise or good. Follies and nonsense, whims and inconsistencies do divert me, I own, and I laugh at them whenever I can."

. SOLDIER ('04) . cHoSeN ('04) . Por Rorr Kitty9 ('09).
HEY DO YOU LIKE MUSIC? Because I make music.


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Update on Scott

by OceanEyes28 on 09-24-2016 at 03:35 PM
I had a dental appointment this week and I told them I wasn't coming.

I will reschedule when I am remarried and pregnant with my second child; that should send a clear message.

Or I guess when I have dental insurance again. Grad school rules! **** teeth!

Being Single Again

by OceanEyes28 on 05-03-2016 at 07:50 PM
About two months ago, I went to get my teeth cleaned. My dental hygienist found out that I was recently divorced. She asked about my music, and then asked if I knew a local drummer named Scott. I did not know a local drummer named Scott.

A few days later, I get a call from my dentist's office, but I ignored it because I was busy. Then I got an email. From my dental hygienist. Saying she had been thinking about it, and Scott and I should get coffee.

I ignored the email.

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Riding the Wave

by OceanEyes28 on 02-03-2016 at 04:14 PM
I was sitting at work, processing a payroll, when my body and heart decided it was time to process another piece of the divorce. I had a memory of us looking at a space we considered renting. We weren't even doing well then, but we were sustaining and I was hopeful and he was comfortable. Seemingly out of nowhere, I was quietly weeping at my desk. Thank god for tall cubical walls - which is one of the grossest things I've ever said, by the way.

I am familiar with grief, and I know

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On Divorce

by OceanEyes28 on 01-12-2016 at 07:14 PM
By the time I told people that I would be seeking divorce - by the time I told my husband - I had already grieved his loss. I had been grieving for it again and again over the course of a year, one broken promise after another.
“I won’t drink anymore.”
“I’ll drink less.”
“I won’t stay out tonight.”
“I’ll be home.”
“Just one beer.”
“I do respect you.”
My Complaint for Divorce states that the “Defendant has committed such general indignities against

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by OceanEyes28 on 01-23-2014 at 06:17 PM
Is good so far! I have gotten more done for this wedding this month than I have in the last year.

My dress came in, it's paid for, and I just need to get it altered.

I've scheduled cake tastings (the thing I was most looking forward to)

I've booked a photographer (!!!)

A friend's mom has done professional catering, and loves Caleb, and had us over for dinner to talk about what we'd want for our wedding and she's amazing at vegetarian food,

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Updated 01-23-2014 at 06:24 PM by OceanEyes28
