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    Because my psychic vision told me you were going to win and you're pretty gay, so. No I'm kidding, I just couldn't really think of any other way to make a banner about a heart of gold tbh.
  2. View Conversation
    NO it's the new one coming out on PS3 this year! Also, will respond to your PM when I get home rofl. Ninja-ing on at work
  3. View Conversation
    I am so excited for MG Rising! :3
  4. View Conversation
    yea man, its all good.. the point is discovering and attempting to understand different views. of course they're gonna be different, but thanks for sharing and not gettin all butthurt like some people.. wont say any names ... cough cough
  5. View Conversation
    If you don't mind me asking, kinda curious to be honest, what do you mean by and I quote "Tekken games went to shit after Tekken 3"?

    I played every Tekken game to death, and while Tekken 3 is still my favorite I have to admit, newer games have more quality and better replay value. They actually cared to flesh out characters beyond the final CGI animations, the entire plot is connected rather well with older games, add to it more characters (Tekken 6 for instance has even more characters than Tekken Tag), new moves, way better balance while still keeping that Tekken feel (not as pro as Street Fighter but not as amateur as Mortal Kombat), and most importantly lot of new options and modes to go through (you can actually customize your characters, nothing on par of Soul Calibur of course, but still interesting and entertaining). Just my take on it though.
  6. View Conversation
    Exactly yet there he is bashing heretics like us for having a view that isn't clouded by religion.

    What did my old man used to say 'Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one'

    Wtf is wrong with my colour scheme how is black and white more entertaining haha

    Hey I will give you credit for spelling colour the correct way not like these damn Americans haha
  7. View Conversation
    No, you're delusional because you think you can see everything you believe. Most people know that we can't see everything we believe.
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    If you honestly think that you have absolutely no belief in anything not proven, you're more delusional than the religious people you insult and despise could ever be. It's not confidence, it's not pride, it's snotty arrogance. And it's comical.
  9. View Conversation
    Ignorance is one thing. Blissful ignorance is moreso. Willful ignorance, even more. But you seem to specialize in arrogance, somehow "knowing" that you're correct and that anybody who disagrees is not only wrong, they are "stupid" or "a retard". This is just as bad as, or worse than, the same thing done by the extremists in religion that you so despise.
  10. View Conversation
    Well done nix a thread about religion without any hint of trollery haha until you logged on.
  11. View Conversation
    I slammed the thank you button 100 times for your post in my thread but I've given out too much in the past 24 hours.
  12. View Conversation
    Yeah I bought Tekken 5 to give it a go it was alright but I couldn't sit there and play it like I did with 3, actually 5 comes with all the arcade versions so I relished in playing 3 again crackin out Eddy Gordos moves
  13. View Conversation
    Sweet! Thanks man that one's been bugging me for ages. I'm slowly starting to get the hang of these forums, it's only taken just over a year.
  14. View Conversation
    I was going to rep you for your post in 2012 games thread but alas I have to spread my love first.
    So I am givin you a rep vm I agree Tekken 3 was the bomb after that they just got to damn ridiculous, expecting to much from the player and Soul Calibur is by the far best beat em up out there.
    I remember my first SC was 3 and I pawned that game so hard.
  15. View Conversation
    Thanks, assbutt
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