I don't think I'll bother with French, though. ^^' The way they pronounce their words is beyond me. I guess when we know all those stuff, we have to learn the informal way of speaking ourselves? x3
I can't help much when it comes to French, I'm afraid You just need to know hello/how are you/where do you live/etc. We've been taught how to say stuff like 'it depends on' and 'that is a good question' and stuff.
But the things I learn don't really connect to each other, really. First it's, "How are you?" and then it's asking how much a loaf of bread costs. xD I always wanted to know some bit of French, too, but I can't pronounce their words. x3
Well the best way to improve in ya German speaking is to practice, so if you wanna, I'm here xD Yeah I love Finnish
Haha, me, too! xD I just know basic stuff like questions and answers, but not enough to carry on a conversation for more than ten seconds. Finnish, too? =D
Far from it haha xD AS level German isn't really that fun. That's a good point though. I wanna do Japanese and Finnish! You're welcome.
Hahaha< I don't think a lot of people have, either. xD Ah, are you fluent yet? =D I decided I'll just go on with learning it until I can be fluent, just so as not to waste my years. (I wanna know Japanese, though. ._.) And thanks, I'll take you up on that offer, then. =)
I haven't heard them *hangs head in shame* Ah! I've been doing it for about 5 and a half years now, so if you ever need help, I'll try my best.
How about Fireflight? =D Unbreakable's a good song. <3 Heh-heh, maybe about...two or two and a half years? >.< Pretty basic stuff, but I'm not that great at remembering it. x3 Still, I figured 'Ich weiß nicht' will get me through a lot. XD
Not a fan, sorry xD I think I've heard that though. Oh awesome! How many years have you being learning it for?
Oh, I've heard that song before, and it does indeed some awesome. No Flyleaf for you, though? A famous one of their songs is 'All Around Me' if you've heard of it. Also, just reading the things on your profile, I'm taking German. ^_~
Good good I listen to Evanescence, they're awesome, and Three Days Grace are okay. I know their singer Adam did a song with Apocalyptica called 'I Don't Care' and it's awesome.
Hahaha, I had a feeling you might say that! xD Oh, All I Need and Angel, I think I've heard, too, and they were great as well. I'll try the other ones, though. ^___^ Do you listen to Flyleaf, Evanescence, or Three Days Grace? =)
Yes, they are indeed ^_^ Ummmm they're all good! *thinks* All I Need, The Cross, The Truth Beneath The Rose, Destroyed, Angels, See Who I Am... I could go on.
Utopia and Stand My Ground are both on there, right? =D I love those songs, and It's The Fear. Haven't heard of all of their songs, though. Any other really good ones you can recommend? ^_~