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    Even in wg/h double posting is a no no. Just a verbal warning.
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    just watched it on YT... yes awsome video, dont know about the tune though... maybe its a grower like most of her stuff!

    I'm liking that bit, with the headscarf? great....
    the scene with the water is incredible, .. and the closeups...

    and I want a lipstick gun... that would be the shit having one of those drunk at a disco!

    Nd no, you see I dont listen to pop music unless its on the radio... sounds good though, whats the country tune?
  3. View Conversation
    Just had a look at that... yea your right she's the bomb... maybe for my own personal fantasies I prefer the extravagance!

  4. View Conversation
    Yea I actually quite fancy er. she would be the most deadly date ever.

    eeh i think its the video for bad romance? where she has huge eyes? im a complete sucker for anyone with big eyes,.. even if they are freakishly big and gooky lookin... fetishes dont stop there mind you
  5. View Conversation
    Yes that part. It's evil.

    I'd love to spin my blade at the gaga.... but i'd probly havta stand on a stool... I'm bad with jokes....
  6. View Conversation
    Mr. Nickness, may I ask WHAT ON EARTH IS IN YOUR SIG?! it's mental.... sometimes I get distracted and end up looking at it hypnotically without realising... perhaps its a form of mind control..are you involved with the illuminati? aggh!
  7. View Conversation
    honestly didn't mean it as an insult, sorry if that's how you took it
  8. View Conversation
    Feel free to present the evidence with references, I'd love to see it. If it is credible, I'll be more than willing to humble myself and admit I was wrong however I'm not too worried about that happening. You've got the leaders in the field you're arguing going against you, so you'd need to provide something profound. If all you're willing to do is provide opinion and then refuse to give evidence for your arguments then you should probably not enter discussions on scientific matters because it's not a field where opinions matter, so bring something to the table.

    You're right must not have been a threat, just a warning that Scotland is a rough place huh? I'll be sure of that if I visit.
  9. View Conversation
    I saw that. You are so good at making new friends! How did you get him so mad?

    I am in the middle of a battle between psn and mastercard at the moment. I tried to refill my wallet and my card wont go through. Screw it, I'll just buy a psn card on monday. Other than that life is peachy
  10. View Conversation
    Everything rosy on your side of the pond?
  11. View Conversation
    I'm lucky I'm in another country, what is that some sort of threat from an angsty emo teen? I'd respond to that if I felt the least bit of intimidation but I literally laughed when I saw your picture, needless to say I'd have no worries from you even if you were my next door neighbour.

    And we are part of the great apes family, perhaps you should read a little further than the first few lines if your incompetent underdeveloped brain allows you to accomplish such tasks.
  12. View Conversation
    You are absolutely right! I just have a tendancy to genuinely enjoy those particular posts. My text is limited by my ps3, and I need to live vicariously through others.
    Sleep doesn't appeal to me much right now, too much to do I guess, maybe later
  13. View Conversation
    Yes, I saw that, and I understand both sides. While I am sure that if I were more like myself as little as I have posted right now; I would be banned. Although, having a very dry sense of humor and sarcastic personality myself, I have really felt that some people here might take themselves a bit too seriously. I am sorry I am not too coherent, sleep deprivation and all
  14. View Conversation
    How have you been lately?
  15. Yeah I know that there's a loophole where if you own a movie, then download it, then it's classed as legal. I do own all the movies i've downloaded, and all the TV series, I only have a couple with me where I live though, the rest are at my mum's (which is why i downloaded them )

    Thanks for letting me know though, most would just let it be and let the warnings flow
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About nickness89

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Date of Birth
November 3, 1989 (35)
About nickness89
I'm a die-hard Final Fantasy Fan, been playing since I was a child :D i'm from Scotland and love singing and dancing :) ohh and i loveeee Lady Gaga ... such an artist :P
Singing, dancing, shopping, listening to Lady Gaga, making friends etc.
Favorite FF?:
Probably VII, IX or XIII
Prozzy ;)


Favourite Lyric For Now:

"Don't be insecure if your heart is pure,
You're still good to me if you're a Bad Kid, baby."

Lady Gaga


TFF WIFEY - angelmarie190515
MY FF TWIN - Firefly

TFF STEP-HUSBAND-IN LAW - Gilgamesh~Enkidu

BESTEST FRIEND - Judge Magistrate
AUSSIENESS - NikkiLinkle


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