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    Actually, Laevateinn is a guy, Otherwise from that, You pretty much got everything else right.

    I can't really tell more about the others, As it have absolutely no point or meaning to tell, They wouldn't inflict any influence in your work... But alright, I see you're curious.

    The Government, They're pretty much like Military Leaders, They got a wallop of an army, And are one-man armies thenselves.

    Ryuk, Is the 1st general and 5th in command, He's an japanesse samurai like dude, Kinda traditional but reinforced with an technological steel katana, His appearance is quite obvious? Maybe having an ponytail or something, And crimson armor, Alignment... Evil.

    Frederick is the 2nd general and 3rd in command, He is heavily armored with an unique combination of gold and silver, Wow, Someone has cash to burn, Appearances from that? Absolutely no idea, Alignment, Neutral.

    Adrian, 3rd general and 4th in command, He got black hair, And dark armor out of obsidian, He's an dark knight no doubt, Armed with dual swords, Maybe something else, Alignment, Evil.

    Priscilla, 4th general and 6th in command, Greedy bastard, Unique combination of gold and leather armor, Probably has a staff or something, Alignment, Neutral Evil.

    Cedric, 5th general and 2th in command, Valourous in both appearance and in combat, Carries an combination of steel and garbs behind the armor, Alignment, Good.

    Kariste, 6th general and 7th in command, Just some girl with unknown origins, Alignment? Unknown.

    And of course, Their leader...

    ???/Mr M, The general of the generals and 1th in command! He's like! The big boss of them and rules the government, He's so mysterious, That we don't even know his real name! He probably looks like DiZ, Alignment, Neutral.

    That's the government, We just lack their sprites, But take them of the last of the gang, They're not complete.

    And Julius is quite the Gentlecat, He should have some sort of Japanesse garb or something, Search for someone named Excalipurr on youtube for a great reference!

    Well, I told them to you now, Hope this ACTUALLY affects the work speed, But as isaid, I don't think this has any influence to the work, Rather meaningless to speak of them.

    'Kay savvy?
  2. View Conversation
    Well, I hope i get a job, I need the extra cash, I'll let you know if i am successful.

    I don't mind describing the new people, We have, Laevateinn, Krystal, Julius and Ladon.

    Laevateinn, Is typically an Lancer he uses Lances or Spears, We hasn't decided how they should look, But Leavateinn should be Blond, In hair colour, Semi-Short hair, He needs to look quite dashing, His armor is that of... I don't know! Maybe some fantasy golden leather armor combined with pieces of metal armor?? Inspiration please!!

    Krystal is, Well it's actually Alther's idea long ago, Krystal is... My girlfriend in the story, Im horrible at deciding looks right on the way, You should be better at this, Maybe doing some rough sketches to be precise.

    In every game! Every gawdamn RPG there is should have a monster type of a party member! Julius is the answer! He's an cool Humanoid, With some cat genes, I love cats, I got two at home. Weapon is... Well the Han-errm Claws.

    Ladon is the axe-master of this wierd party, Ladon is 100% Pure Human! Almost, He is a experimented super soldier! (Lawl, Captain America reference) ... Well... Inspiraaaaaation!

    Of course, We have some other character to mention... Such as the Government Members, Their leader, And whatthereismoretotellbutimtolazytomentionmoreimust gotakeashower...

    Hold on... You must complete Nova's sprite! Or did you only remake the walking sprite? If that's the case, Then the walking sprite is not identical to Nova's combat sprites.

    Oh, There is so much more i can tell, But it'll be a spoiler to tell them now, We'll continue this some other time!

    Good luck!
  3. View Conversation
    Well, I am trying to get a job, Atleast... But they keep neglecting me! *sigh* I'll continue with being persistant, It must work somehow!

    The Logo is nice! Very Powerful in appearance, But it's a bit small, Could you just increase the size a teeny weeny more and give the logo another background, Otherwise it will only be a white background behind it, Boring huh?

    I might as well ask you to do the game name logo as well! As i currently just did ANOTHER misjudgement on you!

    Jeez, Im embarrassing myself! I have to STOP misjudging, Grumph.

    Well, What can i say! The new Nova sprite is quite sexy, Im so excited now! Can't wait to see the rest of the sprites!

    Keep up the volume, We're actually getting somewere!
  4. View Conversation
    What i meant was... The computer cannot become any better than it already is... And it's not good enough to be satisfactory in my eyes.

    Can barely play any games at all! I could really use of a better computer right now, But it will probably never happen, Unless my attempt of winning extra money with my ticket becomes successful...

    Everything seems to have no hope for improvement, But i like hearing that things seem to move on with you, I'll be expecting these sprites soonish...

    Probably a week or two left i guess until they arrive.
  5. View Conversation
    I've tried, I have asked an expert when it comes to computers, He's a friend of my sister so it was free to check, The computer is just too old to be effective anylonger.

    I have to hope that some Miracle happens.
  6. View Conversation
    ARRRRRghGHha!!!! The laptop is nearly useless!! I can't play my favorite games! I suddenly have to endure more days waiting for a BETTER COMPUTER!!! THE pAIN!!! IT'S UNBEARABLE!!!

    Im am suriously cursed with bad luck... >_<

    My life seem to be seriously in bad shape now... Bad currency... Bad computers, And an pesky little friend who doesn't want to share his GAWDAMN COMPUTER!!


  7. Reeeviiiivaaaallll

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    Hi there! I just thought out an thing, Are you waiting with the resources or something? You don't seem to give me them just about directly, But everything at the same time or when it feels suitable?

    It has puzzled me abit, What are you really waiting for? I do like seeing lots of resources at the same time but... I wanna hear your influence.
  9. View Conversation
    Right... Im just being a bit stressed out now... Just wanting things to go, Just so you know... I cannot continue making everybodies skills which i got from Ralz unless i have the sprites...

    Im not asking of you to put another coal into the furnace to progress quicker, As im totally aware of your own life, I just told you that im feeling a bit stressed.

    Finally getting my new laptop from repairing tomorrow... Gonna meet a certain person, And... Well, What else? I got a project to run! But to continue the project... I really need your help.

    We can't start things anew everytime you get better, Which... Is a good thing that you improve incredibly fast, But the problem is... We can't continue because we always start things anew everytime.

    You must get into a final decision, Which is... Getting things done so that we can move on, You're really good at this, And i am very jealous of you.

    I must feel free to tell you this important expression i feel, I want to see some examples, Any will do! There are alot of sprites that needs to be done!

    So... I just feelt like saying this... But, Just like i always says...

    "When you wait for something good, The wait is never to long."

    Good luck!
  10. View Conversation
    Hey Meigumi, How is things progressing?
  11. View Conversation
    Of course! Feel free to do so!
  12. View Conversation
    No i don't, But i guess it's good. Doesn't need to know anything else.
  13. View Conversation
    Too bad you lost the contest! I actually thought you'd be winning! Oh well.
    Just keep practice!

    Let me know whenever you feel ready to show them, Keep up the good work!
  14. View Conversation
    It's updating it's modem, I cannot access the internet while it does that, So i'll be burrowing my friends computers in about 7 days at maximum from now.

    How is it going on with the sprites by the way?
  15. View Conversation
    Roger that, Except it isn't such a good time doing it, Im borrowing my friends computer since my is somewhat down.
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Unesessary person parading in pajamas
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Drawing and reading lots and lots of stuff. Oh, and games and anime too.
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FFXIII. Hope <3
Busy Fresh(wo)man
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.....And I also stole that cupcake.

TFF Family~:

Ice-cream loving brother Fate
The great benevolent dark lord Elyon Demidias
Lovable doll ViviMasterMage
Soul Stealing, Chaos-loving, Pom-pom eating older brother Alther Feyz Lucifer Primus
The Awesome and Dashing Thief, ethan
The Stealthy Swordsman of Poetic Power, genome's blade


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