Conversation Between Meier Link and Unknown Entity

67 Visitor Messages

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  1. Awesome, I figured you wouldn't have a problem with them. I am just glad the system seems to be working for now heh. And it is good to hear we have some good new members.

    So you are going to be the first one I ask, do you think the adoptions are working out for the better of the forum?
  2. Haha, I have no problem watching over two adoptees. Especially the ones you've paired me with - they're lovely. =]
  3. Well it only just happened, might not be for long. We are still trying to work out the details on it as of now.
  4. OMG, only just noticed you were a mod! =D
  5. Really? Thats gotta be pretty amazing! Aww... thats sweet! <3

    I'm good I guess. Tired mainly, and my friend is leaving college, so thats put me down a tad. But I'm good. ^^
  6. Going good, the days are going by so fast lately. Been busy working and all of that stuff. Son is good and wife is very pregnant (possible to be a little pergnant???). We got to hear the heart beat yesterday. It was amazing. You?
  7. It be a deal then!

    Aw... hows things? You, your son and your wife? Hehe, another baby! <3
  8. I am sure I might be able to accomodate that. Maybe even 2 every once in a while.
  9. What? Not even a free beer once in a while?
  10. Yeah it would glitch frequantly and I would have to retype it. I have thought about going back to it and making a sig to boot. But that is still pending.

    As for the Meier band wagon you get full dental and medical, along with a nifty key chain that has a picture of me on it! Other then that nothing, no pay, no company provided car, or anything really of the listed above items. Haha.
  11. Aww... No more "I <3 Trolls?"

    Heya! What comes with the Meier band wagon?
  12. Really really really? Phew... I thought I was late. ^^;;

    Well, Happy Birthday now then!
  13. Actually you still have time haha, officially here in the states my bday isnt til tomorrow haha, so its a little over 3 hours away. But thanks!
  14. Oooo... Thankies!

    I was trying to put the image from TinyPic in there...
  15. You have to upload the image you want to use into your albums. Then you have to veiw that item in its full size, then copy the web adress given and then paste into the HTML block when you customize your profile.

    Links from other sites will not work.
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 45 of 67
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