Yeah, except I was talking about ingame teabagging which doesn't really involve balls at all and would think that since the discussion was about fake game screenshots of a shooter, the meaning would be a little obvious. I'll leave you to your fantasies though.
And you made it sound like you thought teabagging involved balls in mouth. That's a very, VERY sick and unhealthy thing to think dude.
On*. And not neccesarily your mouth. Where'd you get the weird ideas about teabagging?
btw we're long overdue for a game of lost planet 2. What day would you like to set that up for when you can?
haha yeah, when I really get a good idea in my head. pics like the one i sent you come up. I try really hard to be creative in my approach so everyone can get a good laugh out of the humor I aim for.
I'm proud to present more zelda humor. Let me know if this shows up ok.
School has been a bit challenging but i've been doing well. I'm really really looking forward to next month. Gonna have alot going on that month. oh yeah forgot to add this: I got new shoes. They are sketchers shape ups. They're supposed to exercise your feet and improve your posture and they are really comfy to wear.
hey, hows your week going?
Many thanks! I shall add you now ^_^
hopefully I won't let this die on my watch heh heh heh
Hey, hows your day today? I saw you commented on my zelda pic on FB. I do screenshot edits now and I have some on my album here on TFF as well.
Ok! Just had to clarify that I wasn't aiming that at everyone, as the quote missed that part from my post. You did bring up some good arguments.
same been doin school like hell and well I missed the quiet of this place and why has activity gone down I have noticed it
hey meier long time no see how have u been
You're right. No one did force me to respond. However, I still felt the need to do so when I was being quoted and challenged. Call it a personality flaw of mine, but it is what it is. As for the quote, it's taken from the Reunion Files for Advent Children.
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Dragoon's Princess
HRH Albha
The Persistent Flourish
The Quiet One
O Rly?
Whistling Songbird
Do the elements trust you?
I am confused
The Bad Boy of TFF
Death comes on silent wings
Spectral Patriot
I will finish the hunt
Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All
Arachnie Suicide
Stage Dives, High Fives.