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    The only allegation I have made is that you're biased. Legit evidence can be seen through minimal warnings and those deleted posts in that one word game (soft deleted so you should be able to quite literally see them still).

    The only aim I have given is being against any group that acts inappropriately and that is exactly what I have been doing. I have been quite forthcoming about that as I see no need to protect myself as I do others.
  2. View Conversation
    I never said I was going to troll you neither.
    What is this, incriminate the evil Silver by mentioning as many red light terms in one VM as possible?

    If you want to ignore me fine, but you can always expect me to be honest and you will hear from me if I see something I disagree with. Feel 100% free to ignore it all.
  3. View Conversation
    The humour is in the fact you fail to comprehend my message yet say I'm the one acting not on what I know.
    I never said you called Vic a tool, I merely said she wasn't one. And I stand by that - her actions are her own and professional of late.

    As for getting over myself, I'm afraid I'll have to be led by example.
  4. View Conversation
    Captain Biased is bluffing at least one of the wrong Mods!!!!
    Guess again.

    As cool as Victoria is, she's no tool.
    And just for the record you have no names from me and you will NEVER get any from me. All those allied are equally strong lipped.

    Get some real evidence or you're just further demonstrating your bias and inability to mod.
  5. View Conversation
    Oh ok gotcha thank you, I know you gotta put spaces in there in order for them to show up or else they will just do what they are intended to do. Thanks again
  6. View Conversation
    Hey I've been trying to figure out how to make that little drop down box for spoilers instead of the black boxes. Is there a button that I'm not seeing or is it code bc it's been a few years since I had my last site and was writing in HTML on a daily basis
  7. View Conversation
    I'm a nosy nancy! D: I can't help it. ;-;
  8. View Conversation
    Pfft. =P

    If it's me, you should tell me so that way I can defend myself. And if the other one was proven and manned up, tell me in a PM who it was. =O

    BTW I will also say, Rocky and Pete for a small time, had my picture as their avatar. >_>

    ...Coincidentally, after I docked Pete's points. -_-
  9. View Conversation
    Ah, all right. I forgot about that topic.

    Either way, I still don't really trust you, tbh. I know I don't have "evidence" (I wasn't aware TFF was a court of law.), but my gut tells me you're being shady about something.

    I just don't like it.
  10. View Conversation
    Funny how you say that, but you don't name any names. You can't really confirm something through someone else also. So I don't count that as "confirmed."

    And if I'm the second one, I am not abusing anything at all. The warning I gave Rocky was backed up by Andro, because I asked him if I should beforehand. So take it up with Andro if you don't like it.
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    Pfft. =P Sure it doesn't.
    I can smell it a mile away. Don't deny it. XD

    Also the 'evidence'. I'm pretty sure the 'evidence' was just Pete. >>;
    And the way you acted when people ganged up on Pete. xD
    If that's not bias, I don't know what is. Cause when CPC8 was doing that stuff to Gemma last year, you didn't say crap. XD
  12. View Conversation
    *points to sig about poop* D:
  13. View Conversation
    See? I told you you were biased. But noooooo. Always in denial. =( Such a shame.
  14. View Conversation
    No you violate my sig limitations by casting your eyes upon my beautiful creation.

    Well if it violates why does it let me use it like so anywho I think I have fixed it check back with me if it needs more tweeking.
  15. View Conversation
    its going good, its rough at times but i'm working through the training.
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