I'll get to it after I'm done working today sir
Again thanks Meier for the adoption and the support. Sorry if this is annoying just wanna show my appreciation for helping me out.
I'm All good. How Have You Been? Bad News Though...My Girlfriend's Father Left Her Family...
Yeah it will be confusing to people who haven't played the Ys games. I'm gonna try to be clear about the next entries when I get around to them.
Pretty good for a browser based MMO lol I like how realistic it tries to be, occasionally the main outpost comes under attack from zombies, gunfire and other loud noises alert zombies in a nearby area, etc., very large map, kind of lame storyline, but it's all around good lol
Do you play Dead Frontier? And I didn't get an invite to the Zombie Group but joined unwittingly, should I leave it?
Well then thanks for the official welcoming to TFF! I'm hopefully find some few good friends over here and enjoy my stay (wherever it's just this week or several years to come). Do have to say I enjoy the sites layout. I only have a small quick question so far is that does this forum have a chatroom or something? It would make it easier to meet people off the bat
Well seeing as how things turn out just wanna thank you for adopting me... That sorta sounds weird doesn't it?
That works -- if y'all want to move it to ID, I think it'd be better. I just figured that ID has been kinda dead, so it might not get much for responses. Of course, then again, it might help to revive it. I dunno. Either way, go ahead and move it on over. Thanks.
hey, i contributed some pics to the anti-zombie group. hope ya like them.
I've been all right, thanks. You?
bad mouthing it
Hey again, this morning, i dunno why but i was in the mood to bash FF7. Its kinda random for me to all of a sudden want to rat on games like that haha. Have you ever wanted to bash the game when you think of FF games?
*shrug* I don't think that really matters at this point. Lol.
hey whassup man? got another new game on my hands, its dragon quest ix and its very addicting haha. i'm sure you've played many games and gotten instantly hooked right?
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Spectral Patriot
I will finish the hunt
Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All
Arachnie Suicide
Stage Dives, High Fives.