Not yet, had a busy night and I only have a few minutes to spare. I will probably give it a good go over tomorrow night. The wife is going out with some friends so I will be able to goof around a lot more hahaha . Well actually I can't say that I haven't looked at it. I read through most of the posts, just haven't had a chance to check out the links.
I'm doing good, could of been a lot busier but tomorrow I will be, damn garage sale... So did you check out my thread?
Doing alright, how about yourself?
Hello, hows u today?
Alright, anyways, have a good day ^_^ (normally i'd be in school, yay for summer)
Haven't had the chance to check it out yet. Went to bed last night as soon as I sent my last VM to you and am currently at work right now so I will have to check it out when I get home.
Hey, did you look up LM.C yet? What do you think of them?
Hey, I posted the thread ^_^ go check it out. I hope Its not too much info, lol Edit: whoops i spelled hope without a p, lol
Oh, alright, but do you like japanese music? Oh, and they've only been around for 4 years, and they have traveled as far as england (I hope they come to america) and their website is LM.C OFFICIAL SITE (Thats what LM.C stands for) and my top 5 are 88, John, Ghost Heart, Liar liar, and Boys & Girls. Those songs have music vids on youtube, I'll put those links in the thread, and They are a Visual Kei type band (They dress up in elaborate costumes for the audience). I'll put way more into the thread.
That would help people that haven't heard of that band. I know I haven't but the more stuff you can provide can aid in helping people to decide if they like them or not. I am always down to find some new music so even if you don't decide to make the thread link me to some of your favorite songs by them.
Alright, I gottcha, lol. Thanks, I'll keep that in mind, and should I put in a few links to some music videos and whatnot, maybe the site link.. Well, their full name, and some extra tidbits?
Just explain why you like em, give some band details, provide some links and ask if there is anyone else that likes them. This way people that haven't heard of them can learn of them and provide feedback as to why they like them or don't. Just don't take offense if some people don't; it just means that it is not their thing.
lol, i haven't made a thread yet, mostly because I didn't think I needed to, plus other people could say it was spam or something like that (damn lunch-meat, lol) I'll post one as long as other people cant see from my image I like LM.C, lol.
Well we do have a music forum here that you can make a thread about that band and see if there is someone that has the similar interest in. Things like that are perfectly acceptable as long as there is not a thread about it. (edit: didn't check to see if you had already make a topic about it heh)
Yea, i probably will as long as i don't start up stupid arguments and there are things that interest me, like, I just got into a band LM.C and Iv'e been really wanting to find someone who likes them also so I can talk to them and stay active and meet someone new.