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    I'll send that PM eventually. I've been a little busy/distracted/sick. Damn stress/unhealthy food getting to me. Oooh, the joys of being a student. ^_^ I'm in my final semester of College. I swear my teachers are trying to kill me.
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    Would you consider yourself a Keynesian?

    I shake my head every time someone advocates austerity in the face of recession. The problem is governments get put under pressure to spend when economies are growing. That's backward. Government's need to do the opposite of the markets: expand when they contract, and contract when they expand. It's what New Zealand did (years of consecutive surpluses 2000-2008, now deficits), and we're weathering the storm pretty well. (Our problem is we're so exposed to external economic conditions because we have possibly the free-est international trade in existence. If China goes to shit because of Europe's little crisis, we're doomed... as is Australia.)
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    The uni I want to attend is around there! Griffith University (if you've heard of it). I want to get a masters in Aviation Management. I can take courses online, but that's the uni I want my masters from. I've also heard good things about that area as a whole. I'd love to visit.

    Yes, I've noticed this forum is very family oriented. Although I never really got into the adpotion thing (I've been using forums since 2006) I have other ways of weeding out the good from the bad. Some people stick out more than others. But there's a big enough community for at least everyone to find a place. Sometimes there's drama (as usual. Can't get along with everyone. I've been the centre of some drama lately. I'll PM if you like). But the guys arealways there to support my side or back me up if I need it.

    I have no idea how to play golf. I'll be playing this year because I want to see how my hard work pays off. So far so good. *fingers crossed*

    Which TFFer was (is) it?
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    TFF is quite the dating site, or as I've found. Although unintentially. These guys are absolutely fantastic nonetheless. I haven't found another community quite like this.

    Lol, I'll read it eventually. Most likely after my Golf Tournament is over. Its my baby. Its turning out quite well, but I've been stressing about it for over a month. If you ever get asked to organize a golf tournament, SAY NO!! So much work.

    Aussieland is a place I would like to go to eventually. Which part did you move to?
  5. View Conversation
    Lol, worse things have come out of the blue. I'm used to it random is a way of life. No need to apologise.

    How are you? I can't conveniently read your journal at this time (I'm in class >< still bored) what do you do?
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    I am not deserving of such kind words. It's just who I am, and my posts reflect that. Feel free to ask me anything, I am very open about myself.
  7. View Conversation
    I only vaguely remember you, but I'm really starting to respect you since you've been back. Just thought you'd like to know!
  8. View Conversation
    woah. you just like. Blew my mind. like....duuuuuude. O_o
  9. View Conversation
    Thank ya Sir! I'll get around to reading your posts as well. I've just been busy and rather self focused lately. My latest journal entry is an example of that. I don't expect people to read my journal, but I appreciate you doing so and telling me

    Thanks for the random VM and I hope to see that you stick around. You seem pretty cool as well
  10. View Conversation
    Yeah, you're right. Although I'd be worried about tired threads just re-appearing every few months. My personal religious beliefs seem to be constantly in flux according to all the threads I've written about them in. I value entirely novel threads over old ones, though I'm not against changing the linen.
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    TBH, I just think we need better leaders. Old threads are old threads. We need new threads with interesting discussions and the possibility of nuanced responses, with civilised participants. I'd like to make some, but I'm so caught up IRL. If you ever have an idea for a thread that you don't want to (or can't) execute, do check out my stickied thread in ID that is meant for exactly that.
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    Sorry for mis-interpreting your suggestion ('though I don't think I'm the only one who has). It's nice to have someone else who cares about the fortunes of that sub-forum. It's lost a lot of mojo in recent times.
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    Reporting for online chat duty... Sir...
  14. View Conversation
    I love you too =]
    I am talking to you on the phone =]
  15. View Conversation
    I'm glad you enjoyed that keyboard waffle Martin.
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Date of Birth
August 18, 1989 (35)
About Martin
Hello. I'm not that interesting. I play games and I love the Beatles. What would you like to know?
Brisbane, Australia
Gaming. Occasionally seeing the outside.
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I sell video games at EB. Well I claim to.
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El Martininho
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El Martininho



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Musings on the US Election

by Martin on 11-09-2012 at 04:05 AM
Romney vs. Obama. It was a question of realism against the idealism. Moral good vs. evil? I’d heard it described as that. It was a debate that raged on and on until the results were declared, questioned (mainly by Karl Rove), re-counted and re-counted again. Mitt Romney was the business savvy, rich Republican who focused heavily on kick-starting America and reuniting under a banner of singularity. Barack Obama is the great defender, the orator, the charmer who will restore American employment and

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Updated 11-24-2012 at 09:13 AM by Martin



by Martin on 10-25-2012 at 07:53 AM
The best part about having any extended free time is that after the initial boredom and frustration has passed, you find that your intellectual senses become less dulled. I find that I am often taken with a urge to research and write more, not always when you might expect it. It can be as I'm trying to sleep at 3 in the morning. I can be playing a videogame and then I want to fire up JSTOR. Usually it can take the form of a trigger phrase on a TV programme that forms a link of research - anything

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Australian Agriculture - soon to be a myth?

by Martin on 09-24-2012 at 09:52 AM
I'm not going to go into extensive detail about myself in this blog. It was never the intention, being somewhat of an impersonal attempt at examining things I had been looking at in detail and then maybe discussing it further with members of the site. This post won't subscribe to this completely but I am curious to hear your opinions on the matter I suppose. This will be more journalistic than educational but I hope it might teach a few things and might even be interesting!

I arrived

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Aviation Accidents

by Martin on 09-13-2012 at 12:04 AM
You might think this is a fairly morbid way to start proceedings and I suppose you'd be right but I've always had a weird fascination with aviation incidents/crashes. I am no frequent flyer nor am I a fearful one but the fact remains that the modern plane is both a marvellous piece of engineering genius, and a dangerous piece of machinery when mistreated or not maintained correctly. I've spent maybe hundreds of hours online and researching documentary evidence to try to understand when something

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