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    I hope that means the TFF Coalition has your support. We will demand all Administrators receive real-world benefits such as a business vehicle, a $500 fuel allowance, and a salary increase of 10%. Of course, before we can do the latter you will need an income from TFF. That's why we plan to charge each member not a part of the TFF Coalition 20 cents for each VM they send. On the low of course. So in one week, we estimate at least $500 will be heading your way. The TFF Coalition loves you, and wants you to be rich.

    Tiger Lily and Doc Rocco have founded over 200 first class orphanages around the world, housing more than 1,000 orphans. Each orphanage has a 100% adoption rate. Te children receive first class care and education there, as well as university scholarships. All this comes from their own pockets.

    Pete is responsible for 75% of the worlds orphans, engineering their parent's deaths. Zeromune is responsible for the other 25%. His ineptitude means that the parents are set upon multiple times before he succeeds, putting them in great pain. He enjoys this.

    So who shall you vote for? The caring, upstanding citizens Tiger Lily and Doc Rocco? The cruel sadist Pete? The bumbling fool Zeromune. The choice is clear. The TFF Coalition is building a road to greatness. Help build that road by voting for Tiger Lily and Doc Rocco.
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    Tiger Lily's "track marks" are the scars she received while fighting off a bear to protect a young child from the bear's wrath. In fact, it was Pete who set the bear upon the young paraplegic orphan. Can you trust a man who finds pleasure in seeing a young disabled girl set upon by a bear to moderate these forums? It would be like putting Hitler in charge of a Jewish forum. Instead, put your faith in the heroine of many. The girl who works tirelessly for world peace, a cure for cancer, eradication of world hunger and to stop poverty. Vote Tiger Lily for S-Mod.
  3. View Conversation
    If Mistress Sheena is a citizen, where is his birth certificate? If Tiger Lily isn't a heroin addict, why does she have track marks?

    The conclusion is clear: Pete for S-Mod.
  4. View Conversation
    Pete was the main insperation for having FFX add in the weapon ability "Break Damage Limit," otherwise he would have broken the PS2 with his sheer strength and awesomeness.

  5. View Conversation
    Just been reading your journal, never fails to entertain me, =D
  6. View Conversation
    Is there a way to get a certain person to be blocked from adding to a certain thread? Just wondering because it gets annoying when a person restates their opinion over and over again in an agrrivating (but not flaming) sort of way. If not its ok I can ignore the person.
  7. View Conversation
    The rules are probably very similar here. However I always seem to get really relaxed managers who don't care and they always end up to be the person I get along with most at work. I can do everything they can. Open, Close, Stock, Daily Counts but obviously I don't do them on my own ;]

    Either way, I think I would prefer having a manager there at all times because telling an unimpressed customer that the manager isn't there at the moment isn't all that fun.
  8. View Conversation
    somewhat, my little brother started a profile here and he never gets off the computer, but yeah otherwise im pretty much back. how have you been?
  9. View Conversation
    I agree with you. I thought more people would be working at Gamestop/EB Games. It just seems like the place you would see a large portion of the people here, who are obviously very knowledgable about games and consoles working at. Oh well, we are the lucky ones in a way. xD

    It has its perks for sure. =]

    Also you must always have a manager at your store? Wow, really. I get left on my own at my store all the time. But then again I have been there longer then even the manager so it kind of comes without saying that I can do my job. The manager and 2IC sometimes go and have lunch at the same time and leave me to the store. I guess it is good because it shows they trust me enough to leave me in charge. But my store is always very busy. :/
  10. View Conversation
    your past couple of journal entries have inspired me to continue with mine now, just thought I'd let you know.
  11. View Conversation
    Ha. I am picking up your tendencies.

    They said if I keep doing it, I will get more, and my brain will turn into mush. I defy them.
  12. View Conversation
    Thx for the hair advice, maybe I did cut it to soon. It really was awkward because it "puffed out at the sides and the back looked like I had a mullet My hair grows fairly fast its about 1 inche right now so in about 3-5 months it'll be almost shoulder lengthish (actually I'm not sure if that's fast or not...) But anyways thx again for the advice.
  13. View Conversation
    You all right?
  14. View Conversation
    Aliens have tried to conquer this world three times. You didn't hear about them because Pete fought them back each time. Vote Pete or else we will be invaded.
  15. View Conversation
    is ur FFXI character a Dragoon? when I played FFXI thats the class I wanted to be but I was poor at the time (especially after buying the HD/FFXI) so I only played it for 2 months while in school so I didn't get that far
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About LocoColt04

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About LocoColt04
I am me. Got questions? Ask them. That's what I have a PM box for.
Figaro Castle
Favorite FF?:
Final Fantasy VI, followed very closely by Tactics and then IX.
Store Manager, GameStop 6333, Kennedale TX.
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Community Manager; Forum Administrator

reppin' SOLDIER since 2004CPC8 class of 2009
Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
Best TFF Couple
Martin and Priscilla
Psiko and Hyzenthlay
Rocky and LocoColt04 and Meier Link and Pete
Unknown Entity and Mistress Sheena
Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.


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