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    I use Lei Wulong myself, his moves have drastically changed in Tekken 6, there's more emphasis on his snake stance. It took some time getting used to, thus I can't say I have as impressive win to lose ratio as you have with Kazuya. I did in fact manage to beat Nancy Robot, he does have some cheap moves, plus the highest defense out of them all. I used to fall into that hole he tends to make, later on I found out just how easy is to avoid it. One thing I like about Tekken 6 is it's edit mode, hopefully it will become as strong as in SoulCalibur through next instalments.
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    Azazel's quite a bitch, I once threw my PsP out of anger, still nothing compared to Seth from Street Fighter IV, he's as cheap as it gets. There's another version of Azazel that apears randomly in Arcade mode called Gold Azazel, I never managed to encounter him. Which character do you play most with if you don't mind me asking.
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    I haven't finished it yet. I am near the end of Chapter 6. I think I am at Mission 6-4 (54% Complete). I understand what you mean. The missions have risen steeply in terms of difficulty for me, so I have decided to take a break from it for a while. Also, the gameplay really isn't anything like the original. All I do is use the stylus to highlight the party, and then send them to kill the monster(s). It is quite repetitive. And the Quickening System is nothing like that of Final Fantasy XII also. I prefer the challenge it had to it.
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    Don't worry about that. My birthday seemed more like a regular day, but I survived it. Thanks for the birthday wishes.
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    Haha, why thank you!! I worked Christmas Eve and Christmas day, but my family always has their celebration the weekend before. It was nice, I didn't have to work then so I got to enjoy it. First time in three years, I've had to work every other event before. I also ate way too much food, but I'm Italian I guess it's in my blood.

    No definite plans for New Year's eve, I'm pretty sure I'm going out to the city. First time I'll be going out since I turned 21. New Year's day is my birthday, so it'll be a birthday celebration on top of a New Year's shindig so we'll see how it goes, not really anxious to turn 23, but you know lol. How bout you?
  6. View Conversation
    No problem! I thought it was odd that I hadn't already, but I guess we haven't talked directly. I've seen you around though and liked what you've posted in Prestige, etc. Did you have a nice Christmas/holiday?
  7. View Conversation
    Electrode is pretty useful in the NU tier because he's pretty much the second fastest Pokemon in the tier. I would recommend him for late-game cleanup, just like Smogon suggests.
  8. View Conversation
    Nope, not me. The term came from a VGcats comic, so I can't claim it as anything specific to me.
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    Forretress is an amazing Rapid Spinner thanks to Sturdy. Just watch out when you use Gliscor as he has 4x weakness to Ice moves. I haven't used the others but Smogon always provides good advice.
  10. View Conversation
    Thanks for the User Note! I noticed it today. And the like from a few minutes ago.
  11. View Conversation
    I did it! Zip Slasher is no more! I used nearly every potion to heal myself, but I did it!
  12. View Conversation
    I have Block equipped, but honestly I haven't used it at all. I forgot about having to push a button to use it. I don't know, something in my mind thought that it was an ability that a certain percentage of attacks get blocked for some reason. Normally I just use guerrila tactics by attacking and running away from it when it attacks. Thanks for the tip!
  13. View Conversation
    I lost my save halfway through, that should teach me for using an emulator (I honestly don't know if I should put a smiley or a sad face here). Anyways, I wouldn't mind hearing about your progress.
  14. View Conversation
    The main reason for getting Revenant Wings was to add it to my collection. Another is that since the probability of me ever finishing FFXII is very low, I figured I would just skip what I don't know of XII (which is what happens after the battle against Vayne the Undying) and go on to Revenant Wings. And since it's a DS game, I can take it to work with me and play when I am bored, or waiting for the office to open.

    Luckily, I have never had any lost or damaged products when buying stuff online. I just wasn't comfortable with the fact that it was sent that way. The seller replied to my feedback, saying that the way he sent it was adequate for the price that I had purchased it. I was only suggesting to him in my feedback that he use a more secure way of shipping than a standard postage.

    So far in 358/2 Days, I have started on the actual missions. I tried to fight the Zip Slasher with Larxene, and got my butt handed to me several times. It should be easy for me to beat it, since the thing has a pattern in its attacks; but if it hits me once I lose nearly all of my HP. Oh well, I will work on getting it later.
  15. View Conversation
    Oh ok, thats pretty cool. I must of thought it was duo because I remembered his face from the cutscenes in the said mega man game and they sure did look alike haha, but that is nice to know.
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About Kurt Zisa

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Date of Birth
January 23, 1994 (31)
About Kurt Zisa
22 Acacia Avenue
Videogames (Final Fantasy, Tekken, Metal Gear Solid) Iron Maiden, RHCP, Steven Universe. My gf <3 (hacked!) but still true.
Favorite FF?:
XII, VII, V and Tactics.
Moo cow }:8
Steam ID:
FF Collection

FF games that you have either played or own

Main Series:
Other FF Games:
FF7: Dirge of Cerberus, FF7: Advent Children, FF: Tactics, FF: Tactics Advance, FF12: Revenant Wings, Dissidia Final Fantasy, Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy, World of Final Fantasy


Currently Playing:
Pillars of Eternity (PC)

I play Magic! See what decks im playing or building here!


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Guess what arrived

by Kurt Zisa on 09-09-2014 at 03:16 PM

For some reason that came out sideways. I'm super excited to play this - too bad I won't be able to start it for another day or so, unless my gf has enough space on her ps3 for a temporary playthrough.

Looking forward to discussing this with you guys just as much. Yay!

1095 days

by Kurt Zisa on 01-22-2014 at 12:03 AM
It's been what, 4 months since I updated this? I've been meaning to since the start of the new year but I kept putting if off for a variety of reasons.

Had a pretty awesome few days of gaming. I beat The Emperor for the first time on Final Fantasy II, and completed Metal Gear Rising Revengence on Easy Mode.

Whenever I'd step foot into Pandemonium i'd get jumped by a group of Dark Knights, or Death Riders, or whatever they're called, and my party would get picked off one

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Pokemon LeafGreen - Meet the Crew Part 2

by Kurt Zisa on 09-18-2013 at 07:22 PM
I know I said this wouldn't get updated all the time, but I figured it would be good to do it every time I beat a Gym, as they start to get a bit more spaced out from now on.

There aren't any new additions to my team, everyone has just leveled up 3 three times and have a couple new attacks.

After posting yesterday's Blog, my team and I have beaten our rival for the 3rd time. Despite having one less Pokemon we were a good two levels ahead of his strongest guy, so if anything

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Pokemon LeafGreen - Meet the Crew

by Kurt Zisa on 09-18-2013 at 01:10 AM
After having Pokemon Blue for the past... 12ish years I've finally got a chance to play it's remake: LeafGreen, and aside from most of the music, I'm really enjoying it.

I want to make a sort of walkthrough Blog of the game as I play through it, just posting my team's stats, moves and my overall progress in the game. It'l be a bit like when I did the Final Fantasy IV Blogs a while ago which you can find if you look back to last year's entries.

Ok, on to the game!

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Updated 09-18-2013 at 01:15 AM by Kurt Zisa


We bought a wii

by Kurt Zisa on 08-04-2013 at 12:46 AM
And i'm not too sure what to do with it. A new EB Games opened up in a shopping center about 40 minutes away from where I lived, so my girlfriend and I went to check it out because why not.

Anyway they had this storewide sale and one of the things they were selling was a pre-owned wii for NZ$84 and then things went like this:

GF: It's so cheap!
Me: yeah i guess it is
GF: we need this!
Me:... really?
GF: We've always wanted one
Me: I only know

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