I have found this website really useful. I don't know anyone who plays bass, but a few friends play guitar. I haven't sought anything from them (yet). I learnt a simplified version of Let it Be yesterday. Do you know any easy songs, that you have bass tabs for?
Rad! How are you learning?
Holy shite you are from Texas heh. Yet another member that is close to where I live haha. Just a state away. There are quite a few people from here that are from Texas. Loco is one of them.
Thank you for your support of the new ID forum rules. I got really tired of them being every were so I figured with the old ones about to expire that it was high time to consolidate and bring them up to date haha. Now if I can just get some decent activity back into that area of the forum heh.
Those are all essential things. Otherwise you would die, and rot away in the ground. D:
Lol nice and thank you!!!!!!!!!
Cool-io. How about yourself?
I always disappear but I come back here cause its my home
not much really just having some fun times in my little fantasy world
I got it and PM'ed you back. ^_^
As much as I'd like to say I drew my Avvy/Siggy someone else did, but thank you for the compliment. I have been emailing the artists of both telling them how much everyone likes them.
Glad you enjoyed that castlevania link i posted. Theres more re-enactments like that one.
Haven't seen you on in a while. Anyway, just stopping by to say "hey", and I hope you're doing alright.
yo whats up nice pic
Thx! But I don't think I get to do anything, for reasons I don't wanna talk about.
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Tsuna Feesh
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Never getting back together...
Resident Saint Seiya fanboy
Dream BIG
The pizza guy!
Sharing is caring, and caring is ment to be shared
Kuzuya Mishima