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  1. View Conversation
    This isn't 4chan, gtfo. You don't even know what a troll is.
  2. View Conversation
    I'm not. But I take an interest when a snivelling teenager accuses very dear friends of mine of being a paedophile.

    No, just no.
  3. View Conversation
    ....You have no idea what you're talking about.

    Sure, while a majority of things are geared towards teens, doesn't mean that "only teens are allowed to play these games/watch these movies/read these books" etc.

    It just means they're the target audience. Not the ONLY audience. >_>;
  4. View Conversation
    You know, I've been keeping an eye on your conversation and "argument" with Mistress Sheena since it started. At first, it was amusing. Then it went too far, and I was fighting the urge to flame, and I still am.

    But how dare you accuse her of being a paedophile (btw, you can't even spell it correctly >>) without properly getting to know her. You have no idea how serious an accusation like that is, and I'll advise you to think about what you are saying before you say it.

    And no, the internet is NOT just for teenagers. As a matter of fact, young minded teenagers on the internet, who have no idea what they are talking about piss me off. Seriously, do you know how much adult rated stuff there is on the web? This place isn't Disney Land. Oh, and same goes for games - some are 18+ for a reason, and I know people in their 40's who still play games. ¬¬;;

    Grow the **** up.
  5. View Conversation
    Alright kid. Listen here, first off the internet is not for teenagers. A teen your age should be outside doing something productive then on the internet stroking your 2 inch ego to people you just met, at least know how to do it right. There is no age restriction for the internet, stfu. Your game Starcraft Ghost will never come out, we can tell you have this crush on Nova, if it was going to be come out, Blizzard would have released it already. That game was announced when you were not even in the double digits. IT ISN'T COMING OUT. Look up the term vaporware, I know it's a word you never heard of before. Stop thinking you are some badass fanboy, that wont get you anywhere here. Go back to school and learn something, it's obvious you still need 4 more years in High School.
  6. View Conversation
    The internet is actually more for 18+ people. Hence why porn is all over the place. You think that's just for teenagers?

    You keep showing that you're just a "know-it-all" punk who has no respect for anybody but yourself. There is no specific rule or law that states that the internet is just for teenagers.

    If there is, again, please show me some hard evidence rather than spouting off BS. Give me an article. Give me a website. Show me something.
  7. View Conversation
    ...Right. See? This is why we can't get along. Sorry, I'm only 25, and guess what? 80% of the people on this forum are older than 18.

    Besides, what's wrong with older people playing video games? Who made the rule that only young people can? And no, I'm not a pedophile.

    ...And I don't talk to random people anyhow. Also, I hate candy.
    You asked me why we can't get along, and you keep proving why we can't.
  8. View Conversation
    ...Who was the one that resorted to name calling first, again?

    Oh right, you.

    That's why we can't get along. You're too young and immature and don't know how to argue.

    For one, you never proved me wrong. Don't say you did, because you know for a fact that you didn't. And if you actually think you did, then I'm sorry for you, because you actually didn't.

    You didn't provide hard evidence. No articles, no links, no resources that supported your stance. You can't just say random crap and think you proved someone wrong.

    Also, a good way to not get along with someone is to, you guessed it, resort to name calling and taunt them in your signature. ^_^

    Not to mention that interview snippet wasn't written by me. It was an excerpt of the article that I linked to you, if you ever bothered to click it.
    So no, I didn't say that I was my own news source. I have no idea how you gathered that.
  9. View Conversation
    Actually you can keep it for all I care, but I'm just saying. If you keep it there, you'll get warned for flaming.
  10. View Conversation
    May want to take that last bit in your sig out. It's pretty much against our forum rules.
    If you don't want to be warned any further, I suggest you remove it.

    Not to mention I never actually trolled you, by the definition of trolling.

    I guess that's besides the point. Anyway, I apologize for taking the argument too far (Although for the record, all you did was call me names.), so anyway. Sorry about all that.
  11. View Conversation
    ....And where was that, exactly? I don't recall saying those exact words in my previous VM.
    All I did was link you to an article. I just said "Oh hey, proof."

    And linked you to a gamespot interview. Granted it's 2 years old, but it still has some merit.
  12. View Conversation
    AGDC '07: Blizzard president Mike Morhaime - News at GameSpot
    Oh hey, proof.

    GS: What happened with Starcraft: Ghost?

    MM: We were late to market with a game that was not shaping up to be competitive to some of the other top games that were coming out. We looked at it and realized that there was an awful lot of work we needed to do. Our window was closing on the older-generation platforms, so we had to make a decision whether we would basically take what we'd done onto the next generation of hardware and start from scratch. Ideally, we wanted to release Ghost on the older generation and have our sequel come out on next-generation systems. And then we looked at all the resource needs we had on the PC side of the business with World of Warcraft and our other titles, and we just decided that the resources were spent better on focusing our efforts on our PC titles, so we put Ghost on indefinite hold.

    GS: Is cracking back into the console market still on the company's list of objectives?

    MM: It is not.

    GS: Why was the console market worth getting into in the last generation, but now you're backing away from it?

    MM: We thought we would be able to do it without impacting our PC teams. We just had to make a priority call when it became clear that we were getting late to the market with these things, and we were not creating something that would live up to the Blizzard quality I've been talking about without additional resources. Now it's pretty clear that we really could use those resources helping us out on World of Warcraft and other things. Ideally, you try to do everything, but one of my points this morning was about not trying to do everything at the same time and focusing on what's important. And that's what we did.
  13. View Conversation
    People make mistakes all the time. If that mistake is still there to this day, then yes, IGN is shit. Although yes, Blizz didn't create C&C. They copied C&C. =P
  14. View Conversation
    How? All you did was call me names and throw out some stupid phrase.

    You didn't show any actual evidence. So you didn't do crap.

    Give me some hard evidence. Links and whatnot, then I'll believe you. Otherwise, just drop it. I'm not looking to "prove you wrong".

    All I'm saying is, Ghost isn't coming out anytime soon, so don't act like it is.
  15. View Conversation
    IGN's reviews are crapped and biased, yes. Although their press releases and things are okay, from what I heard. I don't go there religiously or anything. I just searched around and that's what I pulled.

    Lrn2argue, huh?
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