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  1. Yeah, i'm definitely happy I still can have me time. It's great.
  2. Exactly. Even in the navy I still get to have me time haha.
  3. We all do. It brings us some nostalgia in our life. We all need that small bit of time to ourselves everyday.
  4. Haha! nothing wrong with that though! I remember i once played a DnD like game from the setting of FF8, it was fun.
  5. That is one interesting way of putting it. To me, a character can only become a living being when losing that character, people will miss him. I remember (nerd moment), my friends and I had a huge DnD campaign that stretched like 5 months. (Played every saturday for three hours).
    One of our characters died off (our Cleric), and we truly were upset about it. We all missed the guy so much, we stopped the main campaign. We met up everyday for the next week, scouring through side quests until my Sorcerer was able to bring him back to life.
  6. I try to branch the character away from me, that way I can develop it into it's own personality. Instead of me, I want the character to be its own living, breathing creation.
  7. Hahaha, when I start writing it just flows out. I get in the mindset of my character, and it just comes to me, like instead of thinking "what would Isaac do?" It's like "what would I do?"
  8. Yeah, mine fleshed out a bit bigger than i thought. haha
  9. If you decide to join, go reserve. That way you can at least be home more often than Active duty.
    Speaking of which, have you checked out my latest post on Divided? I edited it a bit ago, decided to change things up. I finally got a background story to Isaac's past haha
  10. I stand armed watches, as well as general maintenance around the ship. I normally stand perimeter watch with standard issue M9 and M16.
  11. Sorry bout late response, had duty for a couple days there. 20 pull ups? Nice! I can only do about 15 full extensions myself.
  12. Some of them, not all of them, I lost the most powerful weapon I could use. Unfortunately the weapons I sold couldn't be bought back, boy did I feel stupid.
  13. View Conversation
    I did the same thing, but at least it was possible to buy most of the weapons
  14. View Conversation
    I got so mad at myself on the first playthrough of XIII, I sold off a large number of accesories, including everything that could've been used to make a gaian ring, so I've had to go back for the little things to complete the big things. I am an idiot!!!
  15. View Conversation
    just the seemingly never ending wait for various media to hit the shelves, how about with you.
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About Judge Magistrate

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Date of Birth
May 29, 1993 (31)
About Judge Magistrate
Passing sentence beneath my helm
Keeping the kingdom safe from it's enemies
Favorite FF?:
Judge Magistrate


None shall escape judgement, all shall fall by my blade.

My TFF family
Firefly-The Greatest Little Sister Ever
Ruin-My bro working in the military
Nickness89-My brother from another mother
angelmarie190515-My mentor and greatest older sister
A Hero without a Name- My brother in arms
Raven Zecht-Herald of what is to come
LadyWinchester-The mistress of light and dark

-98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.


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07-10-2012 02:48 PM
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01-08-2012 10:01 AM
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