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    I am 15,I am pretty weak and I am pretty much a sissy,but if my friends need me or are in trouble,I will help them and comfort them in anyway possible. No matter their situation,I stay loyal to them. Like for instance,if you ever needed me..I would do everything in my power to go to you and help you. I know,I am a self-less and idiotic 'child',but I see myself as loyal and caring
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    That probaly explains some things. But still,I'd rather know so I could help him,even if did mean me getting hurt. Heck,I will go through anything..just to get my best friend back. If I can deal with my stepdad and his crap,then I can handle anything
  3. View Conversation
    :') Thank you,Will. Your such a sweet guy And I hope so..
  4. View Conversation
    I missed you,too. And no,Ty isn't the one who wanted to be more than friends. I ended up talking to my pa today about Ty,and he said that he was sorry about the other night and told me that Ty was just..growing up. He said that Ty would become more secretive and try to avoid me because I am girl. In some ways,it makes alot of sense..but in makes me sad that our friendship could be on the verge of shattering just because of him maturing and stuff. But then again,maybe you and your grandparents are right. ....But like you said earlier,I still have you
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    As you noticed when you posted in the thread, I have been allowed to compete. So good luck to both of us now. Maybe if we do well it will give us credit for new Adoptees. Especially if we get the fancy banners if we (a winner and runner-up) win. I don't care which place I get, as long as I get to play.
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    About me begin angry? I was just extremely ticked off because my grandparents were constantly nagging at me saying how I am turning into a selfish brat and then they started talking about how I have the dumbest and useless best friend ever(Ty),which made me end up going off on them. I feel bad about it,but..I am very protective over Ty..even if he barely talks to me anymore :/ ... Anyways,how was your day?
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    Nope, they're training me for the new night auditor, so I'll be going through minor sleep problems the next few weeks . The money is decent though, will allow me to get a better computer. So I can one day comment on every forum, and RULE THEM ALL!!! MWHAHAHAH....woah just went Vayne there for a moment, I'm going crazy
  8. View Conversation
    No one hurt me,it was just..too much stress and I was really angry,so..I just snapped pretty much. :/
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    I plan on voting, whether or not I become Obliterator. I will try to vote for people I know, Adopters, the Flock, etc. So, you have my vote(s). No promises later down the line, though.

    I have been reading the last two years of the game, figuring what not to write about if I am Obliterator. I don't want to make it similiar, but I won't have that problem. Some of these deaths are horrible! I have to skip some, it is just that bad. Most of the time it is funny.

    Just to update, I have been allowed to compete as well. So, good luck to both of us!
  10. View Conversation
    Yo Judge

    I'm still reeling from my shift from last night, I work 11 pm-7 am at my hotel, wears me out man
  11. View Conversation
    You're probably right on the whole ladies being nicer, although I may be one of the nicest people ever (I said I was nice, not humble). About advertising, I can up a discussion in the group suggesting that new members get adopted, but I won't say that I want people to adopt me. It would compromise my position.

    Anyway, I see you signed up for the member elimination. I was really looking forward to joining this year, but my computer broke, and I was able to. I did ask to be an Obliterator, though. I will be pulling for you.

    Good luck,

  12. View Conversation
    I know that you were just joking. Anyway, what we should do is think of a way to curb all the new members our way. Us guys have to work harder than the ladies.

    P.S. I am sending through VM because I don't want to get a warning for going off topic in the thread. i tend to do that (once or twice).
  13. View Conversation
    I'm sorry,last night..I..I had an emotional breakdown. And today,I went to our first home football game and I am just now getting home :/
  14. View Conversation
    Not much man, just about to hit the bed. Gotta work tomorrow, I just gave u a new name. Enjoy!
  15. View Conversation
    D'awww, I love you too little brother!!
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About Judge Magistrate

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Date of Birth
May 29, 1993 (31)
About Judge Magistrate
Passing sentence beneath my helm
Keeping the kingdom safe from it's enemies
Favorite FF?:
Judge Magistrate


None shall escape judgement, all shall fall by my blade.

My TFF family
Firefly-The Greatest Little Sister Ever
Ruin-My bro working in the military
Nickness89-My brother from another mother
angelmarie190515-My mentor and greatest older sister
A Hero without a Name- My brother in arms
Raven Zecht-Herald of what is to come
LadyWinchester-The mistress of light and dark

-98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.


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07-10-2012 02:48 PM
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01-08-2012 10:01 AM
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