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  1. View Conversation
    Yeah, I suppose it was easy for experienced RPG'ers. (I really expected more from Sephiroth)
    What on lofty earth is red-ring? (I don't own an XBOX...yet )
    What a self-sacrificing friend. He's already endeared to the viewers. Our unified hearts and gamer salutes go out to his banned self.
    I have a PC, but no good games for it. If I were in the market, what would you suggest?
  2. View Conversation
    If you define new as 'modern games' then, no. I have my PS2, and a backlog of boring games for it. I'm finally done playing 'Kingdom Hearts' (I was so relieved) but have now been forced into starting 'KH re:com.' The controls are drastically different! They use this kooky card system. I'm still getting used to it, but so far it annoys me. The story is basically the trio (Sora, Donald, that annoying Goofy) enter a castle and suddenly start suffering from memory loss. *oogh, it's awful!*
    Have you heard of the pain that is KH?
  3. View Conversation
    Hey, how are ya?
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    Ah thats really shitty, sorry that you had a bad experience like that. If anything, there is a report PM button that sends a copy of the message to the supermods and admins. They can handle a situation like that in a fairly swift manner.

    Anywho, i don't think we've ever talked before! How are you thos early morning?
  5. View Conversation
    Haha, that's funny about the dog/cat thing. I was afraid you'd say the vet had it tattooed or something.
    Yeah, that does seem right, of course, I've got another cat who lets strangers touch her without appearing to mind.
    He was pretty affectionate today, so I guess he's just trying to communicate that he hates his current name. Today I petted him a little and called him several different names, trying to find one that he listens to, including SamSam, DeeDee, and TaTa, so far, he responds to PingPing, but it's not exactly something that rolls off one's tongue. I'll have to work on it.
  6. *ignore this*
    I did not mean to post a message on my page
  7. View Conversation
    Tydis is the name however they are simular I did take the name Tidus and switched it to Tydis for comparisons thank you glad to have joined
  8. View Conversation
    He doesn't like hugs. He's always struggling to get free, lazily walk away from whoever held him, sit down and yowl at the person from that safe distance while they call his name in vain. I'm thinking of renaming him, but I need a good one that he'll respond to.
    I wouldn't know about that dog comment, I've never owned one for long.
  9. View Conversation
    I suppose you could be right on the "he wants something" supposition, but mostly he just sits there yowling at me. I actually have to put his bowl right in front of his face, because he won't move a couple extra inches. Not that I mind, I'm just not used to the fussiness. All my other cats are perfectly content to run to their food. I guess with his long beautiful tail he thinks he's worth special attention. I really don't know where he gets it, his mother was a stray and she won't eat food unless it's poured on the floor.
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    well, yeah, his dying wasn't normal, of course. I'm not really sure what happened. One day they were fine, the next they were sick. There were three kittens, two of them died that day. The last one survived. He's a really whiny creature. Of course the mother was pretty weak. Maybe that had something to do with it...
  11. Prolly a lil of both but I'll attend more bbqs than I host. Damn that's toasty down there. We've had a few 90s days but this last week has been clouds wind and some rain. I love the rain but normally its very dry in Montana. Every day should be an ice cream day or night ..every other day would be smart because we don't want to lose the love for the cream that we call "ice". My only drinking problem is that sometimes it hits my forehead instead of my mouth.
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    Judo!?! Judont have a gun, Judont have a knife, Judont stand a chaaaaaance
    i'm so ready. here in California i feel like summer has already started. it was 90-somethin degrees here today (still hot outside and it is half past midnight!) I loooove summer. all that free tanning and melting and stuff. ice cream is always at it's best in summer. siiiighhh. you going to be going to a lot of bbqs or will you be the host? (lol doooo you have a drinking problem? )
  13. View Conversation
    Would you really? Thanks for that. I enjoy new rapports, I'm gonna send you a friend request.
    Thanks on the cat. I was unsure which pic I should've selected. And I was curious if that would even work at all.
    Oooo, coincidentally, I knew a kitten who had an extra digit on his little black paw. He died, but the vet said the extra claw was perfectly healthy.
  14. View Conversation
    Haha, I hear ya about the school loans. And, I'm reserved at the moment.
  15. View Conversation
    Haha yeah that's Shockwave allright, can't remeber what episode I took that from though. He's probably my favourite Decepticon from the original. Then maybe Soundwave and then possibly Megatron. You have a favourite?
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April 6
About Joxsjua
love final fantasy and megaman franchise
rollerbooting, video games, intelligent women, anime, alcohol
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hard to pick just one
laborer, student


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