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  1. View Conversation
    Can I count on your vote for Most Antagonistic?
  2. View Conversation
    Don't think I'll get it in tonight. Prolly tomorrow sometime.
  3. View Conversation
    That's cool good luck on your test i'm just hanging around lol family from NY is coming over today so yea
  4. View Conversation
    Hi Whats goin on?
  5. View Conversation
    The expected release date was said to be 2010.

    Speaking of Godsmack, I've heard that Sully is now preparing to write his new solo album. Man, That's gonna be one of the best solo albums ever. I can guarantee you that.
  6. View Conversation
    I can't wait for Godsmack fifth album. According to Shannon, it's gonna be a blast.
  7. View Conversation
    mplayer = best video player ever. I've tried everything else. This just works better. Picture quality is superb, and, as long as you have the restricted packages installed, it will play just about anything, including audio. I would recommend getting the standard mplayer with gui. No gnome mplayer or smplayer. Then, if you can later learn to use it in the command line. You can even use it to encode video and rip DVD's.

    I use Exaile and Rhythmbox for audio. I prefer XMMS, but getting audioscrobbler to work with it is nearly impossible now.
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    I found a weird bug in Ubuntu. It's nothing new... but it was annoying. Apparently, if you use a set of applications for video that use the gstreamer libraries, then use a set of applications that use the xine libraries, the saturation, brightness, and contrast all set themselves too high, even when showing displayed in the middle. It requires you to adjust each time you have to switch between them.

    This happened to me last night. I had no clue what happened at first. I usually use mplayer for all videos. However, mplayer has no dvd menu support, so I used gxine. BAM! Messed up colors. In stead of gxine, I have been using ogle since. It works well, no need to adjust colors each time since it uses gstreamer, and the picture quality is awesome- much better than totem. I believe it does use mplayer as a backend.

    Fun, huh?
  9. View Conversation
    Linux+ Cram Sheet Thought you might be interested in this.
  10. It's not really the name and strength of your over-qualifications that matter to smalltime potential employers; they're far more interested in how long they can look towards keeping you there in the future. It gave me trouble at home, because they could see a mile away that I'd be off to uni as soon as possible. Last week, my boss declined someone's application because they've only got a year left at the Uni of Aberdeen - and she's not going to bother training up someone who she knows is going to be off into the big wide world and a proper job before long.

    This is the same boss who is currently unaware that I have to live abroad next year as part of my degree. I'm going to wait until it's a complete waste of money for Travelex to let me go (ie once they've stumped for my £250 Air Pass) and then ask they transfer me to France somewhere. I doubt this will work, but I needed a job. I shouldn't have lied to her, and as the days pass the problem grows bigger, but I need the money.

    Just a head's up. Good luck with your application, I really hope it works out for you. And I hope your granny gets her head straight asap.
  11. Now you can show the world what you are! Even people who aren't normally interested in these things know about North Carolina now, because it's been in the news so much. We'll be watching on Nov 4th, haha.

    On another note, I hope you find a way to get to school soon, and that things generally get better at home. They will with time. Like Sarah said, keep on truckin' love, and you'll be fine. I wish you all the luck in the world.
  12. View Conversation
    I'm sorry about your situation. It really sucks. I'm having a similar problem myself... I'm broke, and getting to school is a bit of a strain, since it's 45 miles away. People also don't want to hire me, because I'm "over qualified." What is wrong with companies today? They really don't want someone that can do more than what they expect? I really don't understand it.

    I hope things improve for you. Try to not let it get to you. It's gotta have a pay off at the end. As Ness' mom would say, "Keep on truckin'!"
  13. View Conversation
    lol haha I know I was thinking the exact same thing man! Oh well we both fail but the problem is fixed.
  14. View Conversation
    Thanks. =D I'm glad you got that.
  15. View Conversation
    I've considered Damn Small Linux for similar systems. I think most widely supported distros would run on your system, as older hardware support seems more likely. Your biggest issue is going to be hard drive space.

    I've actually been contemplating a similar project. I have a few older, low end systems sitting around that are begging to be messed with. I'm gonna try DSL first. I'm also going to be looking into similar distros. I'll let you know what I come up with.

    EDIT: You could always try Gentoo or Arch, but that requires a lot of work. You need to be unhealthily obsessed with your OS to work them. Fun challenge, though. You could definitely customize it to fit your system. I'd just be worried about compile times for things you can't find binaries for. I don't know a whole lot about Arch, except that it's supposedly an offshoot of Gentoo. It might include far less compile time. Either way, the simplicity of its base, Gentoo, makes it well worth considering.

    I hope this helps. =/

    EDIT 2, Electric Boogaloo: :: Linux distros for older hardware
    Minimal Linux distros - OLPC
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Date of Birth
January 28, 1990 (35)
About Joe
I want to be a race-car passenger. Just the guy who bugs the driver. Say man can I turn on the radio? You should slow down. Why we gotta keep going in circles? really like Tide (R.I.P. Mitch Hedberg)
State of Insanity
Playing Bass, Working on computers, Listening to my massive music collection, and reading whatever strikes my fancy
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I fix email on the phone for self entitled idiots.
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(TFF Family):

My TFF Family:
My Anime Addicted sister Athna Loveil
My Unspoken Scabbia Loving Bro Fishie
My Godsmack addicted brother Omega Weapon
My Kooky Soap opera addicted sister Rikkuffx
My Kinky Chipmunk Cousin Unknown Entity, because, you know, cousins can still do stuff in certain states.
My Twin-like bro Ruin_Tumult
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