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  1. View Conversation
    lol, I know, me too. The Intelligent/Passive man's march to glory is through thoughts not footsteps. But we philosophers must have a very short stride, Jin, we take a lot of steps but we never seem to get anywhere.

  2. View Conversation
    Ha ha. I've been working on RP's. Sorreh.

    Be on soon. =]
  3. View Conversation
    Look who's online... Look who's not!

    Gah, I have a party later, too.
  4. View Conversation
    I can't go on msn now, . It's much too late!!

    Bed times for me. I hear my pillows calling. Perhaps tomorrow, eh? =]

  5. View Conversation
    I meant MSN. It's 4am now and suddenly you're on!? That's horsecrap.

    Nevermind, eh?
  6. View Conversation
    I have a question; why is it that you are never online?

    Yes... That's a very VERY good question.
  7. View Conversation
    Hello and yes.

    My email is [email protected].

    Happy... Erm... Hunting? Horaay for cake!=P
  8. View Conversation
    Ai no rite.
  9. View Conversation
    That is very true. Next time try to ensure it isn't me that is scolded. Maybe I'll buy some waterproof clothing... And heatproof...

    Moonlight Sonata it is, my dear. Any more requests? I've been playing piano since I was a tadpole. Kinda comes naturally now.

    Pen and paper RPG's are the way forward. Nerding it up is no sham. It's hot here and I've been sat in all damn day. I can't wait to finish for the summer. Just on emore month to go.
  10. View Conversation
    A birthday wish from you, and it was on time and not early!
  11. View Conversation
    "Nah, I'm a Kleenex kind of guy. When it's your number one pass time, comfort is important."
    I just spat my tea all down myself when I read that. I hope you know that your awesome sense of humour is responsible for burns to my chest and chin. Shame on you!

    Gamma Ray are great. You have to love the Germans for some of the music they have produced. In school I was obsessed with Rammstein. Embarrassingly I first saw them on xXx the film.

    I'd kill for a massage round about now. Been slaving over a hot piano all day. Could do with one real bad.

    What have you done with your day mister?

    Posted it on my page again. I think my brain is broken.
  12. View Conversation
    It can take effort to get into a new series. Most of the time I'm like '**** that'. I've done that with Prison Break and The Wire. Dexter is definitely worth a look if you have it. If you don't like it then what have you lost?

    Yeah, I like a good deal of the bands you just listed. Recently I've been listening to bands with a lot of melodic chorus' as well. Probably down to the fact that I'm attempting to broaden a few of my students horizons. It's hard to teach piano to somebody that only knows of Beethoven.
    As for metal itself I've recently been listening to a lot of the older stuff. Just because I like getting to know the bands that made the genre. I've been into some Thrash recently, too. In fact Slayer and Pantera have been in my C.D drive for most of this year.

    My lord I'm tired. My back is killing me.

    I just posted this on my wall. What a tit.
  13. View Conversation
    Isn't Vanille's VA from australia? She sounds like a fembot.

    Now on the other hand, I could listen to Fang's VA all night
  14. View Conversation
    Have you never watched Dexter? Say it can't be so that you don't like it?

    I loved Lost. Watched it right to the end and then even some of the documentaries. I still regard the first series as one of the best things on t.v. I don't watch much of it, either. I mainly stick to programmes with one word titles e.g: Dexter, Lost, Heroes. The exceptions of which are Band of Brothers and the Pacific. I've just realised how un-feminine my taste in t.v is.

    As for music; I love it all... Or most at least. I can't stand Rap or R 'n B. I'm a music buff and actually teach it so my taste depends on mucsical talent. Or, what I deem talent. Ha ha. I can see the good side of nearly any type except those two. As for metal... I'm afraid it's my chosen genre. I'm a sucker for quick riffs and barely audible lyrics. Dunno why. I guess that the 'talent' I like most. Ha ha. Some do have amazing lyrics and great tunes, though. What have you been listening to?

    Rant... Again.
  15. View Conversation
    I've been in a pretty similar mood if I'm honest. After the last few weeks basking in the glory of retro gaming the charm has worn off. I've been through all the games I can take. That means my spare time has been filled with daytime t.v. The only thing that I can say I'm enjoying is Dexter.

    I'm ranting. Ha ha. I'll be quiet.

    What do you like on t.v these days? Have you found anything else to fill the days?
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May 2, 1988 (36)
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