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    Well, I have seen you and Alther talking, I am Elyon, The leader, Well... First of all, It's not as simple to join the group, You have to go through some trials in order to be accepted.

    There are many rules, But i will only name up a few of them.

    Rule #1: All your stuff, Including ideas, Abilities and others must be as Original as possibly, I cannot have to many things thats being taken by others such as Final Fantasy and others.

    Rule #2: If you follow the first rule, Then you must know... We on that group doesn't take a s*** lightly, We are serious, But we do joke around sometimes, But mostly serious.

    Rule #3: Now here comes something that you MUST be sure about, If you join the group, It's not meant for anybody to leave, If you prove yourself to be unworthy and not doing any good stuff or showing any activity, You will have PERNAMENT BANISHMENT, You can't say stuff like "Plz plz with sugar and candy let me join again!", If you mess up to much, You're done for.

    These are standard rules, Me, Ralz and Alther have created an good system for our fighting while Role-Playing, If you wanna know how that works, You have to speak with Ralz, He takes care that everybody follows the rules.

    You are almost done! You need to fill in this.

    Fill up these that i give you.

    ----Contract of Chaosthroph----
    You must not show disrespect...
    You must not disobey...
    You must not be frail...

    This is not for the faint of heart...
    This is an true test of loyalty...

    If you follow this...
    Then you are already welcome.
    ~Elyon Vangellis Seraphim~

    Sign Here:

    Almost there, You need some simple character status to give me as well, There's an advanced version inside the group as well, You must fill this AND the one in the group in order to partipace in our histories, If you do well, You might as well appear in the game which is based of this group, But only if you prove yourself worthy.

    Full Name:
    Nick Name:

    Fill up these, And show me the results later, If it's well, Then you are welcome, Remember the rules above.

    Now... The Final Step!

    After an while, I had hard time seeing and remember how well people work that i put up an Ranking System, If you do things good, Such as helping with stuff like... I dunno... THINGS! You might recieve Rank Up's, Max Rank is 20, Newcomers start with Rank 1, Also... The one FIRST coming to Rank 20 will recieve an fabulous prize!

    If you want to know how things are going, Go to my Signature and check on the Members of Chaosthroph, You will see all your Member Status inside the group such as Activity and Rank, Along with some trivia what i think about you guys.

    Well, That is all for now, Can you follow these?
  3. View Conversation
    I can't say I have. I have some of the games for DS, but I've not played them yet. =o
  4. View Conversation
    You're gonna have to talk to Elyon Seraphim about that, I may have a LITTLE bit of influence, but he IS the leader, so...
  5. View Conversation
    Oh? How come :s

    And at least you didn't have jury duty, it's horrible -_-;
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    Do I need to repeat myself again?
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    All MSPaints are masterpieces.
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    Helloo ^^ I'm fine :3

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    Or you could always tell them off but if that doesn't work i guess the punching would work
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    I guess that'd work *hums*
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    just try ignoring them >.< and i don't see why they would(but then again i've been homeschooled for the past year so what would i know?
  14. View Conversation
    well that stinks D:
  15. View Conversation
    what's wrong?D: *hands her a cookie*
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February 24
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Writing is one of my many hobbies, I love my boyfriend, and I also love Legend Of Dragoon, Resident Evil and why were here: Final Fantasy
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Waitress at Local Restaurant


"We Are Never Getting Back Together. Like... Ever."

My Signature looked a lot prettier in photoshop... :/


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Car Crashes and Prom Dresses... fun.

by JillXWesker on 09-21-2012 at 09:05 PM
Date: August 21, 2012
Music: Taylor Swift - Haunted
Quote of the day: "Never drink acid." My Chemistry Teacher Mr. Budke
Picture of the day :3:

(Lion I drew for art last year! I believe I got a... silver? Don't remember...)

It's been awhile hasn't it? .....

Anyways, after that awkward silence that was really... awkward, I would like to list some things

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