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    It's a penguin, there was another one in the background with a handbag but I had to cut it out because the image was too small xD
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    ^^ Thanks, I'm glad that you like them.
  3. View Conversation
    The clock tower is Big Ben. The London Eye is a ferris wheel. x3

    I'm actually looking for work now. I finished college here. Apparently, "college" is university over in the USA. I'm not going to uni... not yet. But the aim is that I want to design video games. I already have some ideas and concepts in my head for what I want to design. x3

    He has, but some of us have immunity.

    Okies, Jill! ^^

    I need to go to bed now. It's almost 4am lmao. Talk more tomorrow? Nightie night!
  4. View Conversation
    It's all good. That is part of what I am here for when it comes to the adoption agency. Seriously anytime.
  5. View Conversation
    Stormy weather? I love storms - it's not that scary. We're heading into storm season here, and I'm looking forward to a few thunder and lightening storms. "Gemma" is of Latin origin apparently, but it's commonly used over here; I live in London, England. xD

    Wow, what luck! Jill and Jill Wesker. I like the name Jill too. Everyone I've known called Jill have been pretty strong women. ^^
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    You're thinking of Nicolas Cage. xD

    You don't get a trophy for having sex with her, no. You can get one (well two, but on one playthrough...) shortly afterwards for forgiving her or not (can't say any more due to spoilers).

    Haha, each day? I think it'll be easier if I tell you when a new article is up - you could be waiting a long time. xD

    You think? That's very sweet. Thankyou. ^^
    Goodnight! =D
  7. View Conversation
    that's good to hear and what movie?
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    I'm doing good just listening to music how about you?
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    Fahrenheit was directed and designed by David Cage too, and you can see the resemblance with Heavy Rain (even though Heavy Rain, for obvious reasons, is much better). There aren't loads of buttons to press. You pretty much... just flick the controller around to lift tops off, press an optional button if you want to kiss Madison's neck, again for some forehead/cheek kissing, then you can either take her bra off, or just use the controller to lower her to the floor. If you make a mistake, I don't think anything happens. At least, I've not tried (come on, it's a SEX SCENE!!!). Also, you don't do any inputs when they're... busy. It turns into a cut-scene.

    Very few games can get away with sex elements, and fewer can make it tasteful. Anything to do with sex in... letsay... GTA games is either comedic or abusive. Dragon Age got away with it to some extent, but for the effort needed to get laid in that game, thirty-seconds of a camera not even pointing at the action isn't worth it (unless you want the trophy/achievement). Heavy Rain got away with it, and it is tastefully done, just not at the right moment. LOD + Sex = FAIL. XD

    Haha, thankies. Reviews usually take a while to come up (because I get lazy x3; ), but I'm trying to get back into it. All I can say is... enjoy what does come up. ^^

    I'll have to take a look then.
    My journal doesn't need an update for a while. Nothing has really happened for me to have something big to write/rant about. xD

    Also, my name is Gemma. You're welcome to use my name instead of my username if you want. ^^
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    My Twilight rant isn't a normal rant exactly. It's more about the Twi-haters. Don't get me wrong, I don't like Twilight, but the haters really do HATE it so much, they become fans of it in their own way.

    Heavy Rain is a piece of art in its own... game-style way. If they'd made the scene... rampant and explicit, it would have been totally ridiculous. As it was, it was unnecessary and made no sense at all. That's one thing David Cage hasn't been able to grasp: developing relationships. I noticed the same thing in Fahrenheit with Lucas and Carla - at least with Tiffany, you knew that they both had some history together before the story in the game, so that would make more sense if they had sex (even though the fact you could somewhat control the scene *cough*, and not the scene with Carla, which was better).
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    Who doesn't, one of the worst types of people. Actually, I live in Herzegovina, it's still the same country just different part of it, most people only do remember Bosnia, I guess it's easier. You would be surprised to see how much difference there's between those two parts of country, imagine if Canada and USA combined into one, okay, maybe not the best example. I'm actually surprised you heard of it, I'm pretty much used to hearing "never heard of it" or "wow, long name", if I was your geography teacher you would get an A immediately.

    I know it's in USA, but I'm not sure if there's a real city by the name of Raccoon, whenever I google it I always get connection with Resident Evil, even on Wikipedia, that's why I ruled it out
  13. View Conversation
    The review is on another site. Here we are!

    I never really noticed that, but you're right. The hotel guy, the doctor, the club owner... us gamers. Madison is one unlucky girl. =(
  14. View Conversation
    Doing all right, you?
  15. View Conversation
    LOL, it IS cool!
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February 24
About JillXWesker
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Raccoon City
Writing is one of my many hobbies, I love my boyfriend, and I also love Legend Of Dragoon, Resident Evil and why were here: Final Fantasy
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Waitress at Local Restaurant


"We Are Never Getting Back Together. Like... Ever."

My Signature looked a lot prettier in photoshop... :/


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Car Crashes and Prom Dresses... fun.

by JillXWesker on 09-21-2012 at 09:05 PM
Date: August 21, 2012
Music: Taylor Swift - Haunted
Quote of the day: "Never drink acid." My Chemistry Teacher Mr. Budke
Picture of the day :3:

(Lion I drew for art last year! I believe I got a... silver? Don't remember...)

It's been awhile hasn't it? .....

Anyways, after that awkward silence that was really... awkward, I would like to list some things

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