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    It's extremely late but thanks
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    I missh yew
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    Hey hello dear Mage how are you today good? With me is great and good today dear Mage! Please can you accept mine friend request and do you like pokémon games too? I love pokémon games so much dear Mace... Would you like to accept mine friend request dear Mage please?
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    yeah, nice place for them, they don't get crowded there do they?
  5. View Conversation
    You can't, and that's what's awesome about it. xD
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    That would be my second that I know of...
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    Sure took your time making this post eh?
    I like it. Because I can help signify presents! =D

    Yeah, I knew that. I was just playing with the homonym.
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    No! I might where what you have? What is it you have? ^_~ Oh, believe me... it is! xI

    I hope he comes back soon, too! On darker news, there's been a gang war around where I live and they trashed the civic centre and people have been stabbed and shot... And, you know I'm a worrier... Eheh... Your name's great though! I love you more equally! =3 (Ah, it works!)
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    Well, we gotta change that, don't we? CLICKIE!

    Abra are cute, except when they evolve. xD OMG, that sounds like fuuuuunnn! I wanna pretend to be someone's kid, too.
    Oh, yeah, I'm a 4-D Being, didn't you know? (Cookie if you get the reference 4-D Being.) You do? Oh, my God, I thought I was the only one who did. xD I can't stand the taste of toothpaste, either. Dx Every time I get done brushing my teeth, I have to rinse out my mouth AGAIN with fresh water from a bottle like Dasani or Arrowhead. >>
    I ate raw oyster once, not knowing it was raw, and it was all slimy and mushy and cold and weird-textured! DX

    It may be, if I can find where I put the console and stuff. xD
    The Mage of Insufficiency, like on the Platinum Trophy I got? Although spellchecker doesn't seem to think "mage" is a word.
    Hahaha, hey, honest typo! xD

    What about those annoying tiny bugs flying around the house? I saw one this morning, slapped my hands together, and got it. Yeah, I wanna a picture of the rat! What's her name? =D
    ...Oh, God, don't say that! DX
  10. View Conversation
    Really? Where do you keep them?
  11. View Conversation
    Hello! Kilala hehe :3 Umm... I will break the ice with a huggle I think!!!! -Huggles- ^^

    It's nice to meet you, Nova suggested I drop by... I hope you don't mind! -bows-
  12. View Conversation
    Yes, I want to grow and be cut everyday :'(
    I will, and I will learn how to play the lute!

    No, as in the gold crownwear (lol) that signifies royalty.
  13. View Conversation
    Are they thongs? I only wear thongs... ^_~ I know what you mean. My family's the worst for it! All my family are trouble makers. >=

    He's in the army now, isn't he? The last we seen of him, he came back from a family funeral or something, correct? I was talking about things with him. He gave me some tutorials on how to tap phones and do military stuff. Man, he was pretty cool. I know they don't, even though you still partially act like one! xD It wasn't anti-climactic! I love your name and I thought it was worth the wait! I love you mo... I mean, equally! xD
  14. View Conversation
    Good to be back.
    Guess so.
    Fantastic use.
    Yes, mhmhmhmhmhmhm...
    The ultimate game.
  15. View Conversation
    :'( I SHALL BE A BARD! =D

    Sadly, Jack was stupid enough to be wearing his crown -_-'
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About Insufficient Mage

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About Insufficient Mage
I eat faces.
Gensokyo. It is a silly place.
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IX, X and XII.
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04-13-2012 09:07 AM
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06-17-2010 10:36 AM
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  1. Alther Primus  Alther Primus is offline


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    the psycho in me wants pie!!!

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    I feel epic...

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  12. Unknownangel  Unknownangel is offline

    SURFS UP!!!!!

  13. xXCloudXx  xXCloudXx is offline

    Can I be forgiven for what I am now

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