Yeah man sure! What do you want to be?
Want me to put you in my TFF Family 2 Like Meier and Kilala?
Really, did you play Dawn of the souls as well? I got pretty far on FF1 but got lost in some dungon that takes you to a fake world map and was stuck there for almost a year! FF2 i was supposed to do somthing for the last dragon egg or some wierd crap like that, I wasn't really paying attention.
Same thing happend me! I was S-U-P-R-I-S-E-D!
I hope he does. I think what Square is doing is when they remake all the FF's(Which they totally are) they are going to add a gilgamesh boss fight. For Example. You recall the FF one and two remake(Dawn of the souls), well I was playing FFone and when I opened a treasure chest I could hear a voice and it said "You will not take that sword alive!". Next thing I know some ninja thingy jumps down and im suddenly in a boss fight with gilgamesh. It was cool...but I died the first time. It caught me off guard.
I totally agree with yoy Gilgamesh is best! Do you think he appears in FFXIII?
Well then she made a good choise. Gilgamesh is the man! Plus you fight him in like every final fantasy and he always seems to come back. FF12 gilgamesh was my favorite...with every sword he pulled up, another gasp did I utter.
Well thanks H.U.N.K you can thank Kilala for that! It was she who gave me this avatar and sig! The latest suxed!
I have new-found respect for you. Loving your avatar and sig. Peace HUNK.