Conversation Between Heartless Angel and Oneesan

49 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yeah, I actually have a habbit of logging in to forums or anything else within a few minutes of people sending me messages lol.
  2. Obviously not. lol
  3. I pop in fairly frequently, though on a mostly random schedule, shouldn't be too hard to catch me lol.
  4. Goodness... I hadn't realized exactly how long it had been. I am slipping. hehe I haven't been able to log in often lately, but I hope I can catch you here next time. Have a great day, and take care.
  5. Has beena while, hasn't it? Good to hear from ya. Doin pretty good on my end, though nothing terribly interesting lately.
  6. It's been quite awhile, so I'm just saying hi. Hope you are doing well, ttyl.
  7. I would have paid to see that one. I always get so pissed when I have tried nearly every strategy I can come up with only to die, then somehow win by pure luck. It is really hard to repeat the circumstances where luck is involved. Anyways, crongrats on your win, as soon as my hubby decides that it is time to give WoW a chance I will check it out.
  8. I'm usually nt too big on online gaming either, but WoW I still like. Epic fight last night. This boss has two dogs with him that we have to deal with while fighting him. When both dogs die, he enrages, which basically means he gets pissed off and goes ballistic, dealing alot more damage. The strategy is simple enough, kill the first dog, get the second dog to about 10% health, then switch to the boss and wail on him until he's down to 31% (if he goes down to 30, he enrages whether there are dogs alive or not), then finish the last dog, then finish him. You do it in this order so you only have to deal with pissed off mode for the last 30% of the fight rather than the last 80% of it. Well, somebody wasn't paying attention last night when the order to switch to the boss was given, and he killed the second dog when the boss was still at full health. We managed to win in spite of this, which was hilarious, considering we wiped (everybody in party died) like 6 times prior doing it the right way. It made absolutely no sense, but it was epic.
  9. Ahhh.....the simple joys in life

    I've never gotten into online gaming, mostly because my connection is a bit erratic. I am on pins and needles watien for the last 2% of my game to finish downloading, so will probably go into hibernation for awhile here soon
  10. Save for a few simple nerd excitements. Pretty epic raid tonight on WoW. I really do love my group, we pull so much stupid crap and somehow manage to get away with it in blatant defiance of common sense. But yeah, that raid was pretty much the highlight of my day.
  11. Another boring day?
  12. Funny, that sounds a hell of a lot like my day. I have this weak little window unit that is entirely incapable of handling the 106 degree weather, and I am equally incapable of handling heat. All the anime I own has been watched so much that if I don't give it a rest, I will never want to pop em in again!
  13. Bored, too damn hot out to do much of anything out of the house lol. Just been lazing about, watching anime and movies I've already seen, playing video games I've already beaten, and otherwise doing nothing new or interesting =/
  14. How have you been?
  15. I have the craziest taste in music. It changes from one minute to the next, but The Neden Game will always get me through the day with an evil little grin on my face!
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