Conversation Between Heartless Angel and aliera

24 Visitor Messages

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  1. Well, one thing I notice that semi-bothers me, also see it in your RP posts is that you write in the first person and in present tense. Especially in story/fanfic type writing I prefer the third person past tense, writing as a narrator rather than a character. A narrative stance has the wonderful added benefit of narrative omniscience. As a narrator you are free to write anything because you speak from the omniscient perspective of the creator who knows everything going on, where being in the first person limits you to things the character knows and has experienced. It also means you can't explore the thoughts of other characters or speak from a narrative standpoint without changing the POV of your writing, which is generally considered weak writing and can be difficult to follow. A fine example, in the RP you switched to past tense for part of a post because first person present tense just didn't fit. Third person past tense works well anywhere. As for the story itself, well done.
  2. I just wanted to tell u I have a fanfic 'Surfing the Skies' on here! can u read it and tell me what u think?
  3. yeah thnx for hat! it is better now!
  4. I went ahead and edited a second character sheet into my original character post, I'll make an actual RP post when I have some more time.
  5. please go ahead! maybe you could take on a couple of the heroes as well? maybe Luneth or Arc as well as your extra character! don't worry I am a tag-along too!
  6. I'm thinking I should probably make another character to actually travel with the party since being in continuous contact with the antagonist is kinda lame, and two groups off doing their own thing isn't terribly interesting in a 2 person RP. I know the OP said one character, so I thought I'd ask before I did anything.
  7. Aah right thnx
  8. In the customization thing you can enter a url instead of a color code. Though I believe the url has to be in TFF, so you have to add the image to an album here first.
  9. how did you get this background for your profile? !o!
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