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    I'd recommend black, maybe with a little sugar. I mean, why not go all the way?
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    I have, yes. And yeah, when I first heard of doing it, it seemed odd to me. But I did enjoy it for a while. Unfortunately, I've developed a lactose intolerance over the years, and it's not really worth the risk to me anymore, especially when I like tea fine without any dairy involved. I'd really only put it in black tea, and it was good that way, but it was also interesting in green and oolong. It would have completely overpowered white, I imagine. And, actually, I do have a caramel red (rooibos) tea that I sometimes add almond milk to if my sweet tooth kicks in. That's pretty delicious.
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    Well I wasn't supposed to tell you but yes, I'm you from the 8th dimension. 'Sup me?
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    Oh thank you! I do have WinRAR but I think it was my BIOS file that was messed up last time. If anything, I can probably go find a good one on my own. Thanks Melllll! <3
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    I used to have a pretty good balance of them, but certain friends drifted away (as tends to happen), and they happened to be mostly male. I'm a lot more comfortable around girls though, so we're complete opposite on that spectrum. xD

    Haha, that sounds awesome actually. You sure you wanna leave that German voice behind? Though to be honest when I think of soothing accents, German usually isn't one of them. xD

    The only ones I played on mine were Sonic, Powerstone, Soul Calibur, and like a few others. It wasn't my most used system, by far. Thanks to RPGs, my PS2 has seen the most playtime.

    That'd be awesome! I'd love that!
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    Every other forum I'm a part of I'm pretty much dead on lol. I've joined Square, some Evanescence one, and the Theory of a Deadman Boards. I'm also on Sheena's forum at Succubus Valley. One or two people might remember me from the TOAD forums, but that's it. The others, one or two people from here is there.

    I can't get "into" other forums. I wouldn't know where to start really. I know what my interests are, but there is always someone here to discuss them with if you get what I mean? I don't need anywhere else to spread my love/terror. Lol. xD

    I take it by the "was" you're a lurker/don't go to those places any more?
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    I'm kinda the same, though I have like, no guy friends anymore, save for one. After I got out of high school they kind of disappeared. xD

    Ugh, you and me both. I'm also thinking of getting on Birth Control for the same exact thing, but since I'm now 19, its time to change from my pediatrician to a different doctor, and I'm really not looking forward to it. Not that my current doctor is all that great, he can't remember how to pronounce my name after all these years. xD

    I still have my DreamCast, but not the cords or controllers, so I can't use it at all. I only still own one game for it though, and its Sonic Adventure (which I own for GameCube as well), so there's not really any rush to play the system again, but eh.
    I've also been wanting to give Chrono Trigger a try. I might just get the DS one.

    I play LBP too, though usually with my friend and sometimes a random person, whom my friend will proceed to cover with enlarged "animal nose" decorations. xD

    I had a couple emulators, but I think the only one I have right now is the PSX EMU, which is broken and I don't even need anyways. I think the only reason I got it was so I could play Spyro again (I sold the games a long time ago), but I ended up buying them from the PSN store so I should probably delete the EMU since its taking up space...
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    I'm glad that the inner workings of my life make yours complete
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    Yeah I think I do too, except for when it comes to something obviously girly. That probably shows our true gender better. xD

    I had the day off today, but I had to go into the doctor's to get an H1N1 shot. No bueno. That really sucks that you have a headache, but its a good excuse to not study, haha. xD

    I haven't played Chrono Cross yet, but I hear pretty good things about it. How are you liking it so far?
    Yeah, if my computer had more space (and RAM) then I'd probably play games on it more. The only games I play on my PC are Touhou and StepMania.
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    I guess its hard to tell whether someone's a girl unless they use lots of emoticons like this: =^.^= Rofl.

    So what are you up to? Finals? I just recently actually started a new file on FFIX last night, but my disc is scratched so it always freezes at this one cutscene in Evil Forest. Luckily I have two copies of the game, but my friend's borrowing the other one, so until I get it back, I'm pretty much just leveling up a ton, since there's nothing else I can do. =P
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    If I remember correctly, we were both two of the girls who were mistaken for males in the beginning, yeah? xD Good times.

    That kind of thing is pretty irritating, because how else is a forum supposed to really flourish, you know? I mean, when you read posts here, you definitely get a feeling of familiarity amongst the posters, and its nice.
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    I've delivered food to the area I am delivering to now. It's not that bad of a neighborhood.
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    In all seriousness, one thing that helped me stay was my first friend on here, back when they were named TenseikenSlash. <3

    I'm surprised at that, since pretty much every other forum I've been to has at least a handful of 'em. Maybe I just frequent forums that attract assholes though. xD
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    What do you know, I stay for the same reason! <3

    But I agree with your post, I stay because of the people/community as well. Err'body 'round here be pretty rad.
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    Yea he is. But I'm the same way with Ivalice!

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Ta DA!!!:

Alright, who censored my rocketship?

From The Clint Eastwood
I'm thinking about creating a hybrid. A dolphin-monkey. Half dolphin, half monkey. Do you think it's possible?
I was thinking that since I'm artificially creating it, I'll create it with rocket fuel instead of blood, and thus it will be able to fly, using the dolphin's dorsal fins as wings. And from the air, it will look down upon us all and protect us against sharks, and search for bananas.
Block says:" this one time i got SUPER blazed and was riding with my friend to mcd's and i ran my fingers through my jew fro saying "I just feel like dancing"
by Alpha: "Hate breeds hate. Love breeds love. F*ck real politik."
Originally Posted by Michael Swayne
I find Gypsy to be a very interesting person. In fact, when my hair grows out some more, Gypsy has already laid claim to it when I cut it again.


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