Conversation Between GypsyElder and Dimi

63 Visitor Messages

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  1. Where do you live at?

    P.S. You joined TFF the day after my Birthday! Coincidence? I think not. =O
  2. Dimi, I think you live by me
  3. Mhmm!! ahahaha!!! That noob one was pretty funny too. I almost peed myself.
  4. Haha. This one?

    "then this Fish just rolled over in the fishbowl flooded with shit. Green shit."
  5. Alright^^ I'll put you down first ahaha!! I'm probably going to end up putting in your poop quote too hahaha.
  6. WAT?! Geez. People need to have fun with it. I can name a title for me off the bat. "My Amy Whynehoose Lovin' Bro, Fish"
  7. I tried to do title, but no one knows what they want to be....meh!
  8. Hahaha. He'd be beyond broke then.

    Ah. So it's just names then and no title? That's cool then.
  9. The female cats were probably looking for him to pay child support.

    What do you mean what part? I'm not sure yet I'm still making it, its going to be small below my signature, just going to type it in small letters.. What do you want to be?
  10. He's definitely an outdoor cat. And he's gotten lord knows how many cats pregnant. I would've seen at least a few different cats near my house when he was around. It's like they were looking for him.

    And cool. Count me in. What part of the family am I in?
  11. ahah!! oh no!! is he an outdoor cat?? thats what happened to my last cat. He was an outdoor cat, and I think he got this ho pregnant.
    btw I'm making a small family thingy, wanna be in my family? only bamf's allowed lol

    well that's good^^ I like going to Arts walk from time to time.
  12. Yeah. His name's Theodore. Haha. I don't know why I gave him that name but when was born last year, he was so chubby. I'm not even kidding. He reminded me of a chipmunk so I gave him that name which I regret now because he lost his kitty fat and got all skinny. The sad thing is I haven't seen him in weeks. Don't know what ever happened to him.

    And I don't do abstract sculpting. Haha. I'm not really good at art but I enjoy looking at it.
  13. aww your Kitty^^

    what! you do abstract sculpting?
  14. I can tell. I looked down at the "most members ever online" and I think it was like 700+ or something 0_0 holy poop!
  15. Thanks.

    And to some, it's not as active as it used to be. It definitely isn't like it was in 2006 when I joined but I'm not complaining. It is what it is and one of the pros of this forum is how a majority are talkative on here and outside of the forum.
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