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  1. View Conversation
    Well, I'm sure fans of X will be happy with the added content/difficulty, if it is indeed the international version SE decides to HD-ify.

    Yeah, it is... I guess because it makes other people uncomfortable, so most try to make a person feel kind of guilty about crying so they don't have to deal with having to try and comfort a person.

    Oh gawsh.. Riots. That would be scary to see, at least to me. I'm not a fan of violence, especially irl... Awww~ I'm glad you liked those movies. ^^ Do you like Adam Sandler films? Which ones have you seen if you do?

    Oh man... Makoto and his epic sax-playing skills. ^^; I can't call that the worst weapon ever in a game, but it is among the goofiest. Maybe one of these days there will be a gay character that isn't so stereotypical.

    Oh yeah? Is it more like a day of rest for you all then. I'm sure it's greatly appreciated, since Christmas can be kind of stressful. ^^;

    Wow, talk about "missed you by a hair", eh? And you're right, it is good that it's at least working now. ^^
  2. View Conversation
    Lol, you do that. You have access to the international version, right? Wonder why America never gets stuff like that? :/ It's a mystery...

    Yeah, I'm of the belief that it takes a stronger person to cry than to just bottle it up. Plus, who wants to carry that kind of emotional weight around?

    Hah, no problems. Hope you enjoy the film. ^^ I think it has more appeal for Americans, since football (or handegg ) is kind of a big deal here, but maybe you'll enjoy it all the same.

    Yeah, his sexuality is left pretty ambiguous. I thought it was handled pretty nicely though. Methinks that full-on gay characters are so rare, because most of 'em turn out to be At least the ones that I can think of have been that way. Ever play Enchanted Arms? There's a gay character in that one, and he very flamboyant.

    I think there are some other parts of the world that are starting to adopt black friday, and I know that Canada has somethng called Boxing day, which I think is after Christmas. They go out and shop then too.

    Gah, i got on about an hour after you did.... I did see your message though! :3 Maybe we'll finally catch each other...eventually.
  3. View Conversation
    Yeah, the combat was pretty good, and some of the dresspheres were quite nice, but as a whole the game was just "meh" to me. Haha, you wouldn't be the first to give X-2 a positively positive review. A guy on this site called it the best FF game he ever played.

    Hmmm... Maybe you have a courageous front. That's good though. ^^

    "The Waterboy" was good the first few times I watched it. Definitely a straight-up Adam Sandler flick. If you enjoy his type of movies, then you'd probably like it. Well, I hope that he's doing better now. He shouldn't waste his efforts on places/people that are just going to make him feel like crap.

    Not particularly, no. I don't dislike Kanji, but he's not among my favorites. ^^; I do sort of like how ambiguous the game leaves the issue of his sexuality though. Makes for some interesting discussions (if it already hasn't been discussed to death though. )

    Ha, well it's not so bad if you go in later in the day, but those early morning hours are when the best deals happen...and the worst customers. Staying in bed is a lot more convenient, especially since people can get their shopping done on "Cyber Monday" and get some great deals too (which is tomorrow, btw) ^^

    Ah, thanks for looking that up for me. And it's okay if you didn't get on. I'm bad with keeping with a scheduled time... Dunno if that's the same for you, but I totally understand if it is. Haha, wow. We are a chatty duo, eh?
  4. View Conversation
    "Contaminate" is a good word, yeah.

    Really? Most people shock the hell out of me sometimes. Guess you really are made from stronger stuff. :3

    Haha, when you said that they "really, really suck", I got that one scene from The Waterboy in my head. xD But yeah, I totally sympathize with that guy... I know what's it like to feel really pressured with a workload and feeling overwhelmed. :/ **** move on those guys for making him feel guilty, but it's their loss, not his. ^^

    Yeah, it is good to know what happens to characters when the story is over. :3 Though in the anime sequel of P3, Aki became a police officer, but that's not considered canon, so it's not important. I heard it wasn't that good of an anime anyway.

    Yeah, I figured Kanji was supposed to be a bit more srs in the game, with only a few butt monkey moments here and there. I guess when the story gets a little further along, we'll see a few stark changes.

    There's quite a few horror stories about black friday, and people do more than just push each other out of the way. I've heard people getting trampled, shot, and hospitalized because of it. Stuff like that doesn't happen around here though, at least not what I've heard.

    Shucks... I wasn't on when you were... Your night is afternoon time, right? Maybe next time I'll catch you on.
  5. View Conversation
    Yeah, their extreme loathing of the game is just a front, totally. You know deep down that they'd be totally jelly that you got it. I dunno if I want the FF PS2 collections (excluding the online one) all on one disk. Me wants FF XII as a glorious stand-alone~ With possibly some added content...pwease? :3

    Ah yeah, I heard that rumor before XIII came out. Lots of people were up in arms about it too. Quite a few thought that a lot of content got left out because the 360 couldn't handle a game that size...or something.

    Well....shit. I was gonna give 'em the benefit of the doubt, but these people are kind of shady if they didn't even tell you that they're going to redo the review... :/ Sorry that it happened...again... :/

    Haha, Aki is so whipped. xD Guess that does explain his new look though. ^^ Thanks for the info~

    Yeah, it was pretty nice. ^^ We did eat a little later than expected, and I kind of messed up making the gravy, but all in all, it was good.

    I got to finally watch it when I woke up this morning. Lol, poor Kanji... Totally getting pushed around nearly the entire time.

    Nah, I didn't get up to go shopping. No one else really wanted to either, so we all just slept in. Probably a good thing too. Some of those bargain hunters can be crazy. Lots of people on my FB page are saying that they had a pretty decent time though. ^^
  6. View Conversation
    Oh, joyous of joys... Heh, were your friends and bro not much for FF X-2 either? I can just imagine the look on their faces when you come strolling through with a new HD copy of it. xD I sort of hope that XII gets some HD love too, though it sure wasn't as popular with the fans as X was... It's also not that old either. :/

    Holy cow, it sure is. I'm surprised at just how quickly the game was made, though I'm sure making a sequel is a lot less time consuming.

    Aw... I'm sure it didn't suck... Have you got a chance to read it and see the changes that they made? I guess you did, since you said most of it was redone..but I wasn't sure if they just notified you and said something like "Hey, we redid most of your review. Hope that's okay!"

    Awesome? Why thank you~ Never really thought it was awesome, but I suppose it is at least a step up from just worrying.

    I know! When I saw it, I was like..."Aki...what happened to you???" I think he's trying to channel the spirit of Shinjiro, who was a lot more rough and tumble than Aki. I dunno. That's my validation for it at any rate.

    Well, as long as they're not reckless (i.e. driving while intoxicated, or anything else that could danger someone's life), then I don't mind if a young person drinks, even if they're not the age yet. Doesn't mean that I'M going to be buying some kids booze though.

    Oh man.... I feel pregnant after all the food that I ate today. Urgh... Now I gotta really double up on my exercise routine, which I probably should do anyway, since what I started out with wasn't very much. Just enough to get back into the swing of things though. ^^

    You got a new episode already? I checked the site that I usually go to, and I didn't see a new one yet. Should be up later today for me though. ^^ CAMPING TRIP EPISODE, WOOO~!
  7. View Conversation
    No, Mummy. It's not ColexIksel or ColexAnything. xD She got it mixed up with another series.

    It's BasilxTsuna, from Katekyo Hitman Reborn!.
  8. View Conversation
    Yeah, big shame. I'm sure I'll get over it though.

    Oh, I didn't mean it like that. You can send me whatever you like. I just meant how all these cutscenes and stuff from teh game are already on youtube, so I could just check those out instead.

    Lame.... :/ If they were just going to rewrite the review anyway, why did they ask you to do one to begin with? Gawd... People suck sometimes. Good on ya for looking on the bright side though.

    It's not so much that I worry, I just daydream a lot when I'm lying in bed. Mostly fantasizing about a perfect life and such (and maybe a cute somebody as well ^^; ).

    Edit: Speaking of fighting games, some screenshots of that Persona Fighting game are up on Siliconera, mostly having to do with Mitsuru and Akihiko. When I got a look at what the design for Aki was going to be honest, I'm a little less that thrilled with the new look he's got. :/

    Wow, 16. That's pretty young. I guess not too young, since most kids that age get their driver's license at that time here in the States. I think 18 is a better age limit though.

    Thank you! So far, my mom and little cousins have been baking up a storm. Mostly pies and stuff. Early tomorrow is when the real food is going to be prepared. Can't wait!
  9. View Conversation
    Well, from the previews I've seen of XIII-2, it looks like it's going the srs bsns route. At least that's my impression. X-2 was the only FF game I ever willingly got rid of. ^^; I used to have urges to pick up another copy, then I'd watch vids of it on youtube and was like 'oh yeah... THAT'S why it's not in my collection anymore....' xD

    Wow, at this rate, I can just look to youtube to catch up on the story and not even have to play the game itself. Thanks for the link. Will watch in a bit. ^^

    Yeah, for real. Guess because there's so many distractions, like gaming, tv, internet... Heh, I wish I could sleep when my head practically hits the pillow. *jelly~* My mind usually races with stupid stuff, and it makes it rather hard to sleep.

    Ahaha... Traded up Dante for his bro, eh? Your team does sound pretty badass. Quite a powerhouse trio, if I do say so myself. ^^

    Yeah, at 21, you can legally drink, so that's why it's a big one. Europe doesn't have an age limit as high as that, right? I think it should be lowered to 18 here myself. I mean, if you can sign up to go to war at that age, you should at least be able to drink and do other stuff then as well. :/ Crazy stupid laws...

    I don't recall seeing him in anything else, though I know the girlfriend in the movie was in Drop Dead Fred (probably some other films too). If you're curious, I'd check out "Billy's" IMdB page. ^^
  10. View Conversation
    Yeah, pretty much. Not that I mind. They're useful, especially with as much music as I listen to. CT was a really great game, just hope that they don't get too convoluted with the whole time travel aspect of the plot. That's a very easy device to mess up.

    Oh, that's good to hear. I don't really have much trouble sleeping, I just need a better time to go to bed. Once I get to sleep though, it's usually pretty solid (no sudden wake-ups or whatever).

    I dunno what it is that's not really drawing me into it, because it's a solid RPG. Guess I just wanted some FF XII in my life instead. I dunno. How's Ultimate Marvel going for ya? You like fighting with the new characters?

    Oh cool. ^^ If I see him on, I'll shoot him a message. He likes to hang around in ninja mode too. Well, I think I got less excited for my birthdays when I hit 23, but since 21 is one of the last major birthdays for many people around here (at least until they hit 30), I just threw 22 out there, just because.

    Oh, Gremlins~ I used to love that movie. Haven't seen it in ages though. Yeah, Billy is pretty easy on the eyes, though Gizmo is just waaaaay too adorable too. :3
  11. I am gud thnx XD nd u??
  12. View Conversation
    I buy some of my soundtracks, yeah. I get tons of iTunes cards for my birthday and Christmas, so I try to use 'em up. I have used other methods for obtaining some of my OSTs, but mostly because there was no other way for me to get 'em. Wow, XIII-2 is sounding quite a bit like Chrono Trigger, mostly with the Historia Crux and "paradox endings", though I suppose the first ending you get in XIII-2 will be the one that's considered canon or whatever.

    Hah, honestly I'm not really sure if there's one that poops, but I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if it did exist. xD

    Yeah, once I got out into the "real world", most of my school memories pretty much got pushed back into the void of my mind for more important matters.

    What do I do? Heh, you're asking the wrong person if you're wanting to fix it. ^^; I've tried lots of stuff, but can't really seem to get into a decent schedule. I suppose the best thing to do is stay active during the day, and once bedtime rolls around for you, hopefully you've spent enough energy that your body wants to rest, and you get some sleeps. ^^

    I haven't really been playing much. I need to finish up FF IV Complete, but for some reason, I'm just not getting into it... :/ Yesterday, I fired up my PS2 and put in FF XII, and was like "Yeah... This is more like it." Played about an hour or so (Penelo joined up with Vaan, and now I got to make a sunstone in the Giza Plains), and I'm thinking about playing some more. What about you? Are you still in Saints Row 3 mode? ^^

    Last time I talked to him, I don't think he had anything planned, but I'm sure he'll have something to do on that day. Birthdays are fun up until you hit about 22, then it pretty much becomes another day.
  13. View Conversation
    Oh sweet~ Thanks for the link.

    Ooooh... That is a tough question... I suppose my favorite soundtrack would be whatever I'm in the mood to listen to. Like, if I want something a little soft and relaxing, I put on the Flower OST. If I want something a little moodier, Heavy Rain usually does the trick. Of course, my FF and Kingdom Hearts OSTs get a LOT of playtime, because it's just good music. I can't really pick a favorite though... ^^; I love all the soundtracks I have!

    I guess some girls' maternal instinct kick in, and they just feel kind of fulfilled in way by taking care of their "babies". That's my guess anyway. Ha, the peeing baby stuff makes it more lifelike! Thank goodness I didn't get one that poo'd though.

    I try to forget my school years, to be honest. ^^; It wasn't so tough as it was just really boring to me. I hated the schedule I had... Be at school by 7:45ish and stay until 3:30... Too damn long! I got so jealous when I found out that schools across the state border allowed students to go half days. :/ Wish I could have done that.

    Ick. I'm sorry you put yourself through that.
  14. View Conversation
    I don't think you're missing out on much of anything by being a little tomboyish. If anything, I'm sure that's a hell of a lot more fun than acting like a priss. Haha, yeah, baby dolls are just freaky to me in general, and I never really saw the appeal of pretending to take care of it like it was real. When I recieved a baby doll for one of my early birthdays, I pretty much only played with it to watch it pee, because it was hilarious.

    Heh, are you kind of a perfectionist? I get that way sometimes. I'm sure the things that we nitpick about in whatever we have been working on are really only obvious to us. We are our own worst critics, after all. I'm sure the review will be just fine. ^^ Is the site very busy with submissions? I'm sure your boss didn't mean to put off getting back to you. That's good that you've never had a review sent back. Something like that would make me feel like I was in high school all over again. Gah... Thank God those days are far over with.

    Yeah, I'm offline a lot, though mostly lurking in ninja-mode. Chances are, if I'm online, I have MSN running, so just shoot me a message whenever. ^^

    Loooool. Yeah, that's one of those things that you just HAVE to see to really appreciate. XDDD Heh, can you imagine the obituaries for people who get killed by one of those? "Young hooligan beaten to death with giant dildo-bat". What a headline.... ^^; Well, Genki is more off-putting to me rather than outright scary. It was mostly the whole live action trailer that put me off. I dunno if you seen it, and I can't find it atm, but it was made by Tim and Eric of Tim and Eric's Awesome Show, Great Job! "fame". I really don't find those guys funny at all. :/
  15. View Conversation
    Some parts of the game were fairly decent to me, but yeah, as a whole, it was a little underwhelming.

    Nothing wrong with that. ^^ I never really noticed Barbie's eyes were all that creepy, but her feet were always a little off-putting to me. I know they're like that so she can fit into those high heels, but DAMN! Those are some crazy arches in her feet.

    Heh, I think my own body weight is more than enough resistance for me right now, but I'll keep resistance bands in mind. ^^

    Ah, so you have to have someone review your review before it's posted? Makes sense. Wouldn't want someone half-assing it (like I would probably wind up doing xD). Have you ever had reviews sent back to redo? That would suuuuuck....or so I think anyway.

    Okely-dokelies~ Invite sent! Let's hope it works this time. MSN hates me too, but it's more of a connection thing. Like, I'll be talking to someone, then all of a sudden it decides to boot me off. :/ What's really frustrating is when I try to sign back in, but it says it can't. Restarting my computer usually kicks it in it's ass and gets to working again, but that's kind of a pain too.

    Thanks for the pics~! I wouldn't have minded though if you had to just describe what kind of character you had running around, but I appreciate the extra effort that you put into actually taking pictures. ^^ LOOOOOL, is that a....dildo bat? XDDDDD Man, peoples in the concept and development area of the game have some pretty interesting ideas. Yeah, I remember seeing previews for the car with the cannon. That Genki cat mascot thing is the stuff of nightmares. ><
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