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    I've not ever seen it lol. Over here I've only ever seen Pokemon... And there was this other programme that came on which was good, but I can't remember the name. All I remember was that one character was a White Wolf...
  2. View Conversation
    Duh! I'm sooo slow up in the head lol! The other day I forgot what idk ment...

    Okidokie! I'll check it out!

    I have a few Japanese songs on my phone, which are good, but they aren't Jrock. I have a song called "Of the Chains" (I think its Japanese hip-hop) and it was used in the Beyblade subtitle...
  3. View Conversation
    I'm obbsessed with Theory of a Deadman lol... Though its hard to find anyone who does like them too over here... Its sad cos they are a good band...

    I have honestly not heard of Jrock, but I'd love to look into that!
  4. View Conversation
    Ah ok! They look really cool... O_O
  5. View Conversation
    Ha, its a great place right?

    Whos the band in your sig?
  6. View Conversation
    Same here lol! Not a day goes by without me checking in!
  7. View Conversation
    Hi! Ha, good afternoon!
  8. View Conversation
    Ha, and thankies! Didn't see that one til just now...

    Enjoy your food!
  9. View Conversation
    I don't think its illegal to do that - if some one put it on photobucket, technicly, anyone can take it, so its their fault lol...
  10. View Conversation
    Ha, but practise makes perfect! My first banner (which I'll put in an album when it gets sorted out) is crap, but my new one is brilliant! I think its the best I've ever made lol!
  11. View Conversation
    Sure thing!

    You can either make your own, or you can ask someone who does them to make one for ya. I guess it depends what programmes you have on ya computer...
  12. View Conversation
    Banners are to make things look "prettier" lol. They can reflect your personality, or just something you like.
  13. View Conversation
    Sorry - I posted on my page lol... See, we all make mistakes!

    Yeah, mistakes happen, but its easy to sort them out and stuff, so its all good!
  14. View Conversation
    Ha, I gotta admitt, when I first started, I took one look at all the forums, and left this site for about a week before getting the courage to post something lol!

    But with in a few weeks, I was kinda getting the hang of it. As much as I hate warnings, I gotta say they helped me quite a bit in working out what is right and wrong on here...

    But yeah, you'll get the hang of it sooner or later - its not that scary when you know where everything is!
  15. View Conversation
    Welcome to TFF!
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About GazetteGuren

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About GazetteGuren
erm well i don't have much to say tbh :/ when i think of something (or can be bothered, ill type something here)
i live in a house xD
my hobbie include chocolate (is that a hobby?) and well endless hours of drooing at Jrock vids
newspaper delivery xDDD (what it gives me something to do and i get payed enough xDD ) (^-^)


Thanks to Nat For Making This Banner (cos im a spazz and i cant make my own!) My Fave Jrock Band The GazettE

gomen ne, ato sukoshi anata no namae to nemurasete

yorisotta sugi hinichi ha itami wo yorokobi ai
ryoute ni utsushidasu anata wo omoi naiteiru
soko ni furu kanashimi ha shiranai mama de ii yo
ansoku ni furue wo oboeta taguri yume wa nani wo miru...


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09-27-2008 03:28 AM
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10-07-2008 09:24 AM
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