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    Heh heh, okay, I won't call myself stupid.

    Isn't that the way it always is? You wanna write or draw or play your music or do something else that's creative, but then there's always something else going on to distract you. Money is a good distraction, though. I hope you find yourself something really cool to buy. Don't be totally responsible with it; that's no fun!

    Heh. Sounds like you didn't miss them that much then, eh? You missed them, but you're a strong, independent young lady! When I was in Yellowstone, I would call home. Mostly because all there was was a pay phone. The second time I went back, I got sick of it, and halfway through, I got a cell phone. It's kinda lame, because the people there aren't always the coolest. I was surrounded by a lot of degenerates all the time... and some very good people. I made a lot of friends, I'm not gonna say they all sucked.

    You have family in Oregon. I checked it out. Your aunt... Lucy. Yeah. You should come visit her.

    Hm. Stupid has turned into a gentleman, eh? It's a trap! ...nah. Maybe he likes you Maybe he'll ask you out next week. Wouldn't that be interesting?

    Alrighty, ma'am. Corporal Punishment wishes you a fun, restful night, as well. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  2. View Conversation
    You can, but anyone can apply for an interest free loan from the government, as well as a living allowance of $150 a week (far too small, but it helps), and $1000 a year for 'course related costs' (my brother got a PS3 with his). Problem is, it is interest free, but if you leave the country for more than 183 days, then they rape you with interest.
  3. View Conversation
    We'll see. I was over at that friend's house last night, though... should've borrowed it from him then! Stupid me!

    I will push myself until I push myself off a cliff, lady! There will be violence, and it will involve me! ...that's an absurd thing for me to say. Maybe I'll just draw instead, or something. Or watch tv. Or do something even less productive, haha.

    You should've taken your dad with you to India. That would've been a good learning and bonding experience, where you two could get to know each other better than you ever have... or kill each other. But yeah; two times, I went and worked in Yellowstone for a Summer. Actually, I've talked about that before. It would've been more fun if I had a car. But it was to experience living someplace other than here. I came to a very similar conclusion to what you came to. Family and friends = love. So when are you gonna go back to India, huh? Screw India; come to America. Come to Oregon! We've got... trees... and... rain... and... the beach... and mountains... ...

    *nod* I read about Stupid yesterday. Stupid sounds like a dick. Or a bully. He's scared of you, too, eh? I would be too, if I were him You made the right move by standing up to him.

    Rest well lady, and we'll talk again tomorrow Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  4. View Conversation
    Considering I'm 19 and haven't left New Zealand ever, then yes, yes I am.

    I'm way too busy/poor at the moment, but I want to go immediately after university, provided I've managed to save enough. Don't know how long I'll go for, but I don;t want to rush it. I want to understand the places I visit, not just take a photo of a landmark and go "Look where I've been!"
  5. View Conversation
    I will have to buy that album, then. Probably online, as per I only see a few albums carried at my local store, ever. Dunno if that's one of them, but I think that might be the one my friend likes a lot (although I think it was part 1, not part 2.)

    Getting impatient, lady. I started writing this thing in the Spring time of '08. I've barely gone three chapters in like a year, heh... I really need to sit down and brainstorm. I don't even want to do that most of the time, though. Maybe I should just write. That's what I do every day. Ha.

    You went to India for three weeks, and that was without your parents or anyone? That definitely is a long ways away. Why were you down there? Was it a trip, or something? Was it at least fun, and you got to see everything? Also, your english is just fine. Don't lose your brain, though; that's an important organ!

    Heh. Nice bosses are awesome. I've been fortunate enough to have mostly those in my time. Up until recently, my boss was really nice. I think he was just stressed because he was worried about everything getting done before school started again, and that he has anger management issues. From the sound of things, he is much better than he was before. I also think he was nicer to me before because I'm a substitute and not a regular worker, but I've been working for him so often now and will likely replace this other worker when he leaves (I say "when" because it's almost a given; he's openly admitted to the other guy that he doesn't want to be there, and they don't want him there either.) So now he's comfortable with sharing his wrath with me.

    Well, y'know what, lady? You better sleep well tonight, then. None of this staying up late and writing half hour long messages to some weirdo online, like you normally do Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  6. View Conversation
    Romantic in the sense that it's nice to think about, but probably unrealistic.

    Do come here one day, but it's not the be-all-end-all in beautiful places. It's not like I can sit here and not care about the rest of the world because I'm content. There's just so much out there!
  7. View Conversation
    Yeah, we got like minimum wage at the gas station. And it was pretty difficult sometimes to keep up with all the cars, and we didn't get any breaks. It was a pain in the anus.

    Which album of DT's is the best? No wait, you said you liked them all, huh? Maybe I can borrow an album from my buddy Scott; he loves them. So I'll see what I can do. And yeah; let's sing a duet when we meet

    He edited the movie via computer; maybe I can talk him into putting his movie up on youtube or something. He's got his previews up there, too.

    It would be really easy for me to find the Shara thing. Just gotta search for it. I need to write more, lady. You'll catch up to me, and there won't be anything left to read! The last part I've been writing has been hard to figure out, though. I'm still not fully satisfied, either. You will see, soon enough.

    Y'know what? I like you a lot. The things you say to me make me really happy, and I like you just the way you are too. It's okay if you don't know what to think of all that religious stuff. Don't worry about it. Furthermore, about that spot where you almost hit the kid; you didn't. Now, it sounds like you've learned from this experience, so as long as you remember what you've learned from it, it probably won't happen again, right? So don't worry about that, either ^^

    It's too bad, because I kinda did, I cannot deny. Particularly given that I had just sent you that PM the night before... that was perfect timing on my part! So you spontaneously decided to move to your sister's place, eh? Have you ever lived anywhere that wasn't your parents' place? That will probably be an interesting experience. I hope you can survive!

    Heh heh, you and your system. You'd be a good person to consult about things like that, eh? Particularly if you told the boss how it's done, and she agreed! You are awesome! *high five*

    Oh, I dunno. It would be really nice to give a gift, but it seems like a bit much, for so easy a slip up. If you really want to, go for it.

    I'll tell you what, lady... I had all the time in the world to sleep in today, and I'm still tired anyway. I need to go to bed earlier, I think. Furthermore, I went on a walk through the woods today, and prayed for a long time. It was relieving to read what you had to say; I suddenly got a sense of foreboding while walking back. Before I started back, though, I stopped at a little pond, and out in the middle of the pond, on a rock, were two turtles. I've never seen them around here before. Thought it was cool, though.

    I will read your review when you write it. Hope you have a great day, missy! btw; don't remember if I've told you, or if you've seen it somewhere else, but my name is Tom. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  8. View Conversation
    Ehh, it's true I guess.

    Especially that second part. XD
  9. View Conversation
    Haha yeah, the Trans-Siberian Railway. It's always captivated me. Though I once heard it is potentially dangerous, like with people mugging you at stop-offs and such. It's just a romantic thought.

    Meh, it's okay. I'm not too pleased with it's current direction, to be honest. Seems we are going back on too many things we already had right, and no one seems to give sh*t, quite frankly. But don't let my partisan politics get in the way of coming here, it's still physically beautiful.

    Yeah you resorted to an unusually high number of "Oo"s in that
  10. View Conversation
    I really have no idea why it's illegal to pump your own gas in Oregon. You can put the thing in, take it out, but you can't start it yourself. I think it is to create jobs, maybe.

    I dunno. I haven't actually listened to much Dream Theater, I must confess (although I've thought of buying an album of theirs.) Just name a bunch of songs, and maybe I will know one, ha. Or, whatever.

    Hm. Does the roll require the person to be able to actually play an instrument, or just pretend to? You should coach the person who gets the roll, as a musician, yourself No, there isn't really a way to watch it online. I sorry. I should get my brother to send you a copy, or something.

    *nod* that's the right perspective on your writing, lady. I'm glad you feel that way. You should send me that story via e-mail or something, and I'll tell you what I think. Also, feel free to point out any mistakes I've made in my story, if you can remember specific mistakes like "Shara." And I figured Shari would be that kind of character; she started going that way right after I introduced her, heh. I wasn't actually expecting her to turn out that way initially. She was gonna actually be a mature, non-annoying character, but that didn't work out. And once again, I'm glad you like the Phantom Fox so much. Although I wonder if he will turn out as you expect him to... I'm glad that you haven't come across many characters like him that other authors have written, btw. Except for yourself. Great minds think alike, eh

    Why did you have to drive to the hospital? Your mom was there for some reason? It's good no one was hurt, though, although you sound like you could have used some consoling after that. Take solace in the fact that it wasn't your fault in the slightest. Parents need to keep better track of their kids, or teach them to not be dumb! You're a very nice person for being bothered that much, though. When that kid rode right out in front of me, I was just pissed off for a little while, heh. I also appreciate your concern on my behalf, and hope the same never happens to you, either. I'm much more careful now, so it shouldn't happen again. At least not where I'm at fault. (Also, if it wasn't clear before, I was just teasing you about your driving. After I thought a little about how you reacted, I felt kinda like a jerk; I probably should've put a smiley with my comments to make it clear. Sorry, lady! )

    Hey; I answer my boss back when he's wrong; I glared at him as I walked to him down the hallway the other day when he apologized to me for something (and that probably had something to do with it, heh.) No, stick up for yourself against anybody; even if it's your boss, if you feel it's worth it. Nah, I'm thinking that the more you work, the more experience you have, and maybe also the more will you will have to keep on keepin' on for as long as you need to.

    I dunno. I wouldn't necessarily say you need to give your friend a gift; you could just say you're sorry, and that you forgot. It's understandable. Giving your friend a gift may be a little overkill. Maybe a little something, like a card or a handwritten note, but not too much.

    Yeah, you get that bitch! She deserves to be got! Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  11. View Conversation
    She did? =O What about its pronunciation? ;]

    I think they copy off me. =P Actually, I think I get my vocabulary form forums and video games. =P
  12. View Conversation
    Good luck with that. You too.
  13. View Conversation
    Woah that was nice ^^'
    Lol I missed you!!!
  14. View Conversation
    The Writers Corner is limited to who has access to write reviews, I myself can't even get access to it to do movie reviews.

    As far as I can tell there are 2 ways you can go about getting your review posted.

    1: Post it in the FFVIII section or possibly the literature section.

    2: Write it and send it to Lococolt or Cain Highwind and see if they will give you permission to post it into Writers Corner.

    Writers Corner has been dead pretty much since before I became a member here.
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    Anyone who says they don't like/hate school doesn't know how fortunate they are to be able to go to school. Plus, they don't realise just how much fun it can be.
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