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    Yea,I don't come on much anymore. Just been busy working and babysitting my friend's baby. i'm alright,just been exhuatsed lately,thank goodness I have a day off tomorrow lol
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    Who doesn't? =P Er, I mean, I love you, too, Freya. =D

    (Heh-heh, I get that a lot, mostly from girls. [sarcasm]I wonder why?[/sarcasm] =P)
  3. View Conversation
    Hey Freya how have you been?
  4. View Conversation
    Haha, thanks for that. And you're totally right about the drunkards - what do they know? They give up their jobs and live off benefits because they pulled a muscle in their back, and use the money on getting wasted at two o'clock in the afternoon. I didn't even think of putting that in. XD

    I think we just despise the majority of our generation, and the few above and below our own. At my secondary school, out of the 180 students in my year, there were only three I ever truly liked, and I considered everyone else an acquaintance or enemy. There just aren't many likeable people my own age around any more. =[
  5. View Conversation
    Er... A negative and a negative make a positive, right? ^^ Except... I think I got a positive and a negative instead. That's still negative... =[

    (Oh, you can't be evil even if you tried to be. You're too nice. =D)
  6. View Conversation
    Thanks for the rep. I would actually recommend listening to the music while reading the top ten. I had Youtube open in another tab and had each playing as I wrote them.
  7. View Conversation
    It's not really an art school, it's more like..well I really don't know what the american/english counterpart to our "gymnasiet" would be, but it's the school before you attend universities anyway! The direction I've chosen is art, but there are also music and theatre classes in our program, so sometimes we mix classes and do something together. I think I have about 8-9 hours of art every week or so, and we really just try everything there is to try. Right now we're doing an architecture group project, and we just finished two weeks of life drawing with a nude model. (Which was SO much fun. when I have time I need to look for someone who holds life drawing somewhere.) And yeah I'm so fed up with self portraits. I actually made one, but my dad oh so cleverly spilled coffee all over it, so that's why I'm still not finished with it.

    Hmmm in the morning..I think it starts to clear up around 7-8 am somewhere. When I wake up now around 6 it's dark outside anyway. I'm not used to it yet so getting out of bed is getting is it around your parts?
    AHAHA snow. XDD God gracious we haven't had any real snow in years. Not as it used to be when I was younger anyway, when we really did have loads of snow every winter, and for a long time. In some years now there haven't been much snow at all. Though last year, I had my first snow day, when we suddenly over night got so much snow that we barely could get the door open, and all the busses that day were cancelled. But that was in the end of NOVEMBER and just for a couple of days. Otherwise there weren't any real snow at all, none that stayed for more than a week anyway. Further up in Sweden there might've been more though.
  8. View Conversation
    Okay, I won't dare think anyone cares about him. Unless they are from the US, where he is still very much in the spotlight; he seems to always be giving speeches these days, about this or that. My parents really don't like him. I'm mostly indifferent, though I'm keeping an eye on him.

    Good; you don't need to be on a diet, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise You can afford all the sweets you want, missy! I, on the other hand, could afford to lose this gut. (Although a healthy diet is a good idea for anyone, I suppose; not just for losing weight.)

    Well, I guess she learned German when she was over there, but when she moved to the states, she forgot it for awhile. Then her cousin came over from Germany, and she learned it again. Her dad is actually American. I believe she has duel citizenship.

    Yes you will. And I will have to learn one of those Dream Theater songs. Thinking about the first or third tracks. I haven't found the time yet to listen to it again, somehow... my throat's been kinda annoying lately, too...

    Yay for sleeping in! You're done working then, eh? Good for you! Now you can go learn things! I stayed up until 3:30 last night, and was repeatedly awakened again. Had to have an important conversation with a friend, though.

    Glad to hear things are going better with your sister, too

    You ever heard of the movie "Whisper of the Heart?" It is the movie that "The Cat Returns" is a sequel to. They're not really all that similar, but "Whisper of the Heart" is very good and inspiring. You should see it some day! See both!

    Have a good night! Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  9. View Conversation
    WHOA she's got LOTS of Vincent related things going on there in her gallery, I'll have to go through it all to find the comic when I have time later on, I really have to work on my selfportrait for now, it should've been finished MONTHS ago. (This is the school related things btw, I am SO behind in my art classes right now. More stressful than fun for the moment, I'm afraid. x_x)

    Haha it depends on how far up on the globe you live too. xD I think it's rather dark in Norrland now, but around my parts (I live about 2 hours from Stockholm by bus) it doesn't really get dark until around 7 pm now. It'll get worse though, later in December it's pitch dark around 4 pm. Denmaaaark, it's been a while since I've been over down there, it's a really nice country.

    GOOD FOR YOU. XD I have SO much homework and art assignments to do, as already mentioned. I'm such a slow worker~
  10. View Conversation
    Aah sorry for my late reply, I've been busy actually doing school related things for some days now. ;__;

    Haha I'd like to see that comic. xD

    Ah really? o-o Maybe I just don't travel around here enough to be able to appreciate it more than I do. It's such a nice atmosphere here now when it's shifting to autumn though, walking down to the bus in the morning feels so fresh. (As if it isn't like this in other places of the world though, heh.)
  11. View Conversation
    Who didn't? <(♥.♥)> But there are levels. Wouldn't i go... up a level with the avatar? =P
  12. View Conversation
    Ha ha ha. Yeah, Obama does that. He has a lot of charisma. He's made several mistakes since he came into office that have kind of been brushed under the rug. So, I've heard that what we in America consider "conservative" is like super ultra conservative everywhere else in the world. Good that your party won, though!

    I learned my lesson, I think. I see the effects around me and on myself, and I'm not really sure why I chose to drink that much. Every once in a while, I buy like a 12 pack, and generally if I drink, it's like 1 or 2 in a night. Sometimes like 3 or 4, rarely as much as I drank the other night. I think I will refrain from drinking at all for a while now, though. Unless someone offers me one. ...until I forget.

    So you prefer American Football? That's pretty awesome.

    Heh heh heh, I get smacked a lot around certain people, so I can take it. My German friend was born in Germany on an American base, and moved over here when she was like 4, so English is actually her main language. But she seems pretty proficient in both.

    *nod* took a Creative writing class. It taught me a little.

    On another note; I got Metropolis Part 2 in the mail yesterday, listened to it last night. I think I like it. It's pretty long, eh? I don't remember what else I talked about yesterday, so have a goodnight, lady! Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  13. View Conversation
    Haha I'm glad something as simple as my icon could make someones day! xD (Now I shouldn't be taking any credit though, as I found it ages ago on some webpage...) It never ceases to crack me up either XD Especially not imagining Basch actually saying it...

    And not bothersome at all, it's just fun to talk. You're from Sweden yourself?
  14. View Conversation
    ...heh... no, I didn't notice there were elections The only politics I ever hear about over here are our own. Sorry. I feel ignorant, now. Would you call yourself more of a liberal or a conservative? I will assume the opposite of what you call yourself won. What are the big issues over there?

    I "overslept" today, too until 12:30... and I stayed in bed for another hour. I fear you would not be very happy to hear why... I was pretty stupid last night. You should slap/punch me. I need to not follow the example of my older brother. I think I won't drink again for a long time, unless someone offers me one. What sucks is when you're hungover on a work day... there were points during the day where I thought I wasn't going to make it. See, so on the day, I was far worse than you, heh...

    I think they are not very good this year. I could go into detail as to why, but I don't know how much you know about American Football, or if you would even care, heh. But you're probably right; they start slow every year, and get better as the year progresses

    I generally do. The weekend before this last one, however, I forgot to set my clock, woke up a few minutes after it was starting, and thought, "...I'm never gonna make it." I like going, but I get a little annoyed with my parents, because they get after me if I so much as go to a non-catholic church every once in a while, my Dad especially.

    So it's not that you don't like sausage; it's just that you don't want to eat it in the morning. That's good. *nod*

    I got my friend who speaks German, who is teaching her husband to speak it as well. And there is another friend who took it at some point. And yes; I would probably start messing up on purpose just to annoy you, if you got after me about it enough. Sometimes, you gotta be evil, y'know?

    Hm. Y'know, Misty didn't like Balthier either, and neither did her husband. I think there is more to the character, however, than you give him credit for. Whereas Seifer acted the way he did because he wanted to be something that he wasn't, Balthier acts that way because that really is him. And for all his snooty talk, he really meant well, and was not as selfish as he pretended to be; a classic case of "outputting exterior with a heart of gold," in my opinion. He also had hidden motives that were not revealed until the end of the game (I think you know what I'm talking about.) Although I went into the game thinking that he would be my favorite, so I liked him from the start. And the more I learned about him, the more I liked him still.

    Corporal Punishment felt you were patronizing him. Not to worry; the worst punishment he would give you would probably be capture and tickling.

    You probably won't ever cheat? In what scenario might you find yourself cheating? Nah, I'm just teasin' ya. Yeah, the University is probably a bit different from a Community College, ha. Particularly in that you will probably be living on campus with all these people, and see them all the time; not just in class. At LBCC, most people were just busy going about their business; I rarely made friends or talked to any of my classmates outside of class. I think I made some enemies by accident, however, in my Creative Writing class, because I was just giving honest feedback. Probably a bit too honest. So when we went over mine, several people were all like "Generic," "I don't care about the characters," etc. (and to be honest, that was probably true.) I even overheard one guy outside the class room saying "Yeah, we're gonna get this guy." I got the sense that a lot of them were friends-including with the teacher-and had taken the class many times before. Felt strongly like an outsider.

    Sheesh. That sounds like a not fun relationship between your brother and his girlfriend. Wonder if they're just forcing themselves to stay together. That's very nice of you that you would drive her home Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
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    But didn't it work on you?
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I'm probably addicted to mathmatics. And I love 90's music. *_*
Anime/Manga, writing, reading, playing bass-guitar
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Final Fantasy VI *_*


9x-7i > 3(3x-7u)


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