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    I bet you can't name one city there. xD
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    Well, you should have. That would've been funny. A lot of the girls in the group punch the guys in the group over small infractions (on like the arm or something, though. Not in the face.) Come to think of it, we're actually a kind rowdy group. I remember I was my friend's "Drinking buddy" at this 25th year reunion thing for a local bar (I know you don't like drinking, but bear with me here.) As we were walking back to the car, we decided we "had to fight," and we kept trying to grab at and push each other over. His wife kept trying to break us up, and call us "retarded" or whatever. He actually succeeded in knocking me over and ripping a button off my shirt. I just thought the whole thing was funny, and I think he did, too. See, so violence is funny!
    One leg shorter than the other, eh? It's probably good that you found out about this early; my friend's mother has one shorter leg too, but she didn't find out about it until recently. Apparently, she has had a lot of back problems because of it.

    Nah nah, I love my grandpa. I'm just sad that he's getting old(er; he's always been old since I've been alive) now, and doesn't really communicate as much as before. But yeah, it's kinda odd, isn't it? I never met my father's parents. His father died when he was five, and his mother died in like the 60's or 70's, I think. I kind of grew up taking for granted only have one set of grandparents; not knowing my grandparents on my father's side hasn't ever really occured to me until reccently, and I kind of wonder what they were like. My grandmother looks rather stern in most the pictures I've seen (although they generally didn't smile back then for pictures. It was also undoubtedly hard to lose her husband at such a young age, although she had the older kids to help with the younger ones, I'd imagine.)

    Y'know, I generally don't think of it as a "why was I ever friends with that person?" so much as I think "that person has changed," or "that person wasn't as they seemed before." There have been a lot of people who have gotten very jaded, sarcastic, rude, and/or cynical since I first knew them. There's a song by Reel Big Fish that goes, "It's the new, it's the new, new version of you. If there's anything I'd like to do it's KILL the new version of you." That song generally has my sentiments on those people down: they think they're improving themselves as people, when really, they're just becoming dicks. "If the world is full of dicks, I should be a **** too, right?"

    You may be correct about that self-fulfilling proficy with some people. Although the person I know has every reason to be happy; he's married, has children, has a decent job, etc. But sometimes, he'd find himself feeling upset for no real reason at all. Depression actually runs in my family, although I don't really think I have it. There have been times when I have felt down on myself, but never really horribly down on myself, generally I've had a reason, and I've never thought that killing myself was a good way to deal with my problems (though I'd imagine not all of those who are depressed are suicidal.) I must be honest; I feel bad for the train conductor, but I'm not really angry for the guy who took his life, either. Mostly because that cost him his life. It doesn't make a difference to him how many people are sad about his death, regardless of what comes after death. He made a lasting choice, and he's gone now. If I knew him, I'd probably be sad about him, but mostly, I wonder why. What made him come to this decision? I know of a similar incident, involving my cousin: he was driving along, when someone jumped out in front of his car. He went to the hospital, not because of physical injuries, but psychological ones. He saw the person's eyes when he hit the car. It freaked him out pretty good, I think.

    I saw your thread you started. In particular, it is about smart people turning to drugs because they are depressed about the state of the world, correct? I don't think that all smart people turn to drugs. I think Che's description is a pretty good one; we're surprised when a smart person makes a poor decision. They're still human, even if they are rather smart. They're inclined to make the same bad decisions that any other person in the world would make, because we are all made corrupt by the world, I think. The more you find out about it, the more it corrupts you. Sorry for that dismal observation, but that is how I feel on the matter.

    ...so have a good day Heh... Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  3. View Conversation
    Heh heh. You should tell me your birthday, so I can... I dunno. But if I'm over there for over a year, it is sure to pass at least once That sounds awesome, what your boyfriend did. I'll bet you gave him heck over that, eh? Haha. Did ya punch him? And having a problem, eh? I hope it isn't anything serious, ma'am. I will keep that in mind in my prayers. I went ice skating today, and fell down several times, including once when I fell with my leg bent underneath me. Now my knee is sore. I'm gonna make it heal fast, though! It's gonna work!

    I wish your father was my grandpa! ...nah, my Grandpa is awesome. Although he's old and doesn't hear very well anymore. Recently, I asked him a question, and he responded by giving me a high five. It in no way answered my question. I was like "okay... heh." But yeah. Your father sounds like a good grandpa. My dad probably is too. He's got the whole giving in to crying grandchildren thing down.

    You can't ignore her, and you can't demod or get rid of her, eh? Well, what are you supposed to do? Be like, "Okay, that sucks. I'm not happy that you shared that with me, or are talking to me at all" to that girl? And they don't think that she sucks. That sounds sounds like a common problem in the world; people don't realize or care that their employees/friends suck, and continue to employ them/be their friend. Do you ever see that? Like, a really cool person is friends with a dickhead, and you don't know why? It's like, "They're nice to me, so therefore, I don't care how they treat anyone else."

    Suicide, eh? ...I dunno. I know that those people probably are not in their right minds when they do it. He probably wasn't even thinking about how it would effect the train's conductor or passengers. Then again, what do you say to those people who had to witness it? It's like the person didn't care about anyone else, which is selfish. And it's selfish in the fact that these people are probably leaving others behind to deal with their decision and loss. But someone I know has tried to commit suicide a few times. He sees a psychiatrist now, and has meds to keep him regular now, and he feels bad about what he put the rest of us through. And the ways he tried to do it weren't very effective: starving himself, and alcohol poisoning (during which he confessed to his wife he was doing it.) Depression is real. I will say that.

    You do whatever you feel like to help me, ma'am. I will appreciate as much or as little as you decide to do. Speaking of mics, someday, I will sing and record you a song, ha. I was thinking about doing something other than Dream Theater though, if that's okay; something I know better.

    Yeah, I've seen it a bit more recent than you; watched it the first time in December 07, and the second time like in February or March of this year (that was actually the first time I watched the whole series through.) The majority of it isn't really all that nice to remember, anyway, so don't feel too bad if you don't, heh.

    Film the shooting, eh? If we had a second camera, we might be able to do that, but I don't think we do. There would also need to be someone else to operate that second camera, heh. I don't think it would really be all as exciting as you might think it would be. Glad you like my roll, though! I need to study it more... I've only looked at it one day this past week. I looked it over a number of times that day, but that won't be good enough. Luckily, we aren't filming until next weekend after all, anyway; the actor that couldn't do it Saturday can't do it at all this week. So yay for my slacking not doing me in!

    Have a good week at school, ma'am! Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  4. View Conversation
    Never mind ,send it as soon as possible
  5. View Conversation
    Fine, It's just headache that's gonna kill me and sommetimes weak me up . outch !
  6. View Conversation
    Long time no see
    how are you
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    You know, I have never even known where Bavaria is on the map. xD That and Portugal. =P I know they must be in Europe, but where?

    I wonder if it was free to attend, though. >>
  8. View Conversation
    See, I remember a lot of things, but then I won't remember something that you actually want me to remember, some day. And then you'll be annoyed with me, haha. Hm... have I offed her? We'll just have to wait and see...

    Maybe your dad is like a traveling salesman, or something. Goes around and gives his sales pitch, and whatnot. My father is also retired. He has actually been retired since like 2000, I think. My mom hasn't worked for years, either. They're full time grandparents, I think, and like to babysit my sister's children a lot (and my brother's, when the chance arises.) There were a few times when it was very funny to watch my father "trying" to take care of a baby; getting frustrated and yelling to my mom. "Jaw! He's doin' somethin'!" Your mother sounds like an invaluable source of help. *thumbs up*

    You should make an executive decision and just ban that guy. Be like, "I'm tired of 'im. He smells funny. And he's stupid.What, you wanna fight about it?!" when the other mods ask about it.

    Heh. I think you actually just learned an incorrect term that my group likes to use a lot. See, there was this one time when my current roommate was fasting, and we went to this campsite where this other friend's family and friends were staying. When he got there, some of the women there somehow found out and made him eat. Someone said that he got "mothered." I thought it was funny.
    I would like it if you tought me some German, ma'am. I asked my friend to teach me some, and she was like, "Like what?" And I was like, "Basic stuff." And she was like "I dunno what to teach you!" And that's how it went, ha. Although I believe the resort I'd be working at is on an American base, so I assume there would be a lot of Americans there (the thing also said learning German was unnecessary.) I'd still like to learn, though!

    Actually, it was a different song with like this soaring women's choir part and percussions. It was very energetic, and the track from the soundtrack was like two and a half minutes long. I don't remember what it was called, though. "Komm, süßer Tod" (meaning "Come, Sweet Death," right?) Is an interesting song. The happiest suicide song ever! So, did any of that movie bother you? Because one time when we were eating at Taco Bell, all of the sudden I remembered Giant Naked Rei (Rai? all of the sudden, I've gotten a brain fart apparently) disintigrating, and I felt ill, heh.

    So an interesting thing happened yesterday while I was working. I will explain in detail what's been going on. First of all, my brother gave me his script a while ago, and was like, "You're this character." And I thought, "cool." He didn't tell me when we were going to start filming, however, or what the schedule would be. A few weeks back, my friend invited me to go ice skating this Sunday, and a surprise birthday party for his wife the next night, and accepted. A couple days later, my brother told me we'd start filming that same Sunday, and I told him I couldn't. He said they'd do the parts without me that Sunday, and that I could start the next weekend. Well, last week on Friday, he told me that we were going to start that Sunday. Literally giving me two days to learn my part, where I thought I had two weeks (I would've started that week, but I worked every day, and didn't really have time to study it.) So I told him I couldn't do it that weekend, and I still couldn't do it the following weekend. So he asked me, "How about Saturday?" And I was like, "Sure."

    Well, last night, he texted me, asking if we could do it Monday night instead. I had that party, so I told him I couldn't. So he threatened to recast my part in one text, and before I could respond, had decided to go ahead and do it in the next text. I complained that he kept on changing the schedule on me, and he said "I have to do it when the other actors can do it. One of them can't do it this Saturday. You want me to tell them you can't do it on Monday, too? That won't look good." And I said, "I told you I could do it Saturday. So I'm the only one who gets punished for this? Good luck finding someone else who fits the part as well as I do, and who can also learn it in a few days. I'll remember this." The next text from him was, "Can you do it this Tuesday?" and I was like, "Sure."

    In any case, hope you have a good weekend! Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  9. View Conversation
    Okay, I will! ^_^ Do you live in Germany, too? If so, are you or have you gone to the big celebration for the fall of the Berlin Wall?
  10. View Conversation
    I see. So it's the same person on that forum who was bothering you before, eh? The one who doesn't do her job right, and such.I remember her, too, haha. Didn't you want Corporal Punishment to take care of her, or something? Good on you on making fun of her. You should also let it slip that Corporal Punishment is coming after her when she leasts expects it!

    Yeah, my dad grew up in poverty a little bit. His father died when he was like five, or less. His oldest sibling was already married by the time he was born. There were twelve siblings, in fact, and he was the second youngest. My mom's family was also biggish-seven kids. I can imagine that many kids would be expensive, eh? And my dad was born in like '44, or some time around then. My mom was born almost ten years later. Actually, we were on the poor side when I was little. My parents were doing a lot better by the time I was in highschool, I think. My mom and dad went to college, I think, but they did like me; went to a community college, got an Associate's. What do your parents do? My dad was in janitorial all his life, and my mom did housekeeping.

    Yeah, I read that. That was actually one of the ones I'd forgotten about (maybe because it was when I first started talking to you that I read that entry.) Maybe you hate him because he likes you, and that alone annoys you. Beyond that, because of this, you are more aware of his faults/more likely to be annoyed by something he says or does. But yeah; if someone wants to fight, I will fight back. In fact, if I get really angry with someone, I might encourage them to hit me; give me an excuse, eh?

    You'd feel responsible for my health and well being-in other words, "mother" me-eh? That's cute ^^ Really, that makes me smile. You're such a sweet person. But I don't think you would have to worry about me too much; I made friends in Yellowstone. The problem with last time was that a lot of them kept quitting or getting fired, and I wasn't getting along with my friend from home. I think I will also try to go in with a different attitude about the whole thing. "I am going to have fun. I am not going to get homesick."

    To me, Kaji was the most admirable male. He had it together, and wasn't a total prick. He even inevitably sacrificed himself for his mission-faced his death with a smile. And Misato was really awesome character, too, of course. I also really liked how much she cared about Shinji-she really seemed to try to reach out to all the kids-and she also was a tough, self-sufficient woman, which I always admire (as long as the girl is tough without being a bitch.) And, she was easy on the eyes, ha. Asuka wasn't so bad... except she was frequently an evil teenage girl, and definitely messed up (although given how she was brought up, one can hardly blame her for that, I suppose.) One of my favorite parts from End of Evangelion was when she started kicking the enemies' asses, and that exciting music started playing. It was like, "Hell yeah!" And really, Shinji didn't bother me too much, except for on a few occasions when he absolutely would not try, and just gave up. I empathize with him a lot more than I'd probably like to admit, heh.

    Good luck with your homework, and writing that screenplay. I will see if I can actually find that screenplay... I have a feeling it might've been on the zip drive I lost. Either way, I will need to find it or get it from my brother in the next few days, so I will be e-mailing it to you. *thumbs up* Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  11. View Conversation
    Well, I hope talking with your friend helped. At the same time, I will give you this advice: don't worry so much about stupid people on the internet. They are not worth the trouble. Don't even let them know that they are bothering you, because that will probably just encourage them to be even bigger douches (unless they're actually levelheaded/have some sense of accountability.) Just make fun of them, or something. Unless they are following you around in every thread to harrass you... in which case, you have the power to ban them, right? It's not worth losing your best friend over, by any means, I think.

    Heh. See, I wonder if I would've taken that three hour job, in any case. Nah, I probably would've. They probably just needed an extra set of hands, or something. Now, the job I got called for that started at 4:45 AM... there was no way I was doing that, ha (I am not telling him about that one, obviously. I probably knew better about telling him about the other one, too.) It's a different generation. They grew up in a situation where money was very scarce, and they had to save every penny. Or at least my dad did; at one point, his family lived in a one room home, and all the kids slept in the same bed.

    It would be a useful skill, just being able to forget about things, or at least not care about them the next day. But I always remember that crap. I'll see some TFFer who annoyed me with some comment post something else, and it will remind me of what they said to annoy me. Or I'll think about something I said or did that might have upset them, and I'll worry that they might still be upset with me, or some stupid crap like that. That also happens with people in real life, if I'm not seeing/talking to them on a daily basis (and in some cases, I could be talking to them on a regular basis.) Really wish I could stop it... and it's not even so much that I think they could beat me up, or anything; if they started yelling at me or tried to fight me, I'd probably step up and throw it right back at them (in real life, that is.) I actually have a pretty bad temper sometimes...

    When you mention being separated from my mother... it makes me feel like a wuss, ha. But I dunno; it might be different now. It will be a different situation than Yellowstone; I was completely isolated to one small location there, with no transportation. I've also lived on my own for a year now, more or less, and don't see her every day anymore. And I'd be meeting you ^^

    I actually hadn't watched all of evangelion until '07. I'd seen some episodes on Adult Swim, and thought it was weird and that the characters were annoying. Seeing it from the beginning put things more into perspective. So who's your favorite character? Mine is probably Misato or Haji. Asuka totally rubbed me the wrong way, Shinji was frequently annoying, although mostly sympathetic. Rei, I really felt sorry for in many ways. And everyone was really messed up, psychologically. Except Haji, and some of the minor characters. That's something that struck me the most; the way the characters struggled to communicate with each other. All of them. Also, the duel relationships between characters, like Misato and Ritsuko: the friends from college that socialized together, the professional side that often showed Ritsuko scolding Misato for being late or some other thing, and the times when they were opposing each other, and Misato would demand info from Ritsuko, and even slapped her hard across the face at one point.

    Well, hope you got all your homework done, young lady! Hope everything's going well for you. My brother has started filming his new movie this weekend, and I'm going to start next Saturday. I haven't read the script in months, so that is what I will probably be doing with my time, ha (I thought I was starting two weeks from now... apparently, he bumped up the dates on me. I could've done it this weekend, but he dropped it on me that he was starting on Sunday... on Friday.) Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  12. View Conversation
    Danke! ^_^ I did learn something in German class! =D
  13. View Conversation
    Ich spreche nicht Deutsch? xD

    Though, those sentences are a bit contradictory, aren't they? xD
  14. View Conversation
    That's good that you're feeling better. Dwelling on silly things can lead to obsessing over silly things... I know. And eh; I always have a sore throat. Ever since the first time I went to Yellowstone, I frequently have a sore throat. It's irritating. I probably should've had my tonsils removed, but I was afraid, and the doctor told me I might "grow out of it." Now it's too late; not on my parents' insurance anymore. So if I never worked when my throat was sore... I'd probably be out half my life, heh. Thankee for the well wishes! The funny thing is, I got called for a few hour shift today, but I turned it down because my family is getting together today. I mentioned it in front of my parents, and my dad was all like, "He could've worked, but he turned it down. Oh dear." He went on like that for a little while. Like I am struggling to support myself right now. It annoyed me.

    Heh. Freya is intimidating when she's angry. I think that's pretty awesome. You scared that one guy who was being a jerk into being a gentleman, I remember. You should totally practice an evil grin! It'd be even more awesome.

    Snobbish is indeed a word. *thumbs up* And I will let you know if they ask me any questions about Germany. I wasn't really expecting them to, but you never know, eh? And that's cool that it's right near where you live I will definitely keep you posted on how things go. I am really hoping for it, right now. It'd be so cool to go over there and meet you.

    It's okay, ma'am. I understand. Siblings are important. My sibling will be down with his family today. I need to pay him for my cell phone... (I'm on his plan. $15 a month, with unlimited texting! Yiy!)

    Boy, it sure is coming down out there, today. Yesterday at work, I walked straight through the playground area to my next location instead of just walking underneath the coverings, and I immediately thought, "Oh yeah. This was a good idea." Yeah, my life is uninteresting right now... went and saw "The Men Who Stare At Goats" last night. I know you don't watch movies often, but it was pretty quirky and funny-just my kind of movie! And there was hardly any violence, and no sexual stuff at all (although I guess there were some topless women, come to think of it... and there was swearing.) Still, I think my mom might actually be able to enjoy a movie I enjoyed, which is a rarity lately. Maybe you should see it. Btw... you ever seen Evangelion? Love that show, was just thinking about it again.

    Have a good weekend with your bro! Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
  15. View Conversation
    I forgot!! xD And Freya, what did the PM say? I barely know German. xD The most important thing I learned to say is Ich weiß nicht! =P
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