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  1. View Conversation
    O_O Yay you're okay! =D
    How goes uni? What do you have to do? o.o
  2. View Conversation
    I hope you're doing okay =(
  3. View Conversation
    Yes. Hopefully you answer today. =D
  4. View Conversation
    I hope you enjoy the post~ ^^ It's a bit long. xD;
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    Hello, are you around?
  6. View Conversation
    Haha, it's okay. Take your time. ^^

    I liked the post nonetheless. ^^
  7. View Conversation
    ;-; I hope you feel better. =D And and... eat food? =(
  8. View Conversation
    Hiiii! =D You is doing okay? ^^ I hope you like my post. =D
  9. View Conversation
    No. You. YA WANNA FIGHT ABOUT IT?! (jk)

    You could kick it anyway. To let off steam. It probably deserves it. Bastard lawnmower.

    Well, for your sake, I hope he realizes what is more important, and chooses you over his friends. Hope you can come out of this happy and stuff. Best of luck to ya, ma'am! And I know how it is to have no motivation, really I do, heh.

    Yeah, I remember that. You got to work in like a concession stand or something, right? No breaks or anything? 400 people in line every day? That's ideal, heh. I remember doing that in Yellowstone too, scooping ice cream that one summer. I hope you get a better job too.
    Heh, I got to climb under the bleachers with a blower and blow all the crap out from under there. If you ever get the chance to do that, don't, because it's a pain in the ass. I mean, if you have a choice. If you don't, well then...

    Then that video did what it was supposed to! ...not really.
  10. View Conversation
    Hope your cold gets better!
  11. View Conversation

    It's always good when your parents aren't upset with you. Not that it was your fault anyway, it was the foolish lawnmower's fault for sucking at turning on. No Spike Spiegel-esque kick-starting required, though you could go and do it anyways if you're still frustrated

    Nah, it's all good. Talk at me all you want, I don't mind Those friends sound obnoxious and self-centered, though. Friends are supposed to understand that the girlfriend is more important than them, especially if they see their friend more often than he sees his girlfriend. And I hope your boyfriend realizes this too.
    You gotta do what makes you happy, lady. And if staying with this dude is making you more upset than happy, maybe that's the right decision. Though I if you haven't yet, you should probably really think it through before you do. You probably know this though, eh? But I'm just saying I understand, it's not crazy. I know you want to be married soon; do you honestly see yourself marrying this guy? That's pretty important, right there. I haven't heard much more about him outside of his dumb friends and his immature moments, so it doesn't sound good to me, heh.

    Eh, y'know. Heh. Yeah, that school can get pretty messy. I never realized how resentful I was starting to feel about it until recently, too. Right around the time I was dealing with Meteo X 9999hp. It was like, "Okay, I go to work and pull piss-covered paper towels out of the urinals, and then I come home and get bitched out by asshole members... Disrespect here, disrespect there." And I kinda used to like this job too, although I don't think it was specifically because of what the job was; it was more the people I worked with (when I see them, people who work at the schools are generally very nice) getting to listen to my music pretty much all day, and not having to deal with customers. And the majority of the time, it's pretty easy. Bathrooms suck though. That's why I'm so glad the school year is over today; no more cleaning bathrooms on a daily basis!

    Heh, it's all good. I get colds all the time. Still recovering from one now. So you're not alone. Wow, I totally outtalked you. With that, I leave you with this:


    Wuv, Yer Mom
  12. View Conversation
    No you!

    Foolish lawnmower. Y'know what I heard works really well with all assortments of machines? Kicking them. It seems to work for Spike Spiegel anyhow. Except for that beta player... Oh well, you got to be lazy instead *thumbs up* Although I suppose you were trying to get it work all morning, so that is not laziness. That is obnoxiousness. Well, I hope your visit to your boyfriend was pleasant and non-sucking, at least.

    Personally, I get to go to work today and clean some rooms that haven't been cleaned in two days. Added to that is that it's the end of the school year, so the teachers barely have them in control as it is. At least the rooms that haven't been cleaned in TWO days are on the other route (unless he switches me to that route for today...) This is because the other guy's wife started to have her baby halfway through Monday, and we couldn't get a sub on Tuesday. I cleaned ten bathrooms yesterday, joy! ...not really. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, The Mother
  13. View Conversation
    Nice post. =D
  14. View Conversation
    Well, I'm glad to hear it, ma'am. I hope it is over too. I misses you!
  15. View Conversation
    I love your post, by the way. =D I will respond asap. xD
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