Hey Jordan! Ahah, you've been lurking the forums? I haven't been back here since six months ago. Life's been pretty crazy, up an down, for me. How about you? We need to catch up!
good man, how goes life for ya? You always seem to be popping in at random moments lol.
CID!!! I'm okay, just finishing up finals week, otherwise I've been the same old same old, haha. How have you been doing sir?
Hey there bro. Nothing much is happening. I'm just chilling and eating, as usual. How are things on your end?
Going good, just trying to spend some time with my newborn son. How the hell have you been? It has been a while since I have seen you.
Cid, get your @ss back on here and start posting. We need to have some fun!
hello it is nice to meet you. my appologies for not writing sooner my laptop was....irritating...haha
Hey! I haven't been on in a while! Hope everything is going well with ya!
Haha, good hearing from you too! See you around TFF sometime ya?
Same I guess lol. I've not seen you around as much as I did when I first joined.
How are you doing?
Fine Fine, getting by while looking for work
CID! We never talk anymore, how are you?
*gasp* Dude! I just saw your post in the Awards thread. I haven't talked to you in forever! How have you been?
commercial break haha yay!! *hugs*
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