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    Yeah... thats why i got out of trying to start my own business lol. Its not too bad if you did something small like selling stuff but that isn't your line of work though. Anyways, you looking forward to this year's christmas?
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    theres always starting your own business as well haha, i actually attempted that at one point and got nowhere fast, i did read about how to start it up and stuff but i ended up having no idea what i was doing lol.
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    yeah i could understand that, i'm working on getting my GED which i'm almost to the point of taking. Been taking prep classes for it, i have a HS diploma but the one i got doesn't allow me to get into as much jobs and schools as a normal one does and i'm wanting to get into a tech school program once i obtain my GED. As far as jobs go, I've been trained as a prep-chef and I've been applying for restaurant jobs but noones taking me -_- lol and I have a really good history too. However, I was informed of an opening position of doing food service at a hospitial so when i get back from vacation, i'm going to see if they are still hiring.
  4. View Conversation
    Ah lol, not really your thing then. Is there a job that you really want? and hows the college stuff?
  5. View Conversation
    so i gather from what i read about you, you are a photo technician right? how are you enjoying that job?
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    Hey, My names Mark.

    Whats Up?
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    ok cool haha, if i don't add you right away my ID is Sabin1337
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    hey, just letting you know i added you to msn, if you get an invintation from exdeath thats me.
  9. View Conversation
    YAY I found it :

    I think I'll order it.
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    Dragon Age is really good. It's full of really likeable characters - even Morrigan, who comes across as really cruel, is my favourite female in the game. I've fallen in love with the first party character you meet, Alistair (also, Steve Valentine has such a wonderful voice and really did Alistair justice). Vincent Valentine has absolutely nothing on him. ^^;

    That would be pretty cool, and would certainly make soloing a lot more entertaining, and perhaps easier. It'd also be nice if you could hire them for your town, or if they just randomly walked around every now and then. I can imagine Caesar chatting up the local mage lady and Eldore having a drink outside my pub.
  11. View Conversation
    OH yay! ty^^
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    They don't make them like they used to, RPGs. Latest RPG I really enjoyed was Dragon Age, and I've not even finished it, which says a lot for WKC and other RPGs. I didn't think much of the graphics or builds, and it didn't go online, but it's miles better than most. It's this higher demand for online gaming and uber-amazing graphics which is killing stories - once developers start using time on those aspects of a game, they've run out of time for the story. ><

    I honestly thought they'd do more with Cyrus. I was expecting him to catch up with the party at some point, and save us from something. His character was in such a position where it'd make sense for him to do something. In the end, it was pretty pointless showing him following the party if it didn't lead to anything - it didn't do anything for the story at all. >>
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    The story was incredibly rushed, no doubt about it. I think they could have easily put another ten hours on the story if they'd elaborated on the things they failed to explain properly, and even an extra dungeon/place to explore. I think the lack of foreshadowing really doesn't help - as a player, I did feel left in the dark in many areas.

    Haha, considering I was the avatar, I was really left in the dark too, in more ways than one. Apparently the avatar gets more notice in the second game, and I recall it being mentioned that they'll even get some lines. You also get your own customisable Knight, which is exciting.

    As much as I like online games, I don't buy games for online capabilities, and I'd really prefer the story to be worked on properly before the online comes into it.
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    I'm very tired of Big Red as well. I'm slowly getting tired of Boot Camp II, but for me it's a better solo quest - there's no bosses. When you're strong enough to tackle that one alone, it gets better - for the exp and gilda too (depending on your level). I think the first play through is a good time to experiment with the stats, so don't worry about how you've allocated them. I was in the same boat, and decided to make a new character... oh well. xD;

    I totally agree! There were countless times when I just stared at my screen thinking "What. The. Eff." It's confusing. I sat up trying to figure it out one night, and there's always something which destroys the idea I formed. Like the dark knight - there's two right at the beginning. One is Dragias and the other is Kara (as you find out later). Then Kara claims that's she's Dragias... so where'd the other knight go? Don't get me started with Eldore... that "plan" with Leonard to catch out Setti was stupid - when did a plan form? >>;

    It feels like there's a few missing pages.
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    Yeah, I've seen the figures. @_@
    But trust me, it's not as bad as it seems. Me and Vicky got 320k+ in a week (keep in mind the time difference and other things that lessen time). I guess it's possible to do it over a weekend/three/four days if you have nothing better to do than grind. xD;

    I'm not looking forward to binding. That's going to be painful... =(

    I know it was short, but it was fun playing with you and Andro tonight. I had to run and get some chores done (probably looks like I left you guys for The Sims 3, but I left it on while I did the chores... I need money. ;-; ). But yeah. Next weekend, I'll have the story finished for good - we can do some more quests. xD
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December 11, 1986 (38)
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Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn


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Almost vacation know what that means.

by DragonHeart on 08-13-2014 at 06:18 AM
Games! Lots and lots of them.

I actually haven't really been playing many games at all lately. :/ But I'll have all kinds of free time since I took 10 days off from work, woo. (Technically only 6, just including my normal days off with it.) The question is...what to play. I have two main options, really. Go for the games I already have current playthroughs of, or start something new. 50/50 on that right now.

I've also been having some major nostalgia attacks that make

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Okami: Platinum Run

by DragonHeart on 08-29-2013 at 07:32 PM
I'm actually almost done with my Platinum run for Okami. Got three trophies left: the Kai race, the stray beads, and the cherry tree on game total results.

Kai is...tough. It'll take some practice to beat her through Yoshpet. Those thorn barriers get me every time, eh.

Stray beads took forever, I'm actually down to two left. The one from beating Kai and the one from beating Blockhead Grande. He will need both practice and luck.

I have no idea if I'll

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Going Classic Mode!

by DragonHeart on 08-28-2013 at 09:39 AM
My mom finally admitted the Wii she and my stepfather bought (all the way back at launch) for their house is basically a really expensive dust collector. Soo...I'm taking care of it for now. Woo! Glad I kept the controller from my dearly departed GameCube, which died years ago and was never replaced.

First game I picked up for it? Mario Kart Wii! Forgot how fun it is. Anyone else still playing it? If so add me, my friend code is 3011-0232-9866. I'm working on unlocking everything,

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Perfectionism in Gaming

by DragonHeart on 07-24-2013 at 05:34 AM
It's not always a good thing.

I'm literally at the end of XIII-2 in one file, as I mentioned yesterday. Well the thing is, I came across a guide that show me how to maximize Crystarium stats for Noel and Serah. I also did a lot of rushing to get to the next part of the story, as is my wont, and have become generally dissatisfied with the way I progressed. So I started a new file. Yeah.

Going much slower this time around, trying to make sure I complete as much as possible

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Final Fantasy XIII-2

by DragonHeart on 07-22-2013 at 08:06 AM
I know, I'm quite behind the times. I've been playing this over the past week and have been pleasantly surprised. I remember being super confused by one of the mega trailers for it on PSN and that made me reluctant to try it. But when it went up on the store for just $20 well, who can resist.

I like the story. Sure it's not especially deep and as a given with time travel, the story suffers from some flaws and inconsistencies. But even with the flaws, I'm finding it enjoyable. It's

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